Tuesday, January 24, 2012

FaceBook comments(and how needy people are).

Comment system changed to Facebook, and I decided to hide all the old comments so its only 1 comment system.

This means I should merge my FB account with my fake on I did(which have like 10k+ friends) to get a lot of readers  -_-

 Thinking about that, I had a theory which where that I easily could get over a million friends, but not actually knowing anyone of them(inspired by South park). But I got tired, it was such a monochrome work.

 Anyway the theory is very simple, I just started searching for people on the first name A, and last name A. And sent out like 1000 friend invites, next day first name B last name A. Etc Just after 4-5 days I got around 1000 friends.

 I based the idea on that people always wants more friends. Not every user, but most users. By simply adding people at random I would get most of them to actually accept it. And  eventually it would go much easier as the people I have befriended would know the new persons I would find going after each letter meaning that in later letters I would get a lot more people. And then of course start over with A people again to get them, just looping this system.

 And it actually went a lot easier then I expected at the letter D I some people I had managed to get on A,B,C would be friends with the random D named person.

 Lastly, I also made this fake account, be a Female, no pictures, but I am sure simply being female, with a standard female name. Meaning most people from different cultures would identify this name as a feminine name.
(This is just one of my past time amusements.)

-One thing, when I was editing the HTML, to get FB comments, it was ridicules bad designed for any person having any experience of coding. When I want to press Tab, to punch a text to the right(to make the HTML code readable) it instead leaves the text editing window, and jumps to the save edit button. It was some more irritating user problems too, which I have suppressed.

Edit: -_- I should stop writing in the post HTML to,,,, it makes all the air space I create etc disappear (which is obvious)