Let me tell you why most Scrappers are shit, and why there is only 1 playable Scrapper for CP.
Funny that he was never that great, sure he was the best. But more importantly everyone else was shit..wolverine was ok but the rest....
Ok the thing is that many of the veteran users of Marvel Avengers Alliance. They have this super nostalgic view on how good Daredevil is, the thing is he is pretty much worthless right now. I have seen him in less then 100 games, one game I have faced him the last 2 weeks. The thing is that Daredevil got his radar sense ability making him counter attack everything. Before and he had super evasion and accuracy and so on. That got nerfed, and in the meta now counters in general is harder to pull of. So he is pretty shitty, but more importantly is that all the original scrappers, while most of them made a lot more sense then some of the ladder additions they where all shit and still are, expect as I mentioned wolverine which was decent. Thing is that wolverine cost max amount in the game (90 Command points) and because he wasn't overpowered like e.g Captain America people hated down on wolverine and still does. So Daredevil was the only playable scrapper in pvp (and wolverine for the few people that could see past him not being OP).
He do have a small synergy with this own first and third ability, and gives the enemy some debuffs. Not a very good character today. He got one of the worst ultimates in the game, it does decent damage to 1 enemy and gives that one enemy exposed. Not a good debuff, not a really strong attack etc. Daredevil clearly needs to be improved.
Wolverine is such an interesting game design evidence and I guess a problem. Wolverine cost max amount as I mentioned but was pretty balanced when the game was new. All the costly characters when the game was released are as anyone could figure out the popular characters, Wolverine, Captain America, Spider-man, Hulk and Thor. Everyone had their own movie. But they where also all pretty badass, expect wolverine. Well as I mentioned wolverine actually wasn't that bad because he was clearly better then every other Scrapper (excluding Daredevil). But he wasn't overpowered, and the class in itself wasn't as strong as they are now(scrappers got a big buff). So people have hated down on him ever since. The thing is that a expansive character is perceived to be better in many games, I think that's an awful design. For me, the expansive characters should just be characters you want more, like the more famous characters. However, I think that new characters can be more expansive they are new after all, and old expansive characters should have more usages, be able to be set in more groups etc. While a cheap character (15 CP) should be more 1 dimensional.
However, costumes after costumes have been released and new characters. Wolverine was balanced at the release, but after all the avengers that are in the avengers movie got new badass costumes. Suddenly they all truly where imbalanced, and Spider-man had always been the only playable infiltrator at the time( And he has gained 2 new costumes with different buffs as well).
Wolverine today really need a boost. Worst part is that is that he is so easy to compare to Human Torch. Human Torch(which I will talk more about later), could heal himself with his third ability, this healed a lot and gained him stamina, so he could always do this instead of recharge. Wolverine can and still got the ultimate that makes him gain an huge regen. This two skills are very comparable as Human Torch’s version clearly where worse but it was an third ability while Wolverine is using his ultimate. It made sense, then Human Torch got hugely boosted. Now he heals each turn, what he did before because he always (more or less) got Flame on. Wolverine is also immune to fear????? Only Spider-woman got a fear related ability and she is probably the least played character in the game. Human Torch is immune to fire damage which is the most common damage, and he is of course immune to burn. While Wolverine can remove bleeding. Yeah he can remove bleeding and be immune for 3 turns.
Needless to say Wolverines ultimate is a bad version of Human Torch’s passive.
Note: Human Torch also got a new costume making him even better....
Wolverine needs to get a new ultimate. To make him playable today, he should get the regen constantly and be immune to bleeding and immune or at least half poison damage.
I would not be surprised to see him get a new costume that makes him start with the ultimate for the first 3-4 turns.
Best Scrapper for Command Points. Simple as that.
Quicksilver got the best Passive ability in the game!
Which is that he gets 2 turns instead of 1. Not only once in a while, no he always gets 2 turns. There is no probably on it, its a solid 2 turns. I will explain why taking extra turns in a turn based game is the best thing you can do, and trust me I spend 7 months researching role-playing battle systems a ability that lets you take more turns are almost always the best. Other examples are for example several of the best cards in magic the gathering is the cards that grants 1 more turn, for example the pretty new release Temporal Mastery. In Civilization the board game, the player can research a level 4 technology (the highest tech in the game) which let the player use uranium. The player can only find uranium twice in the game all together shared by the players and it might be less then usually its zero. This technology lets the user either nuke a city or take another turn once per uranium. Its a huge deal taking another turn. OK these games a turn is better then what it is in Marvel Avenger Alliance as one turn per less of a ting, but still what is the most commonly used item in the game? Quantum Jumper, which gives each character in the users team 1+ turn.
