Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hearthstone Blackrock Mountain Review: Blackwing Lair

File:Flamewaker(14445) Gold.png 
I haven't seen this card much at all so far in constructed but its a card that I can see getting play later in the game. Its a card that clearly is better per spell you have and preferably cheap spells, making it quite bad in arena for most decks. But it will become better and better in constructed the more mage spells the game has and likely the game will have more spell effect synergies in the future, not like this card has but e.g Mana Wyrm and this card got the same trigger mechanic so does mana addict, I can see more of those cards, more spells and then this card grows and becomes better and better. Its a card I definitely can see getting some serious decks.

2.4 for 3 can be hard to remove in arena and its effect can be devastating but its a very clear cut if to pick this card. Got enough cheap g good spells like Frostbolt ? If you don't this card wont do anything so you can only draft it late in when knowing most of the deck or gamble but the thing is that its like not an unbound elemental which really becomes crazy strong if you get enough overload effects on it. Thats a huge pay off this card is a random effect that might have zero real reward for that risk. Its one of those cards were its most of the time useless but sometimes its really, really good.
File:Dark Iron Skulker(14434) Gold.png
Backstab on everyone. 

This card is so good I am surprised its not a combo demand on this battlecry. You play it out kill a smaller minion hurt another one so your weaker minion can trade it off etc. Its really good in arena. You will always damage something but many times it can kill of several minions. And its still a decent body. Coining it can be a huge tempo swing, it can handle cards with deathrattle etc.

They have to be undamaged but for the most part its like a consecration for 1 mana more but you get a 4.3 thats strong and why as I mentioned especially a coin play when it can clear the board is really huge for tempo. Comparing to getting a good consecration at mid timing. What does that amount to? IT amounts to clearing hte opponent board and you are somewhat back in the game but it will leave your board empty as well as you just paid all your mana for a consecration at turn 4 or 5 for that mater as you at best got a secret to play for 1 mana. With this card instead we are left with a 4.3 making the swing be so much stronger.

Of course its not always as good or better as if they got a big minion which is injured you wont get it with this card, like a 7.1 + a bunch of 1.1 will not kill the 7.. Its not the ultiamte card or anything like that but a strong minion. 

I also found it great in constructed because of all the aggro decks, all the popular deathrattle cards like spiders,shredders etc that leaves minions that will die from the 2 damage. It does not really fit the current oil rouges but its great for the control late game rogues which might become great with the dragons.
File:Fireguard Destroyer(14455) Gold.png
This is one of the cads I been waiting for in respect to arena. This card is incredible strong bulk type of minion. Just like water elemental it has 6 life so hard to get ride of by damaging it and while it cost 1+ overload mana over water elemental it do gets 1-4 extra in attack and that means that it for the most part can kill anything when its played. Landing on 5-7 attack which is 75% of the time means it can kill a yeti and it will kill obviously kill pretty much all other cards played up to 5 mana cost at 5 attack and if it gets 7 attack it can kill anything up to 8 mana so very strong. 

It really has huge value for it cost and it probably the best new card for arena. Because its so simple. Right its not much I can say about it, its just a big guy for low cost of mana. Yes it has a random effect but even a 4.6 is a great thing to get turn 4 and coining this card and they dont have an answer like a fireball, thats will be at least 2 cards. 4.6 is just the worst case to and its far likelier that it 5 or more. Simple consistent value is what is the best in arena.

In constructed its a pretty good card it does not really have any combos or anything just like I went over its strength in arena that its just strong alone and amazing in a void does not really translate well into constructed then as it cant really do anything special with anything else except boosting an unbound elemental. But it still a good stats minion, I can see it being played in a bunch of different decks and while its a little boring in constructed its one of those cards I can see being played in a year from now. It has nothing to do really with the other new cards(well a little with lava shock but its only 1 overload) but its just a solid minion so it can easily be played in several different decks and in the future might be really strong in some type of shaman deck. 
File:Demonwrath(14463) Gold.png
Demonwrath, Demons and more demons. 
I have had great success with all my demon decks in arena. Both that Imp Gang Boss is so strong but also this card. Its a really good card, most of the time when you are behind and using it just like any other aoe, you usually got your board cleaned out or it becomes clean as you trade or last guy in to their big guy to make it die from the aoe. This means this card is essentially a 3 mana consecration. Which obviously is really good. 
 Very rarely have I ever seen this card with to much of a backfire on your army, given that I currently pick almost all demon cards alwasy in arena as that has vastly made lock better. But its also becsue of  that, Demonlcok is strong in arnea so you espect to pick demons meaning htis card wont hit youur guys.

And in constructed  I am currently maining imp lock, so I don't have only demons but the demon cards have gotten pretty good now so a full demon deck is no issue to play at all. And then of course this card got no drawback. One of the few cards you might have who is not a demon is Dr.Boom but that means you can trigger the doom bot the same turn he is played that can be pretty good actually.

File:Revenge(14464) Gold.png
This is shit. 

1 damage to all so its just gonna be a 2 mana cost wirldwind and wirldwind is arleayd almost 100% useless in arena -- never pick this card. 

And even in counstricted is not taht good, becasue the extra 2 damage that is a lot easier to get away with in constructed is not that great. The current decks are Grim or Protection, Grim you would just kill the Grims or other cards on the hat is just horrible. So then tis just an extra wirhdild in the deck, whcih can be ok but still 1 more mana cost makes it a lot harder to get away the frothing berserker etc combos. SO thats bad. 

And in protection warrior, when you can use its extra effect the game is at like turn 10 or something. And then they won have so weak minions. So its only good if you play against super aggressive aggro and then you can get use for it at turn 5-6 or something but you likely have to play something else as well like warrior weapon deck or something.
File:Hungry Dragon(14436) Gold.png
Finally a good neutral card.

People say this is great but compare it to fireguard destroyer who has the same or better stats and does not give your opponent 1 mana creature but cost 1 overload instead thats a lot better - I just want to point out how good fireguard destroyer is.

