Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hearthstone Goblins vs Gnomes: Paladin Guide Arena

 Wow Paladin,,got a lot of shit. Its like 1 common card that you see a lot and everyone hates and the rest are almost non existing. Paladin had a lot of strong class cards, a lot. So will say right away here, spoiler alert Paladin are worse of now. 

File:Seal of Light(12305) Gold.png

 Seal of light got really low value. Its a Claw (druid card) which gives you 2 more life. Its damage is the same 2. But it cost 1 more mana. Making it be one of the worst removal in the game, 2 mana for 2 damage. Were arcane shoot, holy smite etc do 2 for 1 and are not stopped by taunt. The heal is completely insignificant in 99.9% of the game in arena. So its horrible removal card. 
That being said I pick it a lot anyway as you need removal. But its bad, really bad. You are forced to pick it if you have no removal late in a draft and the otehr cards are bad anyway. I would never in my life pick this card early in a draft unless the 2 other card are epically useless  cards e.g a wisp.

File:Shielded Minibot(12257) Gold.png 

This is the jewel of the new paladin cards.  This pretty much the only card that as increased the paladin ratio, the epic weapon is good as well but its epic so hardly effects the game in several runs. Its an extremely solid 2 drop. Much better then the argent who gives shield as she requires another card already on board to be good. This card is great for the classic divine shield + blessing of kings. One of the best 2 drops in the game by far. This card is extremely common to face in the arena from Paladin, always something to keep in mind. I would recommend not playing 3.2 if you can play a 2.3 instead as 2.3 can trade with it twice. 

File:Scarlet Purifier(12240) Gold.png 

This is a pretty bad card, its stats are fine a 4.3 for 3. Shared with other rares like injured blademaster. But its ability its pretty bad in arena. Its anti deathrattle, and I like concept, who is not tired of al the deathrattle decks in constructed. Or it can be used to triggers your own deathrattle like nerubian egg. But in arena...just wow is so annoying to play with this card. What are value cards in arena?

Deathrattle, cards which are common to pick because they are great as classic cards like Harvest Golem but now with GG expansion cards like Shredder has huge value and then other less value but still good cards like haunted spider, loot hoarder etc.  

This card just fucks you over if you pick it as much as it help you, + the effect in itself is not even that good vs all the summoning deathrattle effect, its great o clear away a Loot Hoarder but to damage a Shredder, that hardly gives anything. 
 To have this card be good it has to affect several cards on your opponent side and preferably not the summon x new minion. A very bad pick in arena unless its the last pick in the draft.

 File:Muster for Battle(12223) Gold.png

This card is extremely popular in constructed but its really poor in arena. Its played to combo with the quartermaster card which you likely wont have in the arena deck. Or other buffs, w.e etc. Its hard to get any value from it except being able to kill weakened minions with the weapon. And the weapon got a really bad spot in arena as it cost 3 mana then for 4 mana you can get the Truesilver out, a weapon that is highly picked and amazing value in arena. I have countless time seen someone turn 3 Muster for Battle to later turn 4 play Truesilver only getting 1 attack out of the 1/4 weapon. It really depends on the board and what you are facing some classes can have a hard time removing a lot of small minions like Priest, but a Rouge can easily just get rid of them in multiply ways.

File:Cobalt Guardian(12222) Gold.png

 I found this card actually much stronger then muster for battle. It do have pretty crazy stats, 6.3 for 5... thats weird stats. But it only do cost 5 so its easy to play it on turn 7-8 with a mech. And giving it the divine shield right way. And the massive attack on it makes it really strong as long as it can be protected, as I say in all my guides GG do have a lot of solid neutral mechs so getting this ability off at least once shoulden't be to hard. 

That being said it is not that good of a card, mage, paladin, rouges, druid etc can easily remove a divine shield and just kill it with small minion. Its not amazing or anything like that, and its not a solid card as it requires a type of minion in arena, its half decent at best. 

File:Coghammer(12228) Gold.png

This is the other only good card in this expasnion for Paladin. Its really good in arena as its so minion heavy. It will make an minion be able to trade and survive and usually you can kill one other minion with the weapon itself if not 2, so its a 2+ value of a card. Very strong. And even if your minion cant trade with anything as you just killed the only 3.2 they had it leaves a very annoying ability combo, divine shield and taunt on it so it surely will later be able to kill something. Or you can hit with it and the weapon to kill a Yeti etc.

Basically it has a huge early board impact and can easily lead to victory. But it don't improve the Paladin ratio much, its epic so like I talked about in previous guide articles that don't bring much %. And Paladin had only great epics so having 1 more don't gain as much. However, this is one the best epic to pick for many arena decks so it is a pretty good boost.
File:Quartermaster(12280) Gold.png
Quartermaster is another combo/synergy card for constructed. Clearly its great combined with muster for battle. But rarely do anything worthwhile in arena. First issue is taht all the other Paladin epics are very strong, making this one a weak pick.  
 Its not horrible as its 2.5 + 2.2 (11 stats for 5 which is a good value 2n+1) at least in most cases, however thats if its being played late. At turn 5 it definitely can be no silver hand recruits on the field. But its not a better pick then any other epic, except sword of judgment at when that weapon card cant really be utilized (lack of minion spawning) or then when you got a massive muster deck (e.g constructed deck).
File:Bolvar Fordragon(12244) Gold.png 
Bolvar Fordragon was actually the first golden legendary I got this expansion. And I like his design as it utilizes that the game is digital and only digital his effect cant be done in like magic the gathering or yu-gi-oh. Yes both of those games got cards with almost the exact same effect, counting cards in the graveyard. But neither can take into account Token, minion who aren't one stand alone card, either created by cards like muster or the paladins class ability.
 And thats basically Bolvar's main play, you wait with him and then you play your other cards in the mean time or rather you don't play your cards and get a lot of death from mainly your class ability. 
 That does not work in Arena, mainly because you don't have the strong removal you have in a well constructed deck, nor you necessary have the minion card support lime muster and quartermaster.

He is still ok as he can easily get 3-4 kills in at turn 5 and thats a 4.7 for a 5 which is an ok card or be played later with something else as big one. But the main issue is more that he is so bad compared to Tirion Fordring. Tirion being the strongest class legendary. So yeah.. you don't want to see this and 2 neutral if it could been Tirion.

Judgment Paladin: Goblins vs Gnomes

Paladin is much worse of now. Paladin always had an issue with having some really strong class card and some really shitty ones like Eye for an eye. And now all the new paladin card are also pretty bad. Only 2 new cards are good, the bot and the weapon. While both of them are actually quite good. Other cards like Seal of light is really, really bad. Paladin is more and more, you can get a really strong overpowered arena deck your can get utter shit.