Friday, February 28, 2014

Korhal Chrysalis Amazing 2v2 Starcraft 2 map

 This melee map is a 2v2 map but it comes with a twist. Either the team starts in a shared base in the middle or they have one single base start in the corners. The players can easily expand to the other start zone but will have a harder time taking other expansions.

I published the map in a 4v4 team version as well if anyone would like to play that but its designed for two different 2v2 settings.

A team can start in this middle shared base which has 2 entrance to it but they are next to each other, so the players can put up defenses in front of this edge. Its easy to defend but harder to move out of the base.

This Mengsk statue I worked on are on both sides right out of the middle start location effectively narrowing down the area but it creates a lot of paths into the start locations(both mid and sides)

The area in between the side and the middle are very wide and were the player has to be carefully moving their units.

Close to the side is the corner start location, this location is the same in each corner and its then a non shared start location for this 2 man team. The expansion shown on this image is the third expansion which is located towards the Mengsk statue and the middle start location this area is very wide and hard to defend.

Here is the natural expansion for the corner. Then close to its an alternative third expansion which is easy to defend until the opponent destroy the Debris.
 It also has curtain were the enemies can hide units or a pylon etc to attack this expansion or run into the start base.

The middle players can expand towards the corners or towards the middle(doing both is likely really hard to defend). There are 2 expansion on the middle  pathway which can be defended together.

This middle path has a lot of paths into it, 2 side paths in the middle and the 2 major paths from bot/top. It has small debris that limits of huge units to move trough(they have to walk on the outside ramp path way instead). In the middle there are also 2 Xel'naga watch towers the player cannot reach if they do not have drop capabilities.

To the sides there is 2 big higher path ways splitting the side and creating several ways to move the armies.

In the middle of the map, furthest to the side there are a golden expansion with 1 rich vespene gas which a player can take to increase her/his income. This base is very hard to defend as its on a lower field close to 2 ramps/higher platform and the other player can use the path behind or the middle path towards it(its effectually 5 paths to it 7 if one would count the two ledges paths).