Friday, March 13, 2015

Hearthstone Goblins vs Gnomes: Neutral Cards Part 2, Rare

Time for rare neutrals.

File:Target Dummy(12288) Gold.png 
Dummy-- I guess its better then the wisp? Very , very bad card but it do give taunt so its better then angry chicken,so its the second worst rare card in the game pretty much except the murloc buff cards who are worse sometimes. Anyway just don't pick this card its never good.

File:Gnomish Experimenter(12199) Gold.png 
Or maybe this card is worse the the Dummy, this is the third worst rare in the game. Its stats is horrible for a 3 drop, being only 3.2 And its effect in arena its just fuck you here get a chicken instead. Arena got to few spell cards to make this work. This card is just an eye sore I rather get any neutral 3 drop then it.

File:Goblin Sapper(12213) Gold.png 
Its not often you get away with the +4 bonus. I love this card for my constructed mill decks but it ends up as an ok arena card. 2.4 stat is not that easy to trade of and it might get +4 for like 1 turn. One major reason why its not a good pick for the most part is well and this goes for all the rares, there are some fantastic rare cards so why pick this card thats a 2.4 for 3 9/ games.

File:Illuminator(12214) Gold.png 
Actually this card is bad as well. Like the uncommon ones are better the the rare it seems..even with secrets its not good. Just gaining 4 life were life is a very low valued resource in arena. It clearly is only playable with secrets limiting it of to Paladin, Hunter and Mage. Were Mage is the only one with secrets that. 1 can keep it alive, 2 secrets stage on the field for a while. So the only class that can pick this is Mage but even for mage its hardly ever good, just the chance of getting good secrets + this one is very slim and again even if it happens 4+ life per turn its not impressive.

File:Lil' Exorcist(12239) Gold.png 

An ok rare card. She is pretty easy to get one + effect making her a 3.4 with taunt most of the time as Deathrattle is so popular but on the same time its not like its that common to get so many on the same item. I can really understand why they added her into for constructed anti deathrattle decks. She at first feels amazing at arena as deathrattle is popular but its rare that more then 1 is on  the field in arena, at first I thought she was gonna be really good but she is just decent.

Now here the interesting new rare are coming. Its kinda bad that its no early drop of good rares but ok some later ones that are good.

File:Arcane Nullifier X-21(12246) Gold.png 
An ok card got some very interesting taunt potential and again good with Hunter and Rogue were you want ot push for face. And I found it negatively for buff classes as its a medium sized minion that you cant buff.

Rogue, Hunter + Paladin, Druid -

File:Jeeves(12216) Gold.png 
Now the rest of the rares are actually good or even better. Jeeves I really like, its easy to get a bunch of cards and you the one that drop Jeeves is the on that gets to draw first so its drawback is no issue for the most time at all. That being said I have seen many, many retarded play with Jeeves so maybe don't pick this card if your IQ is lower then 5. 

Strong with Zoolock but weak with warlock in general as you already got draw..making it overall be weak for warlock but potentially strong. Good with classes that got a lot of spells and removal and face spells like Hunter.

Hunter, Mage,(Zoolock)++. Shaman,Rogue,Paladin +

File:Kezan Mystic(12252) Gold.png 
Mage is so popular as always in Arena. ANd if you can steal an early game secret, like a turn 3 play from her. The game is likely over if its a good secret. Stealing Paladin secret don't mean much but can still help and Stealing hunter is also strong but not as strong as from a mage. Her body of 4.3 still make her decently strong anyway. This is a card were it has really, really strong potential but can just be a bad stats 4 drop. The problem is of course that only 3 classes huge secrets, for constructed its a  great addition for sideboard or general meta. For Arena is a gamble card, that being said Mage keeps being the super common pick to face so right now the odds are for it.

File:Bomb Lobber(12193) Gold.png 
Here is the best rare card by far!!!
Argent Commander is viewed as the best 6 drop for arena in the game as its a 4.2 that always goes 2 for 1 almost always giving it immense value. Here is a 3.3 that also goes 2 for 1 but for 5. Bomb lobber is absoutly the best 5 drop in the game. It will almost always kill something and produces huge tempo boost. Its body is also better then argent commander as it don't die as easily and it cost 1 mana less so its even better then argent commander for most decks and that really speaks volume on how good this card is. The only thing that Argent commander has that still makes it better in some cases is if you can either buff it severely or you overall are going with charge etc to aim for their life points. However, I think its almost a moot point, yes Argent Commander is better for Hunter almost always and for some Rogue deck etc but that is no surprise comparing blue top pick 1 and 2 with each other. You are almost never gonna have to do this pick anyway, its gonna be Bomb Lobber 2 otehr rares and all the otehr neutrals are not even close to Bomb Lobber and almost no class cards are better either, only aoe cards like lighting storm as shaman got no other aoe is a card that I would even consider over Bomb lobber but I would actually still take Bomb Lobber in many cases.
File:Madder Bomber(12177) Gold.png 
This card is pretty ok, it can clear of a lot of small guys, do some aoe etc. A good card to play when you got nothing on the field so its a  good getting back into the game card. And I am kinda iffy I guess about that in general. Basically its a card that only shines when you are already losing. But its easy to finish the enemeis of with other cards or the class ability as a Mage especially making it a good mage card and decent Druid/Rogue card.

Mage ++, Druid,Rogue +