Monday, January 23, 2012

Final fantasy 13-2 the offers.

I liked ff13, I am old school that way and of course I will buy ff13-2(I also really liked ff10-2 )

But what a hell should I buy, they are offering far to much different deals.

The most confusing for me is that the cheaper, Nordic limited version seems to offer more then the collectors edition.

While the collectors editions offer some small soundtrack and unique package, the Nordic version offers DLC stuff right away, making it a better gameplay offer.

Even the crystal version(super expansive version), do not seem to come with the added DLC in the Nordic one.

!To make it more confusing some store are offering a lotto ticket, a chance to win a book of the events between the 2 games.

And of course there seems to be no store in this country that seems the book, with their game(counting on not to get lucky), which is really poor as it feels like the most worth offer. For example the DLC I probably can get later, and lastly then its very "funny" that the crystal version costing around double the amount for the game, not even this one has the book, so even paying the maximum price will secure gaining all the products.

Seem the UK got the only good deal at GameUK, are we to assume square enix are racist giving different countries in Europe different fair deals=