Sunday, August 5, 2012

League of Legends Champion Review: Shaco

Shaco is awesome because you can play everything with him, such a variation in builds. I can right away say Shaco is the best Champion in the game! And I can say that even while I hate Clowns (I know hes a jester, and the real difference is really that a jester is a contracted employ at a castle while a clown is more of a nomadic vagabond jester right?)


Clowns are scary ok. I have always hated Clowns. Its mainly from the obvious reason that clowns are sad and not funny at the circus. IT could be that I watched IT as a kid

But its more of biological reasoning, an instinct. My father also hate clowns so its inherited in me. Also please understand I don't have Coulrophobia. Its more that I hate clowns. Like they disgust me I want to kill them.

There are several reason Deadpool is my favorite comic book “hero”, one of them is his hatred for clowns.

And really Deadpool is not much of a hero but as he kills clowns, I kinda have to call it heroism. 
This is another reason I like Deadpool, dimensional self incest. 

Lets not forget Shaco can make two of himself-- double scary.

It would be of course even scarier if Shaco could Rule 63 in the game.

However don't worry I have collected some Sexy Gender Bender Shaco for my dear readers. (  I tried to do this with Rumble but I only could find hentai images with Rumble x Caitlyn...)

Cute Shaco

Yep more sexy Shaco.

This is starting to get really weird for even me, I am now turned owned by a clown? When I think about how often are the clown at circus females? Or jesters for that matter.

Some Cosplaying as Shaco too of course.

Simple said Shaco is freaking great design. Not only does the Demon jester idea work so great. His skill have such a coherent design to his concept. He can Teleport and become invisible during it, typical jester trickery, then he have the jack in the box a murderous toy. Also very good, and of course he has poisoned dipped shivs to throw at people. Easily a


Shaco is my favorite  champion. Because he can do so many things. He can be played as everything expect ad carry, but he can still kinda carry just that combining him with a support dont work so well. However Shaco support is bad ass. I usually go for this for rank games, it is a very solid build. First get 3 gp5 followed by warmog-sunfire-oracle etc its really solid. You cant really die. because normally its hard to kill Shaco but a shaco with health and armor sheet dream on.

 That's right Boromir, one does not. Then that Shaco is doing something wrong. 

Shaco can easily be used in mid, I just did it today. And I beat the crap out of a Lux player, well she sucked really but anyway. They tried to gank me several times, wont work Shaco can easily avoid ganks as a mid laner, especially if you have Flash like me. And Shaco is really good and running to the side lanes to support the team or get kills etc. He can dive by using the ultimate. It works very well, given that some ap match ups are very hard (Lux is not one of them evidently).
And he can be played top by utilizing great map control just as with the support role. Shaco can primarily use the jack in a box to keep people away from using any bushes.
Boxes damage was reduced and their lasting time was shortened. Which made it be much harder to play full AP its still a viable build

AP Shaco is the shit. ( I sincerely think this is like the best meme ever of Karate Kyle)

Still the most viable play for Shaco is the jungle, I use a critical damage % runes. Making his first ability Deceive do sick damage and later build full AD gear.
However as mentioned Shaco is so versatile many games it can be better to go a tanky jungler or even sometimes go ap.
Shaco can also go for a hybrid attack speed oriented build which makes him a mad pusher.

This is really the absolute strongest point of Shaco he has amazingly amount of different builds. This gives the user a huge amount of freedom and options. Which its a really great.
So while I have mentioned some of his abilities lets go trough them.
His first ability is a Teleport and a Invisible mechanic, furthermore it makes his next attack during the duration be critical and with extra critical damage. So this is basically the best teleport in the game. This leas Shaco to have an amazing escape ability. It is not only a Teleport he is also gone for quite some time. I have many times teleported into them and then run away into their jungle etc.
A tip--- It is actually possible to both see the teleport animation when he is in bushes,,,,seems to be like a bug but whatever if you have a good eye you know when he teleports against you. Furthermore it can be seen what angle he is teleporting from the gases that are left, altought its like zero players who are able to do this properly.
His second ability are basically mines like old good Techies from Dota, but cooler. The boxes both fear, which can make the trap much much more effective as one single box can stop an fleeing opponent etc. The boxes also shoots making their initial damage lower but more in the long run.
Shaco was actually much more bad ass in his original version then he could go invisible and use boxes without losing his invisibility. But there is still a lot of nice gameplay that using this very powerful hidden danger zone mechanic. The user can plant several in a bush to make a deadly trap, spread them around for map vision/control especially worth while when jungeling or supporting. Control bushes at lanes etc. A very nice ability.
The third one is a good ability because the damage ratio is based both on AD and AP so either it because really strong if the hybrid build is used which is rare, but at least the Shiv is always pretty strong from the user building either AP or AP. And even when going for the tank build, the slow and the range of it will be very effective. The slow ability also extends to the clone.
The clone then is the ultimate. This is such a great ability too. The Clone can be utilized to for example as mention dive turrets. To initiate team fights, to face cheek bushes. As it gains Shaco items, it can be used to speed killing stuff in the jungle a lot like the dragon or a blue/red. It can also then be used to steal from the opponent jungler, overall Shaco is a great counter jungler.
The user can also avoid a lot of stuff with the ultimate for example Karthus ultimate or get out of many sticky situations. Shaco is very elusive. And normally a huge glass canon, even when going full AD its burst damage. I really like this Shaco got such a unique gameplay, and it is really that game 1 you can go full AP for one gameplay, game 2 full AD for another completely different gameplay etc.

Shaco of course lands on the very tricky value of
