Sunday, March 15, 2015

Marvel Avengers Alliance: Best Team PvP Season 19. Guide for best characters for PvP. Review Hybrid

I always loved the symbiot in Marvel, I grew up re-watching the Spider-man TAS. With Carnage and Venom. But Hybrid... nah he is just he match up of the weaker symbiotic never really interested me, never really had any story. Venom and Carnage there is were the story is. Also Hybrid pretty much died right away did not he and they become separate again a weird character to add in to the game. Toxic would make a lot more sense.

Anyway he is also, the cash cow from Playdom, here is a character that can be any class. Not like Punisher etc, instead he got 1 suit per class that you can buy. And its nothing interesting different between the suits either just different class. And he got a huge load of gold isos to buy...and of course he costed money to get to begin with, Woho money spending.

But what I hate the most with Hybrid is that he is so, so badly designed. This is like the horrid shit of bad game design, Honestly, I mean OK I guess its good that he is not pay 2 win. But I just don't get it. They ruined the lockbox system so we would have to pay, same with current Destroyer quest. And added in 4 extra suits with no difference and all those isos etc. But he SUCKS. HE SUCKS.


I am not saying this because I don't want you to give Playdom money, I don't want that either but. I just do not get it. I just don't get it. If I worked there and they told me you have to make a new and character make it be uber hard to get, i.e only attainable with gold etc. I would make the character desirable. Hybrid is useless, he is not the worst character in the game but without his extra iso hes like spot 110 of 120 characters. That's a joke. 
Ok so I guess we want that to force the player to further buy all the a-isos and e-isos. Make sense somewhat (even do its way, way to greedy). 

But if you look at all the A-iso for Hybrid and he got a lot... None of them are good. They don't add any of the games good debuffs they weak debuffs like wither, 8% weaker damage by the afflicted character. That is a horrible extra thing. The problem is he should clearly already have this stuff on him and that would also make the suits be different as its different A-Iso per suit. That should already been there and then add some extra A-iso to make him playable. Its like the removed the baseline ability for him and put them just to hopefully get 1 more dollar per player. Its just plain retarded.  Because even getting them he still sucks, really sucks. 

The e-isos ae a little better but not on any significant level.

So I do not get it. Because if you pay the full load of getting Hybrid, getting the alt suit which is best(I would say tactician or maybe Inflitrator, either why hes weak so w.e) And get all the isos, you still got a mediocre character who is at best spot 60 or so. Fully golden Hybrid is not better then 50% of the characters. 
Why would anyone ever pay for this? It just so stupid, like Molly Hayes for example is 100x times better then Hybrid. Why would I ever use him. I would not mind if he was top 10 character, even do his uber P2W at least it would make more sense then having him be 100% useless or you pay and hes still useless just not as much. IT just shows me they got no idea what they are doing.

Ok, so Hybrid then got a bunch of very weak attacks. Given you have the A-iso they will add debuffs but the debuffs are not very good. Its not the strong like disoriented etc, or even dots for that matter. Its instead pain or wither etc the weakest debuffs in the game, he got on A-iso were he gains exploit bleed thats the best one by far. But that means he as bleeding character, so you need a bleeding team and you are weak vs removers/immune type of teams etc. Bleeding team has never been a top team.

He is very straight forward with no abilities for anything except damage which is weak. His passive are ok, life reg vs avoidance is bad in PvP by a lot. But ok. His ultimate is the only good move with it adding fumble for counter attack, but its base damage is incredible low. So it should have added more stuff.

One of the weakest characters and most limited, yes limited. He got the typical issue of a lot of options but all options are horrible, making only 1 be less horrible which results in an optimal solution issue. Were the player will only end up doing 1 thing anyway, so extremely limited. And on the same time by far the most expansive, by far. Just zero logic with Hybrid.

0/10. I rather use Crystal which I went over also sucks (so does do not expect any new pvp Meta from these characters)