Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pseudo interaction, forced narrative

Pseudo interaction and forced narrative is two term I want to coin( this will probably go into my master thesis later)

Game have for a long time used a system that offers choices to the user. Thats interactive narrative right?
 But many games uses what I like to call pseudo interaction, a false interaction where the choices have no meaning.

You all know what I am talking about,  choices that has no meaning or that the user cant actually choice the second  options.
 Lets take a classic Zelda: Ocarina of time. 

(I couldn't find the actual screen where the user can pick yes or no)

In OT, the user after beating the castle maze, will for the first time in the game "interact" with Zelda.
 And this is such a failed narrative game design if I have ever seen one. I have hated this part of the game since I was a little kid.
 What happens in the game is that the user, gets to pick if he/she wants to help Zelda. IF the user picks No, the game simply just repeats the exact same question, no matter how many times the users tries to say no. I have even tried doing it  over 100 times to hope and find some easter egg, this is also probably when I transitioned into a full cynical person thanks Miyamoto, I belived people back then.
 OK, the point is that this offering of a choice just makes the game worse.

That is the first type of pseudo interaction, a choice that cant actually be picked.

The other versions is also very classic but often not missed out by people I would say.
 This is when the game offers choices and regardless of what the user picks the user receive the same content.

Visual novels does this repeatedly. The game offers the users multiply choices, and often many in a row. But regardless of the pick the user will get the exact same result. It becomes even better as it can often then be that the game has just started so the user wont know that the pick did not actually matter until they reply the game(why it can be missed).

 Abstact explanation:

User can pick go left or right in a forest.

Right pick, user faces a red troll with 10 hp , and one attack club smash, which deals 2 damage
After this user reach town A. The pick never affects the main story, so it was an isolated incident.

Left pick, user faces a red troll with 10 hp , and one attack club smash, which deals 2 damage
After this user reach town A. The pick never affects the main story, so it was an isolated incident.

Regarldess of the users interaction with the software they will have the exact same experiance, and if the users replys the game, they will probaly only feel disipointed learning that the choice they made eariler didetn amtter.
 Or as in most cases the game will offer different endings, but as mentioned if the user gets ending A,B or C etc. Is not actually affected by the forest interaction. Biggest problem here is then that a user will believe it has meaning, and will try and pick every possible combination of choices in the game. Where many,many can be this pseudo interaction, wasting the users time. And will clearly make the user have a bad experience playing the game.

If there is one game that I feel did this excelled at pseudo interaction, its Dragon Age. The game offers a myriad of to ridicules many choices trough the game, but then its only like the 3 last choices who affects the ending. While the argument is that the choices(some of them) affects the companions. True but... thanks to the companion gifts a user can pick anything and just bribe them, so its like 10 out of a 10000 choices that has any meaning.

While we are at Bioware, lets go into forced narrative.
 Which is when the game forces the user to read the games story. While its understandble that the game developers want people to read what they wrote, they should not forget that many users acutally enjy their games while completly ingore the story. Many games do this, if I remember correctly before in WoW, the text had to be written out right? Now the text can be written down right away. Still Bioware offers a great example of forced narrative.

In Star wars the old republic. They have created a new user interaction in a mmorpg, spamming the spacebar. Many, many users have no interest in whatever those alien's long time ago said, don't get me wrong I do read most of the story, and listen to the voices, but I know many users who don't. Especially at the non English parts I imagine many users just spamming it away. A huge problem here is that a mmorpg attracts so many different users, a designer cant believe they all care about story. For my self some times I just wanna level, so even at a new area I will just press away like crazy to get to the killing. And then with the next character...

Many users just wants to get here as quickly as possible.