Anyway this is also a very strong arena card as its also just a huge minion for low cost. Its also like the first neutral this expansion to be better with certain classes which si mainly as all other neutral has been pretty bad so far. The 1 drop minion can really screw you over even more so in constructed. e.g giving a mage a mana wyrm and they have a lot of spells on hand or given a priest a northshire cleric. But in arena giving a mage a mana wyrm is not as bad as they likely wont have so many spells. 
+ This card is a big minion with 6 life and as I went over with fireguard it has 5 in attack so it can kill yetis and everything else at 4 to lower mana cost (except the water and fireguard) with it being hard to remove as people well don't have spells.
So in arena this card is very strong not amazing because of the 1 cost minion but a strong card.
In constructed I think its ok, I like it in Dragon Paladin because you don't play so much minions or card at all before this card so that leaves you with token 1.1 that often can kill the 1 drop that is summoned. Likewise this card works better with Mage,Druid and Rogue who can often remove the spawned 1 drop and this is especially better in arena. And why its a better card for those 3 classes.
Mage,Druid, Rouge +

File:Chromaggus(14451) Gold.png

I actually think Chromaggus is a pretty good card in constructed maybe really good. Of course he comes late so its a control deck we are playing but when he is out its really hard to tell what cards the player got more of if you get in 1 or 2 extra draws. Suddenly they got 2 Tirion, maybe its 3 consecration can be played and so on. It gives option to a lot of combos but mainly that its harder to read what 2 card limits has been reached by the opponent. It also combos great with Dragon Consort for th specific paladin deck. Were you can play Consort turn 5 and then drop this card turn 6. While the other dragon cost 9(7) so they can first be played one turn later. That makes this card a lot more impact full in Dragon Paladin.

In arena its ok, it does not do anything when it comes to the field so you have to survive with it. But its a really strong late late game card where both player are having a top decking war which often happens in long drawn out arena games, This card then doubles what you draw and its likely very hard to remove it for your opponent. Its issue is that its not very good at turn 8 then its good post turn 10 well maybe around 8 I guess but for the most part its good really late game. Not a very good arena card but better then all the random shenanigan cards and better then some of the other late cost card. Is is better then Ragnaros? No far from it, its a mediocre card in arena.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Quality Maniac: Marvel Avengers Alliance: Age of Ultron Special Operation part 1

I am sure its a lot more bugs on this SO and have already logged so many bugs on this game I wont bother finding the real number.

Anyway this just annoyed me a lot:

The first screen you find when entering the new Special operation mission has an ID string fucked up. That just looks sad to me, the first dam screen, do better then that please Playdom.

Also the whole SO thing is by far the worst retention design they ever did, this SO gives a freaking Suit for Iron Man that wont make him playable anyway instead of a new hero like all otehr has done before and no lockbox. That is really bad monetization/game design. I don't see why most people are even gonna play this SO at all. I will but just barely, the suit don't even have a new alt class for Iron Man, its Blaster again which he already is(and is the best class to be for bonuses) so no real reason at all to get the suit.

Hearthstone Blackrock Mountain Review: Blackrock Spire

Not much deep isnight from me except that I hate this game--- 5 last arena runs all ending in 6.3...

Alway a little hearthbreaking to not reach 7 especially so many times in a row. That has always been my least favorite part of HS arena, its such a steep step at just 6 - to - 7. Instead of having it more linear like, 6 is garuented 120, 7 is 135 etc We get 6 is 50-120 gold... and 7 is 150. So it can be a 100 gold difference with just 1 more win.

File:Volcanic Lumberer(14458) Gold.png 
Volcanic Lumberer is a very strong arena card. I been thinking about it a lot, I been doing a lot of Druid runs the most this week and this card is awesome. First of all Ironbark protector is pretty good in arena right.

And this is just a better Ironbark.

When I did the math for Dragon's Breath the bad mage card I concluded that as it for the most part cost 3 mana and do 4 damage like a 2 mana card. And while it can cost less it also by default cost 5 mana its a lot worse then Flame Canon.

This card instead cost less then its counterpart. IT will for the most time cost 7 mana or less, its very easy to trade 1 for 1 minion, this will be the same math for volcanic dragon as well etc. So its cost 7 mana, that is establish. Thats 1 mana less!!!! Then Ironbark. This card starts at only 1 mana more, instead of like 11 which would be if it was bad like Dragon's Breath. So its kinda clear its easy to get it down cheaper, 1 dead minion same cost and the easily achieved 2 dead makes it cheaper. Then it can also be throw out after A Swipe or other board clear plays thats huge, combo it with Force of nature, kill a few cards with the trees they die get this out etc. A lot of potential but the important thing really is that is not only easily cheaper then Ironbark protector its a card a big dam card.

If you get the Dragon's Breath effect in that might mean you can safe 1 minion and kill their last with it. If you just clean can just deal 4 damage. Here instead we get out a huge big guy. Which in arena is a big pain in the ass and the tempo swing can be amazing. In constructed is also a solid card not as powerful as in arena but still good.

There is 2 reason for that, its more minion trading making it easier to get out for a 5-7 cost in arena. But more importantly, 7 or 8 attack don't matter. Comparing it to ironbark it really is the same type of card in Arena. You never fight anything with 8 life in Arena, it can happen but its very rare. Biggest card you will face are Ogres and War Golems maybe a buffed minion can get to +8 but they also mainly are under 8 life. So this card can almost always kill anything. That extra 1 attack is very insignificant. Its similar with Ancient of War, its a 5.10 but that can almost always also kill everything in arena.This is because you don't face the big health guys you might see in constructed so 7 will be enough, no 12 life etc. (Well here the 12 life would survive anyway, but you can kill a Rag with 8, the only issue it has really in arena is vs Ironbarks as they got 8 life;)

So very good very solid in arena, one of the best rare picks to get.

In constructed it might see play its a lot better then Ironbark easy to get to with board clear cards which you have more of but not in Ramp then I think it would be in combo or my old Legion deck were you just get 100s of token characters there it could easily be played at mid game. Legion is easily the best place for it but the deck in itself is not as good compared to overall combo aim with savage roar and force of nature(which his also in legion but legion lacks draw etc to and focus on other stuff as well). It seems kinda slow for constructed but I can see it being played in a few decks. I guess its not all about "slow" but more that it don't really do much its just a big card. Big cards are great in arena, not so great in constructed its just big, I am not one of those people that just say, "BGH will kill it" sure it will but the aim is to play this card pretty cheap so its not the end of the world if BGH gets ti and depending on the deck you got bigger guys that BGH then misses(well that is unlikely as I don't see this at all in big slow control druid deck). Its more about I rather see a minion that can be cheap to play and it has some cool ability. Its actually kinda weird on how but this card and Volcanic Dragon are just big cards would be interesting to have a weaker but an ability instead  that can get out really fast or give some type of combo.
 That's its downfall in constructed I can see it getting played to finish people of clear the board with tokes and/or spells and then play it out on empty and if they cant kill it you win.

But to repeat the important part--- its really good in arena, there getting a big thing out faster is a huge tempo play and is often a game won right away. For the most part they have to use 2-3 cards to get it away and thats a win. 

I tend to argue with my friend that this card is playable in constructed just play a super cheap 1 cost mana type of hunter deck and make this the most expansive card in the deck pretty much. It can be done). If then its a huge finisher a horrible card to have the misfortune to play. Well I tried a little and its not impossible but one thing that is a factor is: It wont be played turn 4. Usually you will get it out at like turn 6 maybe 5 and drop 1-2 cheap cards before it. Still a very strong play drop 2, 1 drops and this card at turn 6. While they already should be at very low life. (or you lost already) so a good finisher.