The easiest way to describe Quicksilvers overpowering passive is to compare him to She-Hulk. She-Hulk, which first of all is the best 15 CP heroine. She is better then 23 CP Colossus and better then 33 CP the Thing. Sure give them their costumes and they are better, but for a very low cost She-Hulk is a very good Bruiser, well the 3 90 CP are better. But she is one of the best in the early part of the game. Why? Well as you can guess, she has more turns.
She-Hulk’s second ability Burst of speed which grants her 2 turns the turn its used. And then it has a 2turn cooldown, so its like having 1.3 Turns with her. Which is really good, in PvE she can use 2 rounds for healing, she can combo her stun into her ultimate which exploits stun or just deal a lot of damage, as she is a Bruiser she gains stack attacking Scrapper so she can do 2 attacks the second one with the Bruiser class enrage and exploiting stun. Good Stuff.
Quicksilver always takes 2 turns, which is amazingly better. Not only do he act a lot more and can for example in PvE use first distress call and then deal out 2 attacks he is also sick in PvP. One thing that is a big difference even is that even if She-hulk could always take 2 turns she has to use her ability. This means that 1: Quicksilver has 4 abilities she has 3, 2: what happens if she get stunned? Well she losses her turn and cant use her double turn. while in Quicksilver’s case, he just loses his first turn. This is freaking good, so if you have a low health character and think well if I only could stun him/her before I can heal my character, think again you cant prevent Quicksilver from getting 1 turn. No ability in the game deals a double stun, so he will always get at least 1 turn.
I really, really have to emphasize how good a double turn is. And please not its not a probability passive like most others no he always gets 2 turns.
OK Quicksilver is pretty imbalanced solely from always having 2 turns and cant be stunned(arguably). But, the thing is that he got some really good abilities as well.
First of all he always acts first (99% of the time) as with Captain America. So he will always attack first in PvE. In PvP if the both players got him or Cap, well then its 50% chance who goes first of them but otherwise he will go first almost always. And its not like a chance to go first its an extremely low chance to not go first.
He is by far the best PvE Scrapper in the game. I would go so far and say he is the best character all together in PvE. Going first always and having 2 turns means you can almost always take out the first moving enemy. This will result in almost every game be a perfect win. The only character that is better then Quicksilver sometimes is Captain America as he also goes before the enemy and can use shield guard if it would be that all 3 enemies go after. However, of course the only reasonable synergy today is both of them. Quicksilver also protects captain America from infiltrators, also why this is one the new popular PvP defence teams. Together they are sick as they will go first and probably kill one character before the enemy can even move.
OK remember we are still only analyzing his passive abilities...ye pretty good guy.
Well he got 1 last passive ability, basically. As his first ability (Blinding Punches) grants him a stack of his own unique buff Quickness. This buff gives him 10% more accuracy and Evasion per stack. Up to 5 times and as a last passive if he is attacked he will counter with his second ability consuming 1 stack. So really he got like 3 passive, all of them which are really good, as he gains 2 turn each turn he can attack twice gaining 2 stack each turn. He got super high evasion so he is pretty hard to kill as well.
Oh yeah, the Blinding Punches are also stealthed. So he can attack trough protection and cant be countered. Because he wasn't good already.
Then his second ability is Tag team, his him attacking everyone and giving them the unarmed combo debuff. Where all his attacks are unarmed and his third attack that does sick damage exploits.Well the third attack is pretty bad, it consumes all the quickness stack to deal more damage, it can many times one shot enemies.
Lastly his Fourth ability is an AoE stun, which is weak but it gains more stun chance per Quickness. And it does not consume quickness. (In defense PvP its almost always a complete stun on all the enemies)
Well his primary attack is not his normal first ability which most other has, which I honestly don't know would be better. So instead of doing a 4 Blinding Punches on a infiltrator, he does 1 Blinding Punch and 1 tag team and then again Blinding Punch and 1 tag team. If he did 4, he would gain more stacks and do more damage to a single person. But as it is now, he deals 2 full turns to 1 person and 1 full damage to the team (2 tag team is like 1 Blinding Punches) so it becomes 3 full damage turn on the infiltrator, which has lost a lot of hp and the rest has also lost some. Not that this is all stealthed as the first attack is and tag team is just a bonus, tag team also gives everyone the debuff so the next first attack on the infiltrator deal more damage and then the other 2 take more damage from the next tag team, leaving everyone with the unarmed debuff on them, which anyone else in the team can use (if they use unarmed combo moves) or himself with for example the forth ability.
