Friday, February 28, 2014

Mengskgrad grandeur 1v1 starcraft 2 map

Clearly I had to max my fetishes for statues so on this map I just made 2 giants ones and put a big fence around them. 

  Creating a  circle shaped 1v1 melee map. On this map not only is it the ground units who have to move around the big walls but also flying units. The map also features a double expansion(one with rocks), after the first two its hard to take more expansions.

The player start at this middle of the map location(well at the top/bot side). The player has not one but 2 natural expansions. Where one is pathway is covered by debris.
 There is curtains in both expansions(they are identical except that each one is closer to the respective fourth/fifth expansions etc).  Which the player has to careful of.
 The expansions are also a little bit down so the opponent can easily drop units in the curtain and run into the main base or drop both natural and main on the same time and so on.

 Its a very open area outside of the expansions, its a very wide common entrance to both of them, making it very hard for a player to set up a defense that will cover both.

There is a giant wall that covers the middle of the map. This wall limits of the paths for all units and there are 2 expansion inside of the circle. Which actually are not so hard to defend that one would think from experience playing other maps who look similar.  (One can been seen trough the hole of the moat surrounding the wall).

One possible expansion is in the corner, however this base has a very open area around it and a big ramp making it hard to defend.
 This base is a good place to hide buildings for cheeses etc towards the other player.

The other possible fourth/fifth expansion is on a location which is much more towards the opponent. It also has curtains, its a lot of places to hide stuff on this map. This base has 2 entrances one which has a Debris blocking a little of it.
 As the mineral line is towards the normal attack path this base is not very easy to defend, however if the player sets up a very strong defense here it can also a very effective way to block of the enemy. There is a small pathway to the side of the map of this expansion.

This pathway has another alternative extra longer pathway which also has curtain further adding places to hide units.

The other side of the map has a legde and holes to narrow the map areas. It also has the entrance to the middle part of the map.

Korhal Chrysalis Amazing 2v2 Starcraft 2 map

 This melee map is a 2v2 map but it comes with a twist. Either the team starts in a shared base in the middle or they have one single base start in the corners. The players can easily expand to the other start zone but will have a harder time taking other expansions.

I published the map in a 4v4 team version as well if anyone would like to play that but its designed for two different 2v2 settings.

A team can start in this middle shared base which has 2 entrance to it but they are next to each other, so the players can put up defenses in front of this edge. Its easy to defend but harder to move out of the base.

This Mengsk statue I worked on are on both sides right out of the middle start location effectively narrowing down the area but it creates a lot of paths into the start locations(both mid and sides)

The area in between the side and the middle are very wide and were the player has to be carefully moving their units.

Close to the side is the corner start location, this location is the same in each corner and its then a non shared start location for this 2 man team. The expansion shown on this image is the third expansion which is located towards the Mengsk statue and the middle start location this area is very wide and hard to defend.

Here is the natural expansion for the corner. Then close to its an alternative third expansion which is easy to defend until the opponent destroy the Debris.
 It also has curtain were the enemies can hide units or a pylon etc to attack this expansion or run into the start base.

The middle players can expand towards the corners or towards the middle(doing both is likely really hard to defend). There are 2 expansion on the middle  pathway which can be defended together.

This middle path has a lot of paths into it, 2 side paths in the middle and the 2 major paths from bot/top. It has small debris that limits of huge units to move trough(they have to walk on the outside ramp path way instead). In the middle there are also 2 Xel'naga watch towers the player cannot reach if they do not have drop capabilities.

To the sides there is 2 big higher path ways splitting the side and creating several ways to move the armies.

In the middle of the map, furthest to the side there are a golden expansion with 1 rich vespene gas which a player can take to increase her/his income. This base is very hard to defend as its on a lower field close to 2 ramps/higher platform and the other player can use the path behind or the middle path towards it(its effectually 5 paths to it 7 if one would count the two ledges paths).

KorhalSuburbs 4v4 awesome Starcraft 2 map

God I have so many version of this map. I checked the final version number 270.

Anyway, this map follows in the foot step of creating different gameplays and different team settings in a 4v4 map in starcraft 2.

KorhalSuburbs features a 4v4 melee map designed as 2v2 and two separate 1v1 melee maps in one. The map is also asymmetrically balanced.

Called Suburbs in US local version.

This is my favorite of the new maps I done, mainly because of the details in the environment and how the map image looks.

On this map the middle players are against each other, while the side players will fight each other. The map do however, have one team version where its an L shape team consisting of bottom team plus the west middle versus top team plus east middle.

The general idea is that its a 2v2, and two 1v1s as mentioned but I found this L shape team interesting placements.

The map also has the V shape of team like Fluxion. Fluxion and this map has same base concept.

One start location is in the corner but is slightly towards the middle, the player has a kind of a backdoor expansions(2 paths to it + one extra with rocks in the way) and a third expansion close to its start base but its a very open area around it

 The middle players close to this corner can open up a path by destroying the debris next to one of their start location to attack/assist that player.