In arena its..... well Its not a good card its effect will never happen. But 4.4 for 4 is not unplayable. There is far worse rare cards its also a beast. So it can be picked, is it worse then a Tall Strider, which is a 5.4 beast for 4. Most Definitely, is it worse then Savannah highmane, YES so much worse. But its not completely useless. Its a card that you can pick if the otehr rare cards sucks, which they do sometimes.
 File:Dragon Consort(14452) Gold.png
I been doing Dragon paladin whole week so this card is super important there. Its a really, really good card in constructed, 5.5 for 5 and then you can get out your legendary at turn 7. Some argue you can play big dragon + more but I think its a lot more about that you can play a Dragon like Ysera at turn 7, thats huge. Gives you time to get a few cards.

One thing I can see happing in with the coming 2 weeks of cards is that actually mid range dragon is gonna be even better for ladder. Because playing this card and then next turn dropping 2 medium minions can be a huge tempo swing, or e,g playing this card turn 8 with an 5 drop like Azure drake the same turn is for the most time a really hard tempo swing. So the cost reduction is definitely not just useful to play the most expansive dragons. Sometimes I just play it + a Fairy Dragon at turn 5, that can be enough to get board. But its not as good right now needs those middle sized bulky cards.

Because of this I found it being a decent card in Arena. You want get those big Legendary plays but you can play it pretty easily and then next turn put out one of the 4+ dragons and something else for more tempo. Which is very big in arena, obviously it has an increase value per dragon in the deck so its kinda hard picking it early but it is at its worse a 5.5 for 5 so its never a dead card. Especially as it effect last forever, I want to go so far and say its quite good actually. You can play this turn 5, then turn 15 you can get that other dragon out for cheap. Sure that wont help in arena, but let say you pick like 4-5 medium sized dragon thats enough to make this good as you can play and then likely before the game is over play one of those dragons at turn 8-10+ and get it out and potentially get a lot of tempo. Well you do need a few dragon to make it really be a good, but given that a lot of rare sucks. I have picked this just having 1-2 dragons over a lot of rares.

File:Twilight Whelp(14460) Gold.png
Horrible card---- in both modes. In constructed it just feels like a bad Zombie Chow as you can damage then with it as priest but overall as I went over with the Zombie Chow review its not a bad to heal the opponent for priest. As you are aiming for a long game. Even with a lot of dragons this cad then is met so much useful and it might misfire. Well I guess I would go with both kinda to make my deck last longer. If I use this one but I prefer spells + resurrect to get longer into the game.
 A huge meh card I think it really is badly designed into the game, as it feels like it should be super aggressive type of deck to play it but Dragons are inherently Well I guess you can do one dragon theme deck that tries to win very fast ending the highest card around 5.6 or something but that is still slow for a 1 mana drop. It just really don't make sense to me. To me its a wasted priest card.  I can see it getting played but it will be so limited, like 1 specific aggro deck and 1 control dragon deck or something.

For arena of course it sucks horrible, its a 2.1 for 1 for the most of the time. Hold Dragon is better the more the card cost. The more the card cost the easier it is to have drawn a Dragon. A 1 mana drop with the demand of the dragon is very, very bad as it by default the lowest chance to have a Dragon at that time. So only chance it will work if its the deck is just Dragons. Making it be near impossible to get it to work in Arena.
File:Dragon Egg(14442) Gold.png
This card I think its pretty fun in the warlock taunt theme etc. IT has some intresting plays but I dont find it very strong.

In arena it sucks, its a 2.1 for 1. But delayed. Almost always will it not get triggered by 1 damage nor will you be able to boost its life so it will die in 1 attack and spawn a 2.1. So thats 1 mana for 2.1 which is bad, and its yeah avoid this card. A little of a angry chicken type of card.

File:Rend Blackhand(14438) Gold.png 
Well obviously Rend sucks at Arena.

He is worse then Majordomo--that says a lot. Actually I can even see Rend being the worst legendary in arena in the game!

Why? Well he counters Legendaries, which you face at like 1/10 of the games at best. Meaning he will have his effect happening once per arena run IF you also hold a dragon at that time and IF you actually have even drawn him.

Its one thing that a Legendary is played every now and then but you also need then to have Rend and  Dragon on the hand at that time.

His ability is never gonna happen and he is just a 8.4 for 7 which is horrible stats for that mana cost.

Well if it happens it would be amazing as they likely only got that one legendary so that would be quite the swing in arena.

In constructed I think Rend is pretty good, as I mentioned I been playing Dragon Paladin whole week and he is often really handy in the late game, if you get to the late game that is. I think that the hardship of Dragon Pala is not to win past turn 10 but to survive the aggro decks mainly face hunter. So when you managed to get there Rend is strong as he can remove any legendary, he is much better then BGH, late game. Yes he cost more but he can remove cards like Kel'thuzad which can definitely win the game. And remove the more and more common Dragon drop Ysera, emperor Tharrusian is super, super common and great to remove and something  that other Pala cards really cant do, you cant kill him with Truesilver as he got 1 to much life, misses with BGH etc.  And of course everything else like Dr.boom etc that could also been done by BGH but rend is not just a bad BGH like many people say.
 But of course he only works in a Dragon deck. Still some argue that his ability might not even happen as you lack a dragon in the hand, that is absolutely wrong. So late game that you can play rend-. yeah you have drawn a lot of cards by then and collected the big dragon drops like Alextressa,Ysera,Malygos etc so you very, very likely have at least 1 dragon to trigger his Battlecry I often sit there with 3-4 dragons so that is no issue.

Overall I think that the Volcanic Lumberer can definitely be a game wining card several games so something to be afriead of when facing Druid in Arena. It can be wise to not let them trade to easily, even more so when the Dragon comes as well.
 Dragon Consort is an Ok card that can give tempo the rest are really bad so they wont effect the arena at all, especially not the neutral cards.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Marvel Avengers Alliance PvP Season 20 Recap


Its not much new to say in this season as like season 19. Kuurth + Nul was by far the popular team to go with.

If anything just more of it and it was very clear to me that the higher up you get in ladder the more common it gets.

I started out at 1400 the last day and did a classic play run up to 1900 as always safe buffer and having to do very few total battles, this is called being efficient and not wasting time before the last day or two, the most safe is to get to like 2000 the day before.

Anyway, it lower ratings it was a lot of Nul teams but with him mixed with all kind of characters, Molly,Groot,Gamora etc. But the higher I got the more common the Nul + Kuurth become and at like 1700 rating+ it was bascily 9/10 yeah super overly played in the meta.