Well he do have an awful low attack power, one of the lowest in the game if not the lowest( I haven't checked but it could be). So that's they way he is balanced, not. As of course anyone with half a brain stacks 8 isos with attack(+ something else as that gives more total stat) on them. Sure he don't get up to the power of a blaster with 8 attack. But as he do 2 turns, he will deal more damage. And he goes first,,,,and he is stealthed and he can stun everyone and he can do a massive finish attack...
Well I actually really like Quicksilver I think he got the best design in the game and he is really fun to use. And really do not listen to some nostalgic loser, Quicksilver is the hero you should buy asap. He also one of the heroes to get Ghost Rider, so he is a clear no brainer to get. His attack is really low, so he wouldn't be that overpowered if he just didn't always take 2 turns. Because otherwise he got a great design so I would not wanna see his move change.
I would say if not the probability was fucked up, that he should have a 50% chance to get a second turn each turn. That would balance him, but in defence he would probably always trigger that as the AI cheats. So if Playdom is not to change that, I would say let him have a passive where he starts with 2 turns and then automatically gets a second turn every second turn after the first turn. That would make him still be playable in PvP as he can still deal huge damage at the begging but he can still be stunned because the second turn triggers after completing the first turn. . And in PvE it wouldn't really matter as you should have won before the second turn most times and in the next wave in PvE would reset him so he would get his 2 start turns again.
Limited edition:
So Playdom 3 latest limited characters are all Scrapper for some reason, no one of them actually make sense being a Scrapper. As I mentioned I think its all about that they have designed the character to heavily around their first attack. Well in Deadpools case it just seems like they didn't know what to do with him.
Note: I am counting in Deadpool because he will be locked for a month.
Well, obviously all these characters are imbalanced.
Well I don't really feel she should be a scrapper, its to make her first attack work.
Magik is really good, but I actually think shes just slightly overpowered. Magik gains a stack from her normal primary attack, which she later can use to power her other abilities. This is the reason she is a scrapper as she then gain 2 stacks right away if she faces an infiltrator.
I want to note something important here. Stop using her in defence you noobs. Seriously, the person that programed her AI, fucked up so hard. Magik is meant to get those 2 stack and then use her ultimate for the most part, the computer only does her first attack. In the last 20 games I faced her I have never seen her do anything else then her first attack. Everyone knows she is worthless in defence, sure she will instantly kill an infiltrator but that’s because of her other abilities.
Another reason she is a Scrapper is because she can trigger that Ahriman's appears from hell. She can also make anyone trigger a fire attack after they are attacked or after they attack, this is one of the Phoenix 6 abilities. For the other 4 (where the fuck is Namor???) they got costumes which gives them a passive chance to trigger for anyone in the team, this is Magik’s default passive.
What this means is that she, can attack twice trigger 2 demon attacks and trigger 2 fire attacks. She is built around this very heavily. And like the other Phoenix powers, for a weird reason they still can trigger after she is dead.
I actually think she is just slight overpowered, because she is a glass canon as she dies very easily in defence. I usually just instantly kill her before she can move most games. Even when I play with Spider-man(infiltrator, as the scrapper class don’t take much less reduced damage. Which will usually trigger some of her demon attacks. And that is what I would say should be nerfed. She is ok, if her AoE Ahriman loses their poison, an AoE dot triggering all the time is kinda sick. Its really good. Her summoning and fire deals a lot of extra damage, its many small attacks resulting in a big chump of health on everyone. And then that one of them can do DoT everyone, sure it can miss but usually it will DoT at least 1 person often 2. And as it will trigger usually 2 times per game (for me as I usually kill her of first) that is enough to get everyone poisoned. And I can see how for other users it most be worse if they cant kill her fast enough she will of course trigger this many more times.
Remove that, or at least changes it so that he single target Ahriman gives a DoT and the AoE just deals damage.
Ghost rider:
First of all,,..............................why is he on the freaking Bike!!! I guess I am to used as him from Ultimate marvel Vs. Capcom (where he is my main character) that he stands on his legs. But, I mean come on, this just looks ugly. And his model in the game is so huge. I wouldn't be surprised if people have miss clicked on him when trying to attack someone else. That's why I always attack people using their portrait in the action bar.
