I am gonna be pretty quick with Sunfire because I don't find him very interesting,
Passive wise hes like Human Torch but with a worse defence versus flame attacks. Instead he gains attack damage by plasma stacks. He can however, gain 5 stack right away with his ultimate which is a quick action as it gives him a sheild and when its consumed it gives eh stack. And acts like Human torch's ultimate as well....so yeah hes very boring.
He really is like they moved around some moves on Human Torch thats pretty much it. He got exploit on fire and he is a Blaster like Human Torch and then of course that deals damage and so on.
Well his second attack is much stronger then Human torch as it consumes all the plasma stacks and have boon buster and paragon exploiter( he don't do much debuffs himself but still) so it deals a lot of damage.
His third ability is a really good AoE attack. Which burns everyone and give them pyrophoric which acts like a second dot in a way. So this attack has a very high base damage and it is further boosted by other fire users.
And that is pretty much it. Summarize of Sunfire is that hes decent alone. But what he needs are Human Torch or other fire users to synergies with him.
Otherwise hes not nearly as strong as the top characters. With a good team he is very strong but he is very, very limited. His abilities need support and he deals damage to everyone with his ulti further supporting using other fire immune people. He also discord with characters who have chill just like Human Torch, not many has that(its like Iceman and Storm) but still further limits his uses.
But he do deal huge amount of damage with the right team(hes a blaster so not very good for defence). Hes a little special in that way. he could be the character in the game that is most significantly boosted by the team he is in. While he is strong he is also weak then. Lets say that his best team becomes popular in the meta. This would mean its a very heavy fire based team. Its very easy to counter that.
4/10 - Remake of Human Torch
Agent Venom:

Before I go into Agent Venom as a game playable character I want to talk about PvP character rewards.
Agent Venom this is a a tricky pony. Really in more then 1 way to. First we have the comic side of it. I am huge fan of Eddie Brock Venom. I grow up watching the Spider-man TAS over and over again. I really love the Original Venom. I also like Carnage(big surprise). So its sad we don't get Venom to Marvel Avengers Alliance first we got Mac Gargan Venom(Mac Gargan is otehr wise the old Spider-man enemy Scorpion). Which I commented about why not Eddie or Agent for that matter. Because the storyline that time was out of Agent Venom Comics, Mac Gargan pick was very weird.
SO now we got Agent Venom, which is another very classic Spider-man Villain. Flash "Eugene" Thompson.
I am actually Ok with playing Agent Venom and not Eddie as I have read every issue every month since his comic started. I think I have read all the cross overs with Agent Venom. Flash as Venom has a lot of interesting qualities. I think his comic is a little uneven it has it ups and down biggest issue is more that he faces the drop out villains from Spider-man pretty much or other heroes in New York in the start of the comic. The version of Jack o Lanter is great. But the other villains are pretty much eeeh. So were Agent shines the best to me are in like Thunderbolts and other comics of crossover. But I do like Flash with his remorse etc. But I think they have to kinda evulate his enemies in the comics.
That had nothing to do with the game but that being said I do think that Agent Venom was a good PvP Reward. Because PvP rewards are mainly Mercenaries. And the start was Uncanny X-force characters and then Thunderbolts(new Thunderbolts). Were Flash was the last of the big names(I mean they are other characters in the New Thunderbolts but they not very reasonable).
I say this both because it makes me enjoy Agent Venom but also how much I hate Hogun.
I just want to point out how absolutely it makes no sense adding Hogun into the game especially as a PvP reward. I would not be surprised if the coming PvP Final Day will be far easier as its a bad weapon. Super unknown uninterestingly character reward and the worst power suit(Blaster for AI).
I just do not understand Hogun on any level. The Movie Thor 2 Dark World has already been released sure it has it s DvD release soon but I doubt Hogun will draw attention to that. Hes barely in the movie for that matter. He and the other warrior 2 had a comic for them self for what? Like 3-4 issues or something.
Completely uknow and no relation for any real commercialization. Furthermore, hes boring as hell. Really, Really uncreative character design. He got 2 classes(not new at all would be interesting when the game was released way back). Ability that boost those classes so thats basically double passive. And then eh hits hard. To me its look like they had no idea what to give their next character and just put Hogun together.
There are soooooo many characters I rather see then Hogun. There are so many otehr untouched characters really. Like Nico Minoru was a great addition because it made us move towards otehr comics in her case Runaways. I talked about Hogun with a lot of people and many wants to see space characters now. Nova, Silver surfer, one of the guardian of galaxy and so on. Personally I don't think anyone would fit PvP reward but I take them any day over Hogun.