So actually if there is any reason to not play this team I went over last recap why the team is super bad and easy to beat(mainly as the 2 character don't have any synergy at all) this is by far the most logical reason not do. If everyone is using one team, you really shoulden't be using it even if it was the best the to use as then everyone with half a brain just counters that team. Same in any game, e.g if everyone is playing super aggressive aggro decks in Hearthstone, just counter that even if your deck would suck against everyone else. If you face like 80% aggro decks its worth it, thats 80% wins, which is awesome. Here it was freaking 90%+ NulxKuurht, I would never in my life use this defensive team, as I assume everyone is just running an attack team that is good against them.

I really don't get it, they are not even hard to beat, I even used Emma/Enchantress + Molly all day long and Kuurht hard counters both Emma and Enchantress so I would even have issues some games, even so she still sucks. I swapped to Emma more to get cosmic power on Molly so it would go faster, if I had any real issues with them I would just bring in IP to blast Kuurth away 3 turns before she does any damage.
 Whatever it just the same team as last season just more of it.

Another thing that was new and was super common, like almost everyone used it was the mugin eye, which makes the agent immune to melee attacks. As its always an agent, this item on its own was the most common meta thing.
 And I don't get it, it really does nothing. No one of the top characters that are common use melee attacks or better phrased are subjugated to only melee. I can agree how much it rapes Iron Fist for example a mediocre character no one ever uses. When I talk to people about it everyone giove me the same answer - it counters Molly.

Fuck no it don't counter Molly, when you face the AI maybe sure. But when you are putting it vs a Human it does nothing. When I faced that item, which I did for like 100 games in a row with Molly in my team. I just spam her ultimate which is range and it does nothing. I often just spam the aoe ultimate anyway as it is easier to kill the opponents with it going passed a tank etc. Other top characters like, Emma, Magneto, Enchantress, Iron Patriot etc are using ranged attacks so it has not effect there.
 If it was immune to range it would be like so much better, still its all about what will attack you and plan for that. Right now Excluding Molly as she is uber broken(and not countered by this) the second top attacker is Emma Frost, which she has been since season 1. She has always been the amazing so what item has always been good for the agent in defence? Psychic immunity, especially during the Emma/Phoenix/Psylocke reign of season 3-4 psychic immunity was amazing. Now its not so common as everyone is using the worthy ones even if they are much worse then Emma. For that matter the worthy ones like Nul can just spam his aoe range like Molly, Nul's uses her rune range moves and her melee attack still triggers runes even if it I do not know what this melee immunity is supposed to counter? War(X-23) is like the only top character I could see it truly countering but he is never played anymore even do she is really good and I guess Quicksilver but thats kinda iffy as he can go past the tank agent and kill the other 2 characters easily and then the agent will be left alone vs his team for the most part so not really. 
 The way I see it this item will hard counter bad characters you would have beaten anyway. Making it really pointless, that does add into the overall win ratio.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Marvel Avengers Alliance: Best Team PvP Season 20. Guide for best characters for PvP. Review Angela


So Angela is ...I still dont know when I first heared Angela was gonna be in the game I thougt it was 

The X-men character (Married to Beak and that's why I remember her so clearly as I loved Exiles) that for w.e reason was in the X-men First class Movie e.g


I never got why she was in the movie, so I was like oook, guess shes gonna be playable, and likely the movie version then and not her comic versions.

But apparently its the Angela from the Spawn comics, I have barely read any Spawn actually and just a few of her now Marvel version(pun intended). So I am just gonna assume she has an excellent game design to her comic versions. As Playdom is always so good at that, well actually jokes aside they are often pretty good and making the abilities make sense to the comic but just not making them balanced or fun like they are picking the worst part of the characters in many cases.

Game wise then, she is really uninteresting, so I would say they nailed her design. I found her really uninteresting to read about in the comics and the game version is just there. High damage scrapper with no real good abilities just pure damage, which its a lot of.

Her passives are not very good, she has the asgardian passive + also gains life when enemy dies(from nay source). Its ok, never was the top passives in the game. Then she also can preemptively counter attacks and she will also always counter them if they are marked with her unique debuff: "Mark of the huntress".
 Right away one can see that she is all about this debuff and here her major issue comes. Its only her first ability a simple single target attack that sets out this debuff. Yes she can do it more then with follow up attacks from coordination and counters etc. But the is very limited to bascily debuffing one guy and then trying to kill that person fast or spending 3 turns debuffing people and not really doing anything until turn 3(except with minor counters).

I focus on killing one target so first this attack to one enemy and then her other abilities that then of course gain bonus if the enemy is marked, so yeah all about this mark. She does deal good damage to 1 character then, that is pretty much the only thing she can do.

Her third ability I like the theme of, instead of team attack buff or team defensive buff that Thor and Sif has respectively. She instead has the random of all 4 buffs but only to herself and also some minor healing + from blessing that I guess is to combo with her passive that has almost zero effect so its kinda w.e. Its quick action so good to deal damage fast.
 It also has an weird effect that gives enemeis with the mark, intimidate and cower. So here again is her massive issue, either spend 3 turns attacking each enemy to get this effect to be good or again then attack 1 to kill them faster. Thing is doing those debuffs turn really bad game plan as the battle should be over by then.

And turn 1 you either do this QA to deal more damage but it will be no marks the so the extra effect usually never happens in the game or you safe it for turn 2, combo this with her ultimate and going for the kill on the marked target. However, in this case that target will likely die so what are these abilities supposed to  do?

It really does nothing, either you don't ever get it, it comes way to late or you do get it in but you have also spend all your abilities on single target on that enemy (in this case the other characters should also of course try and killing that enemy or its just a shitty team combo you got) and then the enemy dies and the effect does nothing.

SO really a pointless extra ability. And here the clearly tried to give her somewhat of a not just damage stuff but it really was horrible implemented.

Really not so much to say about her, her second ability removes buff if they are marked, decent but her ultimate is also just single target damage that gains extra damage if they are marked and/or bleeding, extra damage from her having buffs etc and that is better to use then the second ability as it will just kill them or at least nearly kill them.

Lastly, I am very confuse that she does not have fatal blow, the finish of attack if  they got low life. YES is overly used on all the games assassin characters like Gamora.X-23 and Elektra etc. But now this case is just so inconsistent, shes like the only assassin who cant finish low life characters. Her ultimate should really have had if they are marked  + gain fatal blow.
 She does do enough damage anyway but as her passive and the ultimate is based on killing stuff efficient(it gains + 1 turn if it kills a marked one, which I still say should be there + fatal blow) fatal blow would make it more safe so she really can get it working.