Horrible design, his passive will trigger constantly in PvP defence. First of all his defence against no magic triggers all the time and then he cant die if hes lucky. The AI is always lucky, people haven't played him enough yet. As they have not unlocked him or as I have seen a lot have him at to low level. Shortly people will complain a lot on how he resurrected 10 times in a row.
Secondly he should not be a scrapper, this is again just like with Magik to support his first primary normal attack.
Ghost Rider got his own debuff going Sin. This will lead to people stacking sin creating items. A good design to get people to buy Sin items, bad design in that sense it removes any intelligence from the user it actually removes customizability. Everyone will run the same Ghost Rider boost items pretty much.
The problem that both Magik and Ghost Rider has is that they are both build around stacking with their normal attack. Ghost Rider goes away from this a little by adding Sin on defence when him or his allies is attacked as well. However, this point in that he exactly like Magik grants a trigger passive effect, which is also true for Human Torch and Gambit, and all the Avenger Suits. So the game is going more and more towards passive trigger effect to further make characters good. Beast the newest character also have a passive trigger effect....
But the main problem with these two is that if they don't fight a infiltrator. It will be hard to stack. What this means is that in PvE both characters are great. Especially together. Both in PvE they will be “imbalanced” when fighting against infiltrator because then they can build their stack etc get all their mojo going.
This is a big issue because that just makes them game even more uneven, either you have a character that is OK maybe even little weak on the side (if we Ignore that the AI probability is wrong) but when in the right position way to powerful.
Another issue is that they are both Scrappers so is Deadpool. This leads to that playing a Infiltrator then is less and less good.
But mainly I don't like how they are built way to much around their normal attack it will make them really hard to play in PvP as the user has to face the right enemies, if it weren't for their overpowered passives they would not be used much.
Here's comes all the unplayable Scrappers:
Has always been like the worst scrapper in the game. I have never seen her in pvp. I have played like 3000 games in pvp so she cant be played much-_-
Weak ultimate it debuffs the enemy team, compare that to for example scarlet witch the debuff all enemies and buff your own team (with random buffs, but all of them basically better then Spider-womens).
However, I would like to note that actually many characters ultimate is also their weakest ability. Which is really weird.
Only thing she got is a decent counter ability as it dots them. But she don't have any synergy with biofeedback(the dot) which again can be easy compared to Human torch, who always “counter” melee attacks and give them burn. But he got a great combo with burn so, this is of course then true for her normal attack that then grants biofeedback. And Human Torch gives burning automatically, she has to pay one turn to get a counter attack for 2 turns.
The thing is when the game was new, the only good thing with Spider-women was that she was the only character that could give enemies biofeedback so then at least she had a unique dot and she could potential be played. But now that dot can be applied with weapons etc, especially as the very, very popular weapon Fualteater gives both burn and biofeedback, making her pretty useless.
Second ability is the actually dot attack. And her first ability is a basic attack that is weak have no utility at all and don’t synergy with herself at all or any other character.
Spider-Woman is the weakest and worst Scrapper by far. Don't waste your Cp on her, she needs a big boost to maker her playable,
Again I could see a costume that makes her start with her counter ability, however it wouldn't be enough for her it would end to soon and she got no synergy with anything. She needs a remodel.
Luke Cage:
+ good that Danny and Cage have a synergy, well its kinda needed. Luge Cages strongest attack gets a bonus from exploit combos like many other scrappers but he cant create that debuff himself.
Luke is a tank, but he is a scrapper. So hes like the only scrapper tank in the game (excluding alternative costumes). Does that make him good? Unfortunately he got one of the worst protect abilities in the game, his ultimate is a protect for 4 turns that's a long time. But it don't do anything, other characters who tank with their protection get for example reduced damage he don't. He can get a counter attack ability on, by doing his first ability. But then that ability has to be used. Furthermore, he only protects against single target attacks.
And his second and third ability are really shitty, they are just bad. Hes the worst tank in the game, at the game starts he was arguably good because there wasn't any tanking scrapper expect him.
Only good ability she got is her passive, Asgardian. Which actually is a really good passive. But all her abilities are really bad, they do combo will with each other but hey are still so lack lusting. She got a new costume that grants her first 3 attacks a guaranteed critical. She is still bad, and the costume looks ugly.