 The the system is pretty crappy, a user cant skip a conversation of the conversion offers evil or good choices. So the user has to sit and press away tons of pseudo interaction, to come to the parts(if they exist) that matters. The thing is there is such an easy solution to, not to the foced narrative in every game as it takes differnet forms. But for this game I have it:

Skip button!
Its not harder then that, just copy how visual novel genre does it. Let the user have a skip button which will make them jump over all pseudo interaction to the actual few choices which are meaningful.
 This would make the users  that have no interest in story happy, and for example when I have a hangover I really don't want to listen to wookie languish. But just like very other person I still want to max my evil meter. And as this value affects the users, appearance, item possibilities, titles etc this is what most users are caring about.

Side note: To what I can see in Swtor, a user has to actually max evil or good to get good items at level 50, which makes it meaningless to play the game as neutral alignment as that wont amount to anything(if we are speaking min-maxing)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

FaceBook comments(and how needy people are).

Comment system changed to Facebook, and I decided to hide all the old comments so its only 1 comment system.

This means I should merge my FB account with my fake on I did(which have like 10k+ friends) to get a lot of readers  -_-

 Thinking about that, I had a theory which where that I easily could get over a million friends, but not actually knowing anyone of them(inspired by South park). But I got tired, it was such a monochrome work.

 Anyway the theory is very simple, I just started searching for people on the first name A, and last name A. And sent out like 1000 friend invites, next day first name B last name A. Etc Just after 4-5 days I got around 1000 friends.

 I based the idea on that people always wants more friends. Not every user, but most users. By simply adding people at random I would get most of them to actually accept it. And  eventually it would go much easier as the people I have befriended would know the new persons I would find going after each letter meaning that in later letters I would get a lot more people. And then of course start over with A people again to get them, just looping this system.

 And it actually went a lot easier then I expected at the letter D I some people I had managed to get on A,B,C would be friends with the random D named person.

 Lastly, I also made this fake account, be a Female, no pictures, but I am sure simply being female, with a standard female name. Meaning most people from different cultures would identify this name as a feminine name.
(This is just one of my past time amusements.)

-One thing, when I was editing the HTML, to get FB comments, it was ridicules bad designed for any person having any experience of coding. When I want to press Tab, to punch a text to the right(to make the HTML code readable) it instead leaves the text editing window, and jumps to the save edit button. It was some more irritating user problems too, which I have suppressed.

Edit: -_- I should stop writing in the post HTML to,,,, it makes all the air space I create etc disappear (which is obvious)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Final fantasy 13-2 the offers.

I liked ff13, I am old school that way and of course I will buy ff13-2(I also really liked ff10-2 )

But what a hell should I buy, they are offering far to much different deals.

The most confusing for me is that the cheaper, Nordic limited version seems to offer more then the collectors edition.

While the collectors editions offer some small soundtrack and unique package, the Nordic version offers DLC stuff right away, making it a better gameplay offer.

Even the crystal version(super expansive version), do not seem to come with the added DLC in the Nordic one.

!To make it more confusing some store are offering a lotto ticket, a chance to win a book of the events between the 2 games.

And of course there seems to be no store in this country that seems the book, with their game(counting on not to get lucky), which is really poor as it feels like the most worth offer. For example the DLC I probably can get later, and lastly then its very "funny" that the crystal version costing around double the amount for the game, not even this one has the book, so even paying the maximum price will secure gaining all the products.

Seem the UK got the only good deal at GameUK, are we to assume square enix are racist giving different countries in Europe different fair deals=

Monday, January 16, 2012

Heroes and Heralds Ultimate marvel vs capcom 3

I really would like this mode to be awesome, you know that it was gonna make normal people play UMVC3 and not just fanatic users like me.

But they failed this one hard. I was actually annoyed at this mode as soon as I got it, but I didn't play it so much and didn't "discover" all the horrors. Today I been playing it maxing every zone, getting almost each cards etc. And,, the verdict is not good.

The mode is not functional!