A very mediocre character. 5/10, I really do not think she will see any play at all in the game.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hearthstone Blackrock Mountain Review: Molten Core

This has been the best week for me in a long time, its like w.e I do. Trying building weird combo decks or just always picking the new card I have gone so good in Arena, especially with Warlock. Except...Warrior. God how I hate playing warrior for that simple matter you know you are gonna lose. I have played warrior a lot to try and test out Axe Flinger and also then Grim Patron. And it still just so hard to win with warrior in arena, by far the hardest class to get a good deck with. And I really want to point out its not that warrior is the "hardest" class to play its just hard to get a viable deck. Especially as the class ability is by far the worst ability in the game(in arena).
 I have always said this but this week for me has been the most clear, first I earned 700 gold playing this weekend and then Monday- Wednesday I been playing only warrior as often as I could and I am back almost were I started...I just to disprove that I do not suck with warrior I went and did a constructed deck and went from rank 20 to 12(yes I only play arena) yesterday, which is of course not hard I just wanted to test Axe Flinger more. And of course that deck do utilize the massive warsong commander + grim patron combo and other warrior stuff. Its just so clear that warrior needs to really have a deck, a combo stuff around their cards and they need weapon for removal. So its 2 things you need to get to make it work. Almost all of their class cards are really weak without other class cards(or a few neutral cards) supporting them.

I actually really like Axe Flinger for constructed. It does huge damage in my deck and while it do deals damage. In arena it just gives so little board when it comes out so its like a weird minor minion + some damage. And some damage for arena is often useless, maybe I should write this more under the card but I think its an overall bad thing for Hearthstone cards in arena to add some damage, or some extra w.e that does not give you board. Board/tempo and sometimes card advantage is what matters, 2 for 1 cards etc. So for example Cobra Shot, sucks as well, Quick Shoot is >>> way better then Cobra shot, essentially in Arena they do the exact same thing but Cobra cost 3 more mana.
 In general I do not recommend any similar card.
File:Druid of the Flame(14457) Gold.png 
I quite like this card, its a 5.2 for 3 or a 2.5 and a 5.2 for 3 is vastly better then Magma Rager.

Magma Rager is often seen as one of the worst cards in the game if not the worst with its 5.1 body for 3. So it can be removed so easily by class abilities and every aoe etc. But a 5.2 body is actually much. much harder to remove. That extra life so you aren't at 1 makes a huge difference. I have played with this card and getting it out turn 3 is great as an answer towards a turn 4 yeti drop. And thats kinda what Magma Rager can do but if you put it out like that to threaten a bigger more expensive card it will just get shot down by mages etc, here instead it works.

5.2 for 3 is really good as it 5 life turn 4 and 5 drops are so common.

And that is just one side of it, it can also be a 2.5 which is far more common that people place it in, which is a huge mistake if the board is empty. But when the board is not empty and the opponent has a like a 2.1 and a 3.2 out dropping this as a 2.5 will take up 2 cards most of the game either those 2 on the board or 1 of them + a cheap removal.

So this card is actually quite good, either it takes 2 cheap cards out going 2 for 1 or it takes out 1 bigger more expensive minion.

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While it been some other bad cards and this week has a lot of bad cards. This is actually probably the worst. Further down in this article I will cover on  why Blackwing Technician and Majordomo sucks a lot more in general but this card is worse for arena actually.

Basically this card requires 10+ overload in your deck to be good, thats about it. Or else it effect wont be nearly useful for game. I managed to get that type of deck once so far in arena, I had 13 overload cards it had crazy amount of lighting spells (3 forked, 4 lighting bolts etc).
 Bottom-line is that you cannot ever pick this card in arena unless almost your whole deck is drafted already

And actually its really not that fun of a card in constructed either as its so limited, I used to play Elemental shaman like a year ago or so, so I redid that deck with this card and its really good, its amazing but its pretty much only for that deck and nothing else.
 Overload has always been better with the more you have in the same deck the better it gets as then even if you are locked you can still do a lot as you got more overload doing a lot with low mana, so you can keep playing with locked for several turns in  row with no issue. This card is amazing in that deck and horrible in pretty much everything else that deck is also spell damage based further making this card better as its a gains extra damage from cards like Azure Drake, Bloodmage Thalnos etc. 

Overall I do like to see more elemental shaman so I like the card but its actually don't open up so many gameplay as Blizzard claimed at first as its really limited to just 1 type of deck with some variation on that deck. And its then useless in arena.

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As I mentioned the card is just a 2.5 + 4.3 damage. I think that is an accurate value of the axe flinger. 
 Because you rarely just throw 1 Axe, so that results in a 2 axes which is 4 and then you might throw a third one in arena.  Its like a normal distribution that focus on the 4 but is skewed a bit to the right towards 5 first I had its value at 5 damage (4+6 )/ 2  but I think thats in accurate its a little lower then 5 but not as low as 4. With my data is roughly 4.3.

One way I look at this card is that is like a weaker fire ball but you get a minion as well. So its not horrible is just that in arena you want meat, you want meat that covers the area. In that sense a yeti that has only 2 extra attack power but no ability is still usually better in arena as it will lead ot board control in the end that leads to more damage done and also less damage to you. 2.5 is just hard to trade and kill stuff, coining him out turn 3 is a good play if its empty board or its a 3.2 out. If you can kill 2 smaller minions and fling 2 axes obviously that is great but it don't happen enough. And a Yeti would also kill those 2 smaller minions suer no extra 4 damage then but the Yeti can also instead kill 1 small 1 medium or maybe 1 big etc. I rather take that then the lower damage.

Its very clear that you really want to get 10 damage, so 5 damage but spread as 1 damage at a time. I love this card in constructed. its great with bouncing blade where it deals 10 damage on an empty board good finisher. Just in general good with the warrior cards like whirlwind cruel taskmaster, Death's Bite etc. If you get all those cards this cards value increases dramatically.

However, I do think people are gonna over value this card. So I picked it it every time I could for my runs. It really is not getting in enough value unless you draw the perfect hand in arena, it is just not enough support cards for it. In constructed the whole deck supports the enrage/damage taken mechanic so the chance of getting those cards is almost 100% if not 100%. But in arena you don't have the number of cards and you don't have the card draw. When I play this in my constructed deck one of the cards that is huge in that deck is really Battle Rage, Battle Rage is great with this card its great with the overall otehr cards that are good with this card like Death's bite and so on.  It looks very simple get x cards of warrior combo and lets go. But the X is really high, other card that just builds this deck up is acolyte of pain more card draw more combo with this and otehr self damage etc. If you have all of that this card is very strong. But its impossible to get in arena.

Once this week I even manged to draft Grim Patron, Warsong Commander 2 of this, 3 Death's bite and some other good stuff, like 1 Cruel Taskmaster. Even then it was hard getting the combos off. That deck was decent, it was still hard to get all the value of the different cards. I still had to few of the synergy effects for most games to get something off on a regular basis.

