Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hearthstone Goblins vs Gnomes: Neutral Cards Part 4, Legendary

One thing I realized getting these images and looking over the legendaries,,,its more legendaries then its epic is even more legendaries then its freaking rare cards... Come on Blizzard give me a break. I get that they want money but it does feel a little greedy just over showering the game in Legendary cards. Other card games usually have you know more cards of the lower quantity. This is also makes theme actually complete hell to test out in Arena as they are so many and you rarely get them it takes 100 of games to get a good feel of them, well thats why you have someone like me who actually can take "bad legendary" just to see what will happen, more then always taking what is obviously safe. I can worry about that later not like I go out of gold in the game.

Actually first of all all of the new legendaries are expansive there is no 2 drop etc and not many are good, so in one way I guess the game is not "broken" much as its not like the top players are gonna play with all of these card anyway most of them are just for the lulz.

File:Blingtron 3000(12183) Gold.png 
The cheapest ones are at 5, which in  way make sense as they don't want to flood the lower mana brackets with way to most have cards (just flood the higher mana with most have instead, if anything that affect is crystal clear, put all the new good legendaries at high late game mana and some of them are bond to be overpowered and become most have for players in constructed)

Blingtron 3000 is the classic full of random crap card where it can help your opponent more then you. While you get to hit first you might get a 1.4 weapon while they get a doomhammer or something. I have never seen this card ever, be of a positive to play. Every time I have faced this card its me who have gotten at least an equal weapon if not better. Purely math wise its clear this card sucks endlessly. As if you play it 10 games, in 4 games you get about an even weapon, 3 times you get worse, t3 times you get better. Clearly the chance will always end at 50%. But you are also paying 5 mana for a bad stats minion. So the end result at average is always in the favor for the opponent.
 Sure it can be decent to rush someones life down faster, however as a lot of classes already have weapons and most of them are also focused on going for face here this card is just horrible to play as the weapon might interfer with a more steady weapon.

The result is that this card is even worse to play if you are Rogue etc

Rogue, Warrior --. Shaman,Paladin,Hunter -

File:Hemet Nesingwary(12268) Gold.png 
From WoW lore this cards effect makes complet sens, Nesingwary si the legendary guy sending out to to kill 30+ of each animal in a zone for 3 zones right? Stranglethorn Vale, Nagrand (outland) and borean Thundra. Best was the Peta parody in The borean Thundra.
 But in arena -- it will at best kill a 2 beast drop for the most time or kill nothing and he got such b ad stats. 6.3 ...

File:Mimiron's Head(12190) Gold.png 
Woho some Straight of Yu-gi-oh card. The combination of mechs has exited for a long time in that game + the tunner synchro summoning. However, that is also a lot better in Yugioh as you can easily summon mechs from anywhere. Deck, graveyard etc. (also the whole end result which name yes is a Voltron reference is also a typical cyber dragon card in yugioh...), and by doing so this card would work easy in that game while here --- its not very easy at all. I would say 9/10 games it wont happen probably less. First of all you need to get a lot of mechs and have them alive on the same time, good luck with that.

File:Gazlowe(12287) Gold.png 
Another very hard to play Legandery. How many 1 mana spells do you have in your deck= 0, a Fat zero. Not a single on of course so the only card that can be used to get mechs with him are spare parts. So first you need to get spare part mechs and him on the same time and have time to play them and then have time, mana etc to play those mechs, who are also completely random. 
 Yeah pretty much everything speaks for that Gazlowe got a horrible win ratio in arena. His stats are horrible at 3.6 for 6 and he got no impact at all alone. And even if you can use 1 or 2 spare parts the mechs aren't always that good to play and they cost mana, its not like he summons them automatically so it takes at least at turn 8 until those card will do anything.

File:Mogor the Ogre(12282) Gold.png 
This card -- for me its mainly a PLS GOD save me from losing by making the opponents card attack at random (really -- so many bad Legendaries when one think about it so far all bad)

The main issue I have with this card its its low stats, its an ogre, they got high stats. I think honestly it should be at like 8.8 or at least 8.7 it just does not feel as a Legendary except well its super random effect I suppose, so not a good card in anyway imaginable both its unreliable and its not a solid value card.
File:Toshley(12225) Gold.png 
Well I guess you can combo this card with Gazelow.  Toshely is pretty solid actually. He got 1 attack less then a classic vanilla ogre but gives 1 spare part right away and then another when he dies. But thats about it hes just solid not a great legendary by any means.

File:Dr. Boom(12182) Gold.png
I guess its pretty clear Dr.Boom is the best legendary for the new ones. He is so over played in constructed for a reason. He is really strong, the solid 7.7 for 7 with 2 1.1 that deals daamge when the fight and even more when they die is a huge board tempo play. he does have immediate impact but he often will clean the whole board easily the next turn. While he got a lot combos etc. He is very strong in arena as he is very strong alone. Like hes a card you can almost always play at turn 7 with no issue. He will do stuff and he is not easily countered because of his big body and the small bombs, these 3 cards have to be dealt separately for the most time. Making him a pretty sure 2 for 1 card if not more.
File:Troggzor the Earthinator(12272) Gold.png
The second best arena legendary in this new expansion. Its a 6.6 for 7 that summons a freaking 3.5(that grows from spells) each time an opponent uses a spell. He probably needs a spell used on him to be removed so that +1 ogre right away. He super hard counters spare parts, its overall a great card If hes played when you have a lot of minions out so they have to AoE, he works a lot like Loathed. In this case they can AoE but they will just get less of a board from it, so he demands you to first remove him, which is often then as mentioned with a spell or 2.

File:Foe Reaper 4000(12217) Gold.png
A solid drop actually, while clearly weaker then Ragnaros as a 8 drop. This card usually clean the field the next turn. So if it can get to attack once its a very powerful. The splash type of damage its very good as e.g you can attack a 2.2 and kill the 5.5 next to it. Only taking 2 damage to the Foe Reaper 4000. I have had it like 10 times in Arena and it has never disappointed me, the only bad thing with it is really the cost, like if it was a 4 drop with the same ability but worse stats that could be incredible. Now it comes late, any turn 8 drop is late for arena, very late. Thats inherently a huge weakness.
File:Sneed's Old Shredder(12187) Gold.png 
This is the weakest shredder by far. Its stats value of 12 for 8 is not as good as the otehr have. But the worst thing is how its effect is instead of getting a random 6 drop which would be the equivalent of the other shredder. It gets a random Legendary. While the effect is a little cooler, it also way more random as the are some horrible low cost legendaries making it far not worth 8 mana its also some horrible mid cost legendaries. Lastly, its health is higher then its attack power. The other shredders are based on high attack which more suits the deathrattle ability of their nature. SO its also harder to get die with this one, harder to do favorable late game trades. I would rather have a Piloted sky golem every time in any deck over this in an arena deck, that being said its an ok card as its still pretty good and the chance to get another high cost legendary is nit that low so it evens out at a decent value but it got no immediate impact nor does it die easily as mentioned. For example Ragnaros at the same cost at 8 is much, much better.
File:Mekgineer Thermaplugg(12196) Gold.png 
 I have had the luck of getting this card so many times in Arena... It such a bad ability, its  ability is super based on being good vs a lot of smaller minions but the card cost 9 being played when tis like 1 mini non on the field. However, it got chance to deal lot of face damage or at least force face damage e.g forcing hard removal so I guess its ok for a Hunter late game .

Hunter ++