First of all shes like a bad Wolverine, as she is based around getting them to bleed and then comboing that with ravage. Bleed is the dot that stacks the highest (of the original dots in the game) up to 5. However, 1 stack does half damage of what burn,chilled etc does. Ravage makes a bleed dot do as much damage as the others. So Wolverine who has a double bleed attack, and when attacking infiltrator he then gives them 4 bleed, Sif has a single given bleed as her normal primary attack.
Basically shes like a half wolverine, both with a better passive.
Then she can give everyone forty (25% more increased defence) while Thor give everyone strengthened instead(25% more damage, much better). This also gives her a buff making her next attack a guaranteed critical. Well as she now start with that for 3 turns anyway(obviously we player her with costume) that's a redundant double stacking next critical that wont do much. This leads to that if the user is playing her he/she waits for 3 turns to use the third ability, as other wise it would be more or less like wasting 1 turn.
Her second ability is the primary damage attack. As it exploits critical and exploits tenderize (bonus damage from slashing attacks), which it creates by itself. So its also a pretty boring character, using her with the costume the user will just spam the second ability, first time as it do deal more damage with critical and then it leaves the tenderize on them. Then next time its used it will deal a lot more damage, use it again, and use it again. Use the team buff, use second ability again.
I don't even know when its planned that the user should aim on using that half ass bleed attack or the ravage attack. Against infiltrator she will do the bleed attack for free, but in almost all cases it will never be worth using her ultimate to land ravage over a much stronger attack(second ability). + Dots are not that good in the current meta
Iron Fist:
Is pretty much the best of the low cost cp guys. Because his heal is sickly good, his first and second ability combo together. However, he got pretty much the worst ultimate in the game.
Iron First 2 first two abilities work well together, one gives unarmed combo debuff, the exploit combo set up. Then the second ability of course have exploit combo and it got deadly critical so if it critical with a 35% chance they can very often instantly die.
Then he got a heal, that can be used on anyone in the team to restore them to full Health(Depending on his attack but it heals a lot so just below full Hp normally).
These are 3 good skills, especially for PvP.
But then....he got hearth of Shou-lou. This is one of the absolute worst ultimates. It gives Iron First a buff that boost every stat, very little. It do last for 100 turns, so its possible to stack Hearth of Shou-lou very high. But, obviously that cost huge amount of turns. There is absolute no room in this games meta in PvP to stand and cast a self buff that grants so little each time. It if at least was to everyone it would maybe be usable. Or if it granted a lot more stats. Another way could be that when he uses it, he removes all debuff from himself. Then he would at least be really good in 1v1.
-He is getting a new costume so I think he will be really good in pvp, well depending on what the costume will give. I could see something like getting a hearth of Shou-Lou per turn.
Deadpool: (unreleased both 100% revealed)
What to say really, hes Imba! He has been nerfed in damage already before his release. The thing is that Mockingbird does so sick damage from her mocking blow, which has paragon exploiter. Deadpool’s ultimate also has this and he can create so many debuffs on the opponent, which increases the damage of a paragon exploiter attack.
He probably will be really bad in defence because he need to be used in sequence order meaning first ability-second-third-Fourth. But In offence he will one shoot kill anyone with the last ability(given they have some debuffs on them)
This will create a bad loop 1000 winners will have him, now in the next coming days. Then another PvP tournament will start (I assume) where they will have him and no one else until the next PvP tournament ends. Which he will be released to the general public. This means they will have him to win easier, he will be a really good offensive character. They will again and get to the top 1000(or hopefully a higher number next time).
That he is a scrapper don't make sense at all, am I the only one who have read a Deadpool magazine. I have read each number of Cable and Deadpool, and the newest Deadpool solo, deadpool corps etc. And I started reading Deadpool at the around Cable and Deadpool 9-10. When you think about it I been reading Deadpool monthly for around 9 years, man I liked Deadpool before he was popular. Which honestly made him a lot worse, now its to much mainstreaming. I love Uncanny X-Force, but Deadpool is not much acting as Deadpool in it. Hes there thanks to popularity. Spoiler alert
In the newest Deadpool comic (63) he clearly outwitted T-Ray with using a bomb in the detonator. he is a tactician clearly.
Scrapper are shit-_- Of the CP unlockable Scrappers only really Quicksilver is worth having, the are a lot better Scrapper trough alternative costumes. However, the limited edition Scrappers work very good as anti-infiltrators.