Comparing it to Grim Patron, Grim Patron is a lot better, yes different rarity. But the effect is pretty much the same difficulty to happen, but if it does Grim gives you board, sometimes massive board presence. While this is just some more damage. So this is a card that is really hard to get the full value of and even if you manage it does not actually help the board control at all just pure damage, that is actually pretty bad. Especially as its much harder to finish someone off in Arena compared to constructed. You might ave run out of direct damage potential + turn 10. So its all about getting the board, so even if this card has done 10 damage and you need to draw like 1 big weapon to get the win your deck don have Gorehowl it don't have Grommash etc, thats general issue for arena and why going for face vs controlling the board is often a huge mistake.

 File:Imp Gang Boss(14443) Gold.png 
This is such a value card and by far the best card this week for arena.

Its a 3.5 for 3 is what many veiw it as. And while I agree that sa 2.4 + 1.1 is not the same as a 3.5 while its 8 stats value on both sides of the equiance that is not the avarage stats I am getting froM Imp Gang Boss. Each of my warlock runs has gone great this week with only one run that ended as 6 with the rest at 8 or better in 10 runs. And I been picking Imp Gang Boss each time I had a chance and its always a great card. 
 Becasue first of all the value is 2.4 +1.1 at a minimum and for most games he will get out 2 imps so his value is at 2.4 +1.1 +1.1 a freaking 10 value for 3 mana. Thats just a ridicules amount of value for so little mana. Like a Yet is 9 in value for 4 mana so its value is at like 4,5 mana and its a Demon card so it can also synergi with all the different lock cards. And it being a demon its just an extra added bonus coining this out at turn 2 is always a massive tempo it does not at all requires the demon cards to be good, but if you have them its clearly even better.

Its 4 life make it kill 1-2 drops and survive, you can forcefully attack in to weaker stuff to get effects, buff it with different demon spells or other cards like defender of Argus, etc all of that gives it a huge boost and its a lot easier to buff then for example Grim Patron which I guess is the most similar card as it cost 2 mana less and the 1 more HP makes it harder to kill so it can surive more expecilyt then with extra life boost.

I also want to note that a lot of people look at it like Grim Patron but the cards effect are similar but not the same, Grim has to survive, this card can just take damage so that comes back to that it really always gives 2.4 + 1.1 at the worst. Only way it don't if is someone silence it or poly etc. Which is completely fine, to take a premium removal like Poly with a 3 drop is always good. And silence is often then the owl, which means u can just kill it and still have a 2.2. Left so thats also tempo advantage.

Overall a very strong card, its uncommon so expect to see it a lot in arena.

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soooo I thought we where in the Molten Core?

Some of the cards for no reason, at least lore wise are in the wrong wings clearly. And this card even has the name Blackwing in it but is not in the Blackwing part of the dungeon. 

But the worst part is really how utter crap this card is. Clearly it need the Dragon to be in the deck to be good and it really is no Dragon released yet. So its pretty shit even in constructed. The bulk of the dragons are released in the last wing and not only is it a lot of dragons for the last wing but they are also the neutral common ones so they are the cards you will likely get in arena, making this card having a chance of good. 

So yeah, a hard card to actually review right now for the total arena value of it. However, I will say right away then that is utter useless right now so don't pick it. The only dragon that is can be picked are Fairy Dragon and Azure Drake. Rest are legendaries or bad picks like Twilight Drake. Right now horrible but even with more dragon is not a good card, I will say.

Because the effect is not that strong, sure its a big card at turn 3. Coining it at turn 2 is a gonna be a huge play in constructed and will also be massive even more massive if you can get it of in arena but obviously super unreliable. 

And the thing is, its unreliable and gives you just a big minion. For example The coming card Blackwing Corrupter(which is in the Blackwing instance...) has a much more board tempo effect that really can swing a game in your favour so while it also has the same unreliable issue of needing a dragon. IF you have a dragon the impact is likely a lot bigger.

Looking at the Dragon synergy cards, they are all risk, so they better have a high reward for that risk. This card don't really offer a high reward, as a turn 2 play then its really good but otherwise is a medium(turn 3 play) or I would even call it a low reward if played later then turn 3. And that really is not what you want for arena, its total value is just not that good even when its effect happens.

 File:Majordomo Executus(14456) Gold.png 
Majordomo, horrible arena card but I actually think it sucks in constructed as well.

I have tried to put him into several different of my decks and I just cannot find any way where it actually does anything useful. My new elemental shaman deck that is based around Lava Shock seems to use this card the best for the face damage finish of with Ragnaros late game. But really its a bad card, it comes out late at super high cost 9 mana does nothing when it comes out. Has to freaking die to get the real effect and not die by e.g Hex or Poly but die. And even when it happens Ragnaros is a random unreliable and you get 8 life so you will end up dieing from like all combo decks making it be horrible in constructed and usually a suicidal move in arena as well.

This card is just bad in all ways. But especially then for arena as the games are often already over at turn 9. And it then has no impact when tis played and its really when ti dies you get that effect and then you likely lack the aoe to clear for a aimed Rag attack or the aoe to just not die with your 8 life. Or taunts etc. Its really, really bad in arena.

Otherwise I don't actually hate the card because I see it as a fun card, its a friendly match up card. I use it when I play around with deck concepts that I know wont work competitively but I just want to surprise my friends etc. For me I view it as a 100%  non-serious  card that is a just another weird card you play out to get some laughs. 

I really don't think it will ever see any real play in ladder and people should not pick it in arena unless if the otehr cards are even worse which is pretty much only the RG gnomes etc. Because this is by far the worst Legendary of the high cost ones, by far.

Game design wise I do found it very interesting (and I guess lacking is what I found interesting as these week did nothing for the meta) last week we saw the release of absoutly in my opinion the best legendary by far for the overall game of this expansion, Emperor  Thaurissan and this week instead we just get a super joke card. Overall these cards this week haven't really had any impact for the arena play as they are for the most part just crap, lava shock useless. Neutral horrible cards, Axe Flinger don't do so much but I suppose it can see more play then e.g Lava Shock which I have never seen anyone pick so far.
 With Imp Gang boss being the exception its really solid and people do pick it a lot so it that has definitely seen a lot of play, I personally do think Druid of the flame is good as well(not on Imp level but still ok) but I have barely seen anyone ever play it and they almost always play as 2.5 and not 5.2 which I think is a huge mistake as its the 5.2 that actually gives a lot better board. I do not think that people really see the potential of that card, so its really only Imp Gang Boss of these cards that is being played in arena.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Marvel Avengers Alliance: Best Team PvP Season 20. Guide for best characters for PvP. Review The Destroyer


The Destroyer

Well its not really much I can say about The Destroyer just like its comic version its game version is really boring and that is what I expected by far as well. Just a straight on attack character with no interesting abilities. Well its not Playdom's fault, I mean what could they do, the game character is just like the comic and movie version its just an super strong super tanky machine that is relentless to kill its target. It does not really open up for an interesting gameplay. 