Users can only play versus mode online!
No support for 2 player offline mode.
This is something many others have already complained on. A very obvious fault. I don't understand why my friend cant play against me with the cards I have unlocked, using one of the card slots and I can use one of the other slots. Extremely strange mistake, especially when a fighting game probably is the biggest offline game communities so to speak. What I mean is that while there is Internet game options many users tend to prefer offline gaming(almost everyone according my own research its around 90+%)

I sincerity hope this will be fixed in an update this feels like no spectator mode for lobby games all over again, a strange lack of a function which do not make sense at all. In software term, offline support for 2 player mode is a core functional requirement(something that the product needs to work). Spectator mode definitely was such a lack luster that it completely removed the custom Internet game and the lack of offline support for the Heroes and Heralds right away makes its kinda "useless".

Because the overall idea of the mode is that a user can be really creative, big usages of customizability and then compete against each other with it. But as mentioned fighting gamers, primarily wants to play against each others. This don't mean that online support is pointless, of course many people don't have the chance/possibilities to play with people in real life, both an offline and an online support is a most for this mode to even pass as working. I am disappointed again in this game, I truly was 100% expecting that I would unlock all cards(playing the game in my alone time) and then when friends are over at my place, or when I bring my console + games to game events etc, people could build different decks and have some very interesting gameplay out from the normal game but no.... Huge blunder again.

Review of game mode( ignoring it don't actually work correctly)

OK, so first the user picks Evil or Good side. And then right away gets to pick zones. I would like some narrative, but its not to be expected in this genre so lets say most users probably don't notice the lack of that.

After this is really frustrating that the user cant pick the level of the arena enemies. While they do get stronger. There is no reason why I as a user cant be allowed to face the games AI on max right away, the rewards can still be in the lower scale. But the first games, and later when maxing out a zone(don't do it) its just tedious, purely boring. I just started picking the character I am worse with or a character I want to train a specific combo with.

User unlocks new hidden zones by killing characters creating a line.

Bingo- don't matter if user lands a 2-3 on the same time. This really annoys me, I was expecting to get something if I am able to score more then 1 line on the same time. This could so easily been done better, an easy solution would be to have the user gain an extra card reward for doing something cool as getting a double or even a triple bingo of. Or maybe unlock more then 1 zone at once. But nothing.

Then the mode is to easy abuse from the harder zones, when a user have maxed a zone to 100% they can simply keep playing that zone getting a better card, and getting the free card for each win resulting in a 2 card for each game, and both cards are on higher levels(the card the user wants).

Nothing happens when you get all zones!!!!

Not even a last zone is unlocked with only Galactus. That could give the user some closer. When the user have maxed all zones, and unlocked and maxed all hidden zones nothing happens! Nothing, no messages that says you have saved the world/conquered it no last boss, not even a bonus card(but I guess that would result in a 3 card drop each game after it then).
I mean, really Capcom not even a message that tells me game over/complete, maybe they want people to play it and try to get a kill screen.

There is no achievements playing the mode. Which feels so old, a game don't need achievements to be good, but its surprising to find a game mode having zero achievements. And much of what I have touched open could be fixed with it, I still don't think for example getting an achievement for getting all zones would be better then actually having a last stand of against the evil/good leader(both should happen). But at least it would have some worth doing all zones. But other things like getting 3 lines in bingo, that I would say is a typical good achievement reward. Its pointless, unnecessary hard, and is depending on luck( user can be unlucky getting a bingo before 3 lines). This would be a great achievement, as it makes the user do something that other wise they wouldn't do.

Lastly card collection value.

While the card creates a lot more game hours collecting them all( it does actually goes really fast getting at least all the best cards, just keep beating a hidden zone). A last thing I feel its missing is the text etc, in the cards. I would like to see something closer to super smash bros, Batman AA etc. That their is some explanation some background of the character etc. Now the game only give the characters first appearance, which I find is strange too, this could be used to commercialize Capcom's games and commercialize Marvel's characters. Some text explaining why their abilities work like they do, could very well motivate a user of the game to read that characters comic, watch the movie etc.