If we go back to Agent Venom I rather get Scarlet Spider-man(Kaine which has his own comic too) even do I just got Agent Venom. Then to get Hogun.
He as a character makes no sense, and he is obviously a foretelling its gonna be 2 more useless side characters from the Thor universe.
But the worst thing really is that he should have been a pure buy for CP. NOT 90 CP but he would been because he would be new.
Absolutely does not fit the PvP rewards.
Shatterstar was kinda iffy but the rest of the characters has been characters from the X-force and Thunderbolts who also crossover with characters as Deadpool is in both. Then Cable Deadpool is of course a classic comic and also now Cable has is own X-force with Domino in it. All the characters are about that mercenary kinda thing. Juggernaut was not a pvp reward but a pvp box reward however he was in the old Thunderbolts so that is coming back to that. That's why I was thinking if I was working at Playdom I would probably add something like Songbird/Screaming Mimi or some other Thunderbolt. I would first of all have had Moonstone as a Lockbox for PvP and not a lockbox for PvE.
If not Songbird maybe Penance, Boomerang etc I rather take freaking Trickshot which would just be like an evil improved version of Hawkeye.
Or I would get of this Thunderbolt reference thing all together and go to some other comic area for characters but still introduce more anti heroes. I can see characters like Hyperion or The Sentry being PvP rewards or more classic Weapon X guys like Maverick and so on.
Long point is Hogun is not at all a PvP reward which I think people will fight for.
Long of railing.
Back to the actual topic of the newest PvP reward.
First of all Agent Venom has 2 classes.
Agent Venom is an infiltrator. But when he takes damages or if the allies does etc. He can turn into the more Eddie Brook Venom appearance. Much more brutish etc. Then he turns into a Bruiser.
This is kinda like Moon Knight but arguably with more control. Its kinda annoying playing with as sometimes you do want the Bruiser or vice versa.
But what Agent Venom has its really a 2 character in one were he synergies with himself.
His Agent form sets up debuff etc and then his Venom form will deal extra damage.
I want to say this right away. Sure Agent Venom is quite hard to play he changes class uncontrollable he might also change back to infiltrator when you wanted to keep his Venom form. He is also sometimes attacking who ever he wants so hes quite hard to control as you want. Which I of course cant condone for a pvp strategy.
BUT(ofc its a but after that) he is so dam strong. Were Domino had great abilities but low, very low base damage on her attacks. Venom has huge base damage with both paragon and opportunity exploit.
His third ability as Venom gives him the scrapper passive as buff which is fine to have his weakness is that its really nice to have that since turn 1 but its luck to get there. However,m he do have really good attacks in both forms. His Agent has the not so unique power of disadvantage which was Domino's selling point and she had it for 1 whole season yeeeeh.
As I gone over with her. Disadvantage is a great debuff one of the top in the game. And because Agent has this he can protect himself as well from the class minus of having 2 classes which Moon Knight and mockingbird cant.
Agent Venom really has surprisingly strong damage output.
If there is one move that is really strong it is his ultimate in the venom form. It has both of the exploitation of attraction and boom buster which exploits buffed targets. And it also has exploit protection which can be good versus agents so it has some value.
While Boom Buster is contra productive versus paragon, and Agent Form sets up paragon with Pressure point. Venom got all the exploit stuff. So no matter what happens he can deal huge damage.
Also while I dislike the whole uncontrolled luck based class swapping he does it between 2 good class combos the infiltrator which is a great class with so many tactician and overall counters are pretty good(and 30% extra damage for Venom sometimes). Bruiser the best class who is good versus the Scrapper, which the Infiltrator might have issues with.
I would say that this class combo or scrapper/Tactician is the best one you can have.
And when comparing him to Moon knight which conceptually is similar to play. All Venoms moves are strong, good moves a lot of debuffs with decent damage as Agent. Huge Damage as Venom with a lot of different moves that pretty much covers any situation.
He ends up with big utility box. Good stats, A passive which haven't analyzed but its the classic healing passive- Heal and maybe resurrect with low %. He do have the weakness to fire and sonic attack which is great comic wise but feels kinda weird at first game balance wise. But hes heal is really high with abilities so I think its fine as long as everyone don't start playing the Sunfire teams.
I have to say the recent PvP character has been really good(further hatred towards HOGUN-------)
Agent Venom is nice, I love his coherent skills with the comics. I love that they kept the Fire/sonic weakness. I like how his class mix makes sense. I would give him a 10 if it where it not for the luck based passive.