SO game wise, only thing it can do is damage. A pure damage machine but The Destroyer is a pretty good character actually. Sure very limited, it literally only do damage it has 1 debuff..really it has a stun with a low chance, well its ultimate has the melt down debuff were the opponents defense stats is not accounted for anymore when they are attacked. SO yeah pure damage.

Its not much to say or analyze about the gameplay The Destroyer has or its potential etc. It does work fine in defense as its so straight forward.
 It has very, very good passive. Probably the best defensive passive in the game, by far really. And it do counters Emma which is the AI's biggest issue. A good defense character for sure.

He feels very similar to the Juggernaut, I guess in both character wise in the stories when you think about it and here now he got the same passive as Juggernaut pretty much exactly the same where he gains stamina each turn. He gets this passive buff by each attack he has and it restores stamina stacks to 3 just like Juggernaut.

Really,..... one way to jut very simple understand how good Destroyer is and how boring he is. Is that he just plainly a much better Juggernaut. He don't have the melee synergy but otherwise he is just exactly the same character but with a lot better passive that covers more stuff and more damage. 
 Just like Juggernaut its immune to stun, immobilized and as mentioned Psychic attacks. (Note exactly like Juggernaut just more stuff)
 Hes also immune to all bio attacks, burning,poisoned(which actually is not the same as a bio attack in the game),  bleeding all fear, delirium, morale etc.

Just a better Juggernaut. Then he really has no abilities he just does weak aoe damage with he ultimate or pretty weak single attacks with his first or second ability. They do have a small synergy as one of them have a stun exploit and the otehr one can stun.

Then comes his third ability, which makes him consume all his stacks to get one turn per stack, it  can also heal him and shit. But clearly the other 2 options then gaining more turn is utter crap and even with low hp there is always pretty much better to get more turns and just kill the opponent then healing. Thats how pvp works, while is stated as a multi-functional ability its really just 1 ability. Turns = X number of stacks (max 3)

And then he can combo synergy with himself in one turn,. do the second attack to give stun and then attack with the first attack to deal extra damage. This is pretty much the only hitting he ever does. You start with the AoE for the most part and turn 2 is worth using the extra turns(will only get 2 but the actual gaining the buff is a Quick action so its a total of 3 turns and with them you can kill 1 character. 
 Then he got a whopping 4 turns of Cooldown on the self buff so he is almost completely worthless after killing 1 guy. 

So again then he is exactly like Juggernaut build up stacks, use them to deal high damage be useless for a few turns but hard to kill/stop.

In the perspective of comparing him to for example Juggernaut he is a lot better. But he is a horrible Molly. Molly does the same thing pretty much. Wait 1 turn to unless your abilities, be stun immune so it will happen, the opponent cant stop it but she deals like 10x his damage. 
 Sure they are actually a pretty good team together in defense but, the Destroyer really just feels like a buffed Juggernaut and its so much better characters then the concept of pure damage. 
 Because its other characters who do better pure damage like Molly, but also Iron Patriot etc.

2/10 Design wise, 7/10 pvp wise. I really cant say that the design does not fit The Juggernaut Destroyer, its still clearly just a rework of the Juggernaut and  that is just so lazy.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Hearthstone Blackrock Mountain Review: Blackrock Depths

Ok I just  talked about my general view of the cards which is very positive. And I honestly really think that each card this weak is a great card, design wise. (Normally I am tough critic right but I like all of the cards they all have unique gameplay ideas, cool effects and most of them are playable in both Arena and constructed.
 I have to find faults, its probably that its a lot more class cards this team then neutral cards. That is better for constructed I think that gives more of an unique gameplay and more flare, while maybe limiting some decks I suppose to constructed. Hmm I do limit more as they aren't in neutral some cards, but on the same time some cards cant be in neutral they can be more fun, more exciting if they are only for a class.
 However, arena wise, its better with more new neutrals as that even outs the deck more, also it balance it more if you have a hard counter to a top class and give it to 1 class right thats not balancing the arena as much, of course that game is not designed to balance arena (at all), but what I am saying is that after all cards are out. I think we are gonna see even more imbalance in arena as this time its twice as many class cards and by that almost half of the neutral as last time + there is a legendary neutral per wing, so its actually not many new neutrals to play with. That means some classes will get stronger cards for arena while some does not, simple as that.
 Lol just look at this its 1 dam neutral rare card 1 legendary and rest class cards;) The last wing is actually 5 neutral only so it will take some time until we get to play with the backbone of the new cards in arena.

To the cards, what I have done like last wing expansion is that I have got all the cards, played some new decks(actually I just play Mill Rogue a lot;) but yeah I have done like 30 arena runs or so, with only picking all the new cards of course and then picking the classes who got new cards first and fore most e.g Mage and picking every dam Dragon Breath I ever got and they yeah that sucked.

Hunter class card for the Blackrock Depths wing: Quick Shot

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Not a bad card, but a good card. Its like how I wrote in my analyze of Dark bomb. 3 damage for 2 mana is not fantastic, it a bad frost bolt. But, removal in Arena is golden. This is a card that will get you board control clearly so you can deal damage to them and then win later with your class ability. SO I pick this card a lot, its a pretty high actually on the Hunter picks as Hunter don't have any good single target removal, you have the aoe stuff like explosive and multi. And the weaker Arcane shot that wont make it for the most time and random stuff like Dearly shot(multi is both aoe and random and requires a condition of 2 ore more enemies...). So this card is compared most to I guess Cobra Shot that also does 3 damage and 3 to their face but cost 5 and is a horrible arena card as the damage is often w.e and the removal then is so horrible.
 Basically this card would suck if it was for a mage but is pretty spot on for a hunter. Even do the ability never will happen. First of all this card will do the most early game, so clearly the ability wont be triggered then. But sometimes it does happen like top decking when trying to end someone and then the 3 damage and a new card is actually amazing for the most part. So yeah a pretty good card actually. Mainly as it fits for something the hunter lacked, single target aimed removal with some damage.
 One way to see it is that its just a better Dark Bomb and Dark bomb is a good pick as well just to get more removal. Simple straight forward removal has a lot of value in arena.

For constructed I also like this card, its the face hunter spam damage dream I suppose. Not so much to say about it more then that.
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I have done 6 mages run this week and this card disappointed me each run, each game.
The concept of cost less per death is something I seen in otehr games and here it comes for a few new Hearthstone cards, but fist of all the Druid one is a lot more tempo. getting a big guy out cheap, same with the Volcanic Dragon. This card usually goes down to 2 mana cost at best meaning its just a Flame Canon that you can aim(which might be bad but regardless, that is not good as flame canon is more safe as it always cost 2 and this card might cost 2 it also might cost less but in most games it does cost 3.