Iron Fist guidelines UMC3

So after "mastering", team Ghost Rider, Dr.Strange and Vergil(Getting really tired of playing Ghost Rider ). I have now went back and trying to find a place for Iron Fist.

As earlier mentioned, mainly his assist and the really hard launch mechanic. Makes him feel insignificant compared to other speed arch types.

But now I found a way to really utilize his Dragon Touch assist. The mechanic of slow front take down.
Is always great, but Iron Fist, version has such a small hit box.

The way to utilize it, is with Captain America. While other characters can move around a lot, and of course teleport to make it hard to block assist attacks. Using Captain America's Passable Dash(S+H), most people probably have seen this before.

When the user uses special dash with Cap, the opponent has to change his/her block input. Its a great way to get the assist attack in. And Dragon Touch, then creates a perfect combo for Cap.( Its the same with e,g using Dr.Strange Impact Palm). This is better then it sounds, because the best way to really use Caps, Dash is when standing really close, usually after spamming a couple of attacks that gets blocked, and then use the Passable Dash, + on the same time assist in with Iron Fist.
For once the character is close enough to hit with Iron Fist assist. Making it useful. A lot actually.

Of course the trick is to change it constantly, especially by playing against the same person several times, they can get the idea that it soon Iron Fist jumps in its time to Dash, but then no Dash etc.

The combination of Cap + Iron Fist works very nicely. Especially if using the perfect combo to set of a air swap into Iron Fist as the last character.

Playing Iron Fist, as most people probably already is the usages of Crescent heel(quarter back M) its also assist too.

Crescent heel, is a OTG, ground bounce attack. That sounds great, and it is. Using this any combo can be extended a lot, but the bounce is very low, removing some assist possibilities, but especially the hit box is incredible small.

First of all, as a assist its almost completely useless(even more then dragon touch). It can for a few characters, and close to the wall, I would say the only use is when the opponent is air combo then launched down, into a corner. Then it can hit and give characters a ultra attack possibility. E,g using Crescent heel, with Dormmamu its pointless as he can lift them up himself(this is more or less true with Deadpool's katana-rama and with other characters with similar assist)

Playing as Iron Fist, the real hardship(for me at least) is to hit with this Kick. If done correctly it can extend any combo into an ultra attack. But the small hit box is really tricky, I recommend anyone who want to play Iron Fist is to keep doing air combos, either with him alone or from other characters starting an air swap. And then training on following the attacks with Iron Fist and ending with a Crescent heel.

Ground launch them with Iron Fist(S). Quickly follow them down(Down + right/left) and then as soon as landing do Crescent heel(quarter M). Ultra attack 1 or 3.
Its really important to get close after grounding the opponent, else this attack will miss. But if done correctly this means a user can always end a 3 air combo into an ultra attack, and if necessary using a ultra 3 attack. And as mentioned the system that can be used is Cap Dashing + Dragon Touch Assist - Combo- Swap in character x swap in iron fist. Ground them, use Ultra 1.

Both Cap and Iron Fist creates a lot of energy to, and using Iron Fist game resource(green chi) he will create more energy to.

And Using this correctly at large hit box characters Iron Fist can actually get of ultra attack 1, the attack dash one. Walling the opponent to be followed by a Ultra attack 2. The ultra attack 1 has a wall bounce. And its possible to do a ultra attack 1 into ultra attack 2. And if the user really wants this can be x-factor canceled into usually another ultra attack 2, and done against a corner it can become ultra attack 3. Using all 5 meters. Usually its important to control them the right way with Cap and character x, and then Iron Fist to get the wall corner.
(Because Cap Dash and overall playing Cap is better in the middle - a lot better being able to do most of his combos requires them to start in the middle - I assume there is a guide for this already or I can write one if someone wants to.)

-I recommend never using 5 meter combos expect if they are 100% win(especially if one of the other character has a good ultra spam attack e,g Dr.Strange) - still this means a user can do a 5 meter combo with Iron Fist, and thats cool.