The middle player both have one natural expansion each which is easy to defend from the other middle team but will be hard to defend later on when opponents comes from the sides.

The other players start in a corner, with a pretty standard natural expansion to take.
 This location is easier to defend as it has less paths to it compared to the other corner.

This Mengsk Statue(which I spend way to much time on :) is blocking of the path to this players natural expansion. However, an enemy can take a long way around to attack the natural from the back.

The third expansion of this player is located towards the middle players so depending on what team it is this is easy to defend or really, really hard(there is another possible third going towards the other player which can be aimed for instead).

The middle of the sides field are narrowed of with different residential houses. This gives the map a lot of engage points and many, many different attack paths.

In the middle of the middle, there is 2 more expansion which are well extremely hard to defend. There are 3 paths down from the middle to move towards the side each one blocked of by Debris.

Per side, so its 2 paths in  the middle to each of the sides and one in the start location. (6 Debris all together).

Fluxion 4v4 Incredible Starcraft 2 map

Fluxion is a 4v4 player melee map balanced in a asymmetric design. The map features a few different set ups for the players. And will give the players a very different gameplay then a standard melee map


I published Fluxion with different teams being randomized. But the design for it its well a little hard to explain but the idea is that.
 The middle 2 players are in a team. And their team mates are the opposing 2 corners, not the 2 corners close to them but the other 2. And they are then facing the otehr 2 mid players and the 2 corners next to them. (The map is released with different team as well such west vs east and top vs bottom).

The map is on a planet with extremely strong changes in its environment with a very eruptive planet crust and far away from its sun creating both snow and lava content on the map.

 Two players start in the corner of the map have a pretty standard gameplay with close natural expansion and one more close third expansion location.

However, one of their enemies start very close to them and there are several attack paths so its not very easy to defend.

On of the middle players start here. Ands its clear that these to side players will likely come in conflict when trying to take their third expansions. 
 Also both natural expansion as mentioned are pretty open with more then 1 attack path into it.

Furthermore, this player's natural expansion has a bridge behind it, locked with rocks at the start but can be opened for attack/assisting the player depending on what teams the game is.

The other player start location aren't exactly in the corner. As seen in the map image its more towards the middle, its the same for the closest player to it.
 So it features more of a backdoor expansion.

It also has rich vespene gas on its expansion, its important for this player to quickly expand to help the team.

The last player location has instead some gold mineral patches.

There is a pathway in between these to players which is very close but its blocked of by rocks. The are also 2 entrance to the expansion for this player and several attack paths around the base.

In the middle of the map there is a giant snow mountain which has created a river close to it which splits the map.

There is a gold expansion with no gas at this river. This expansion is located towards the middle bridge of the map that connects the 2 battlefields and is extremely hard to defend.

This bridge is the first path for the players to cross over the 2 battle fields, in total there are 3 bridges if the players destroy to rocks mentioned. The middle bridge is a wide bride and has 2 big path ways. 

Meridian Twister 4v4 epic Starcraft 2 map

So I been working on a lot of level design projects for starcraft 2 maps the latest weeks, maybe for a month. I am gonna post 5 maps on the same time now as I have been working on them simultaneously.

 There clearly are some themes that are in several of them. The main thing I been aiming for are new gameplay experience for multiplayer maps. Last year I did Fallen Stars a 3v3 map were I focused on creating a 1v1 x 3 instead.

 Many of these maps are following in ideas and concept I developed during the creation of  that map.

Unfortunately I am sitting here with super bad net, so I cant stream/record the maps. I tried to freaking stream Hearthstone and even that was super laggy. 

Meridian Twister is a 4v4 map were have created two 2v2 battles. The map are in 2 big circles, but its not circle shaped(see Mengskgrad). It features more of a typical corner bases but one other rim and one inner rim play field.

 In the middle of the map I made a shared golden mineral expansion. I it is possible to have 4 bases here but its only 16 mineral patches, also as I made it as a cross the player wont share 8 with another player(normal shared expansion) but the players actually share 4 with 1 player and 4 with another.

Taking control of the middle is of course a very important part for any teams economy there are also 4 side expansion one can reach from the middle.
 But these side ones are close to the players start location so they are much easier to defend then the gold one straight in the middle.

 The inner circle player starts at this location, the uphill expansion is there natural expansion while they can move outside to the circle(in between the 2 start circles, yes this is confusing to explain) to expand more or take the inner middle expansion close to their start location.

The outer circle player start at this location, which is in the corner of the map. They have an easy to take natural expansion and their third expansion is towards their opponent(seen at the corner of the image).

I have designed the map so that the other players are moving in a clock wise attack pattern, its easier to attack from this location to the right(se image). While its harder to defend from the bottom(left).

While in the inner circle is instead an anti clockwise attack pattern.

The players does not have to follow this but its easier to attack in these patterns at least(for example the rocks in the image can be destroyed to open a big ramp down to this base).

 The map features curtains and different attack paths.
 The players can also destroy rocks in the middle in between start locations to open up paths to move in between the circles.

I also had some fun in the end doing some shorelines and other details to the map.