Who is character X ?

OK so Lets say we are using Iron Fist + Captain America. It works pretty fine, Short combo speed and a explosive. And the assist combo, the energy creation, and I recommend using Shield Slash as Cap's assist, for Iron Fist.

The 3 character should be a control arch type. Best suited a control control, for example Dr.Strange. First of they both build a lot of energy. And they both share problem with strong slow characters. Iron Fist can have some problems with control characters even do he is a short combo speed character.
This mean it can be wise to use a character that is good against other control characters, for example both Ghost Rider and Dormmamu usually have a problem against others while Arthur is good against the slower control ones. Dr.Strange is a kinda --- hard to say, he do have huge problems with people spamming direct projectiles both on the same time he can reflect(ultra 2) ranged ultra attacks.
(and as I mentioned earlier post,,,,, the Eye of Agamotto is a ridicules good assist for all characters)
Hawkeye works very nice too, good at other control good against slow characters.

Summary. Iron Fist:
Train a lot of Crescent Heel, thats the way to do the real good combos. Train on quarter input-_- Playing Iron Fist is a spam of quarters, note! that its important to change attack, and I would say button + direction so go from for example quarter back H to quarter forward L.
Also after hitting with 2 quarter specials, 2 new special attacks with quarter forward S and quarter backward S is unlocked both have wall bounce. This can be used to combo into a ultra attack etc, but I would recommend not using the wall bounce so fast. While Iron Fist is a good character against corners. I would say go good ground combo, air, ground them close to wall, into "Crescent Heel" into ultra attack 1(using the wall bounce), + ultra attack if possible. And its great for almost any chain ultra attack

-The chi to use (almost always)is the one who creates more energy meter gain. This is the Green one(H input)
-Having Iron Fist last, with X Factor then Red(L input) is obviously the best)

+ Iron Fist teams
Captain America or other character that can use his Dragon Touch(e,g Teleport with Dr.Strange). Don't! use Crescent heel as a assist, its very very few character that can use it. Rising Fang the last one is better then but its not actually that good either, all thought it does give a wall bounce. Simply said all Iron Fist assist creates combo, possibility so be sure to use his assist with a character that can do a good combo.

Team position:
Second place or last. - Its possible to start with him and use green chi to store a lot of energy and then use a energy character. But hes more of a finisher in combos, he don't actually have so good way to get a combo to start(9 attack dashes, but they all come from the front)
Start with a battery character a strong character, which can use his Dragon Touch, so Cap,Hagger,Ryu
Iron Fist in second or third
Last character Dr.Strange,Hawkeye,Arthur,Super Skrull,(Dormammu Ultra attack spam can work to)

Last I want to comment on how much I like the button input design for Iron Fist(this is in my research paper, in details)
Iron Fist have 2 unique attacks <-H and ->H. The uniques of them is the quickness 2 very fat attacks, intuitively this would be placed on L but as the game uses the circle input. The users finger will move L-M-H-<-H-S(or some quarter special attack). As a stand alone attack it feels wrong but in combos its great.
And arguably a user that just wants a fast small damage of, probably goes <-H or ->H to S then.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bad design is bad design

Images from outpost thorazan, the village is indicated by the map to have 4 quest givers. 3 is locked-_-

I am getting so tired of this triangles, in Swtor, they are to indicate a quest. Just as the marker npc have over them in wow to etc. But in Swtor, each npc have triangle before they actually give out the quest. Sometimes long before, it creates a lot of wasted time traveling to them, then travel there again as the game don't indicate when it will be enabled, so one can only guess after finishing a quest in the same city/village will unlock it. But many times its more then 1 quext that has to be finished, so another wasted trip, this becomes more and more frustrating each time of course, especially as its an mmorggp, a lot of hours are spent per character. And then this wasted time will be repeted, on the next character.
At least after doing the game 3-4 times I assume, I will remember how the quest order is.