In constructed you can board wipe bigger boards, its a lot of token guys and just generally stuff stays on the field. So I can say right now I don't think the other cards either will be that super good in arena. I tested this card a lot and its just rare to get more then 1 minion killed by trading your own into it. Thats what you get for the most time so thats 3 mana cost. If you wanna keep full board and don't lose stuff, what you do is e.g frost bolt X and then play  this to kill Y. Not losing your W and Z minions. But t hat means it will cost 4 mana which is horrible, really horrible.

People say stuff like but tis really good after flamestrike, well most of the time after flamestrike nothing is alive anyway...So its good in the rare cases when you can kill 5 stuff with you flamestrike, not 5!!! and  then you can Dragon Breath an Ogre or something that didn't die. If its 10 mana to flame and then having 3 mana left to use this its not a massive tempo play anyway. Its just is not. Its super good to flamestrike and get tide of the last big guy at turn 7, but it really does mean the enemy has to have 6 minions...which is just never happening in arena. Or you have to sacrifice your minions into their big one to get the cost down but then likely, you will kill them anyway. So its just so redundant.
 I have tried this card in so many different games and it just never turns out fanstic in arena. Like I said at best it goes down to like 2 mana, which means its just a flame canon that I coiuld not play turn 2. In zero of my games, truly zero games. Would I not rather have Frost bolt then this card. And in I guess around 90% of the games I woul rather have a Flame Canon, in a few cases the random effect could fuck me over so I would rather have this then. Fireball then wow, I would absolutely by 1000% always pick Fireball over this always.  Shit card do not pick it unless the other card are crap.

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I love this card in constructed I been raped by this card in constructed, just wow to get the opponent to coin out an injured blademaster and circle of healing it. You kill it with 2 cards and then they just resurrect the card as a 4.7---  this card got maddening potential in constructed. Cards like Injured Blademaster or playing a deck with a lot of spells and few minions to force out big legendaries etc. It can also use it for other cards like Mukla, get a 5.5 again no drawback of bananas etc. A lot of potential great card really. And the random effect not only balance the card but makes interesting deck to be built around it. I just wish the game had the typical Yu-Gi-Oh cards that would put your X number card from deck into Gravyard. (then we would see plays like turn 2 Deathwing with no battlecry)

However, it sucks in Arena, by a lot. Much more then Dragon's Breath not as frustrating as the mage card as with that card its some feeble hope that it will be good somehow, some time, some game. This card is obviously just really hard to get value of right and its crystal clear. Well I guess I shouldn't say Suck as 2 mana to get probably a bigger then a 2 mana drop. So value wise its not horrible. Is jut that in arena you have so much minions an a lot of cheap ones to not die. SO you wont ever be able to control this and it will for the most part spawn small guys. Also yes it will resurrect something of 2+ sure but the battlecry effect your cards got in arena is likely positive so many of those cards are like -0.5. And you cant control what you get, maybe you need a taunt etc.
 Its ok but its random value 2-4 drop for the most time and then i rather just play a specific 2 drop. Also the mana cost is cheap but it can also mean you rather should play a 4 drop then this random and maybe a 2 drop. You rather pay more to know what you get for the most part in arena.
 I think its pretty clear, its a very construct focus card and those cards are by default not to be played in arena.

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SO here is my favorite card, I love mill. I been playing mill in Magic and Yu-gi-oh for years. I was super into making the best necrodecks in yugioh back in the days. I was force behind getting that card banned...that was fun.
 Like I played Ally mill in standard Magic, that is bascily I was playing mill with only new cards and not all the old synergies that allow mill to work. So I would go to standard tournaments with MILL. People were like WTF:) people don't expect that. Anyway I climbing my way down the ladder right now with this card and I been playing Mill sine the alpha right and this card really fits the mill deck. It increases your deck size by 3. Which is great so you don't die from the mill yourself. Honestly yes of course you copy Murloc Oracle for the most part but just getting +3 deck size is great. When I competitive in Yugioh with my Necro removal from play deck. I used a 43-6 card deck(40 is the normal size), Just so I could survive not losing to my own mill. Because it also milled my deck like the Oracle plays. You cant do that in Hearthstone so +3 is actually very amazing. I can make several different mill deck in this game and some of them can survive to both are in fatigue easy but then you could die yourself from that and you could not use draw effects that only affect you then you would just die first. 3+ is hard to emphasize how important that is actually.
 The key thing I have seen with this card for a Murloc Mill is always pretty much always as fast as you can, ASAP copy the oracle. get them in your deck. Thats how you end the opponent later and helps you keep drawing new cards for combos. You can copy other stuff for control as well, like I run Loatheb to slow down turns. So then you can copy him late game to draw more of him and keep playing him. Overall Loatheb has always been good in Rogue Mill as you gain a turn and you can shadowstep him to get another turn. So this is kinda like that, you get more spell blocks. There is a lot of possibilities.

In arena then...meh. Its to good. It just so slow, so dam slow. You never get through your arena deck so you wont see the card most likely. Its really useless. One of my friend was like, OMG ITS SUPER IMBA. You can face a Dr.Boom and copy it and then you got 3 freaking Dr.Boom so dam overpowered. Yeaaaaah but then you have to draw into them and you have to clear him with 7+ mana -2 for this card and draw him later somehow etc. Its so far farced. Like its interesting in Constructed not just for Mill, you can copy Charge guys for more later face damage, copy control card. Copy big guys like Rag to later get more etc. Its interesting but in arena like I said first of all the card draw is so low so you wont see them and in arena you don't have that clean removal so you can just "waste" another card and still keep the tempo going. Also they or you need to draft and play to a big value card then to copy, to even make it worth it. Its very far fetched.

File:Grim Patron(14435) Gold.png 
This is so, so much a Warrior card for Constructed. like its 3 warrior new cards. It clearly combos with all the different self damage warrior effects and spawn more dudes it has an awesome combo with warsong commander and so on. 

In arena its also the definitely a warrior +++ card, sure its neutral but the class that can get use of its pretty much only warrior and Mage. Mage I actually think its almost better with it. Sure warrior got the mad combos which likely will happen. But Mage got the easy, just ping it. And mage can do that a lot. Once a Turn. If a mage get it out and you don't have an immediate answer it can really be impossible to get ride of them, unless you got a strong AoE. (SO bascily if you also are a mage). In all the arena runs I did with mage to get Dragon's Breath this card was always great to get to test new cards, coining it can be super strong. Getting it out late game to shoot at it right away to get another one is very powerful when its top decking situation.

There is not actually much more you can do with it for the otehr classes, sure you can Wrath it as a Druid or something but thats not very value. Its more buff then, buff it so it don't die so easily and get more when it fights. So Mark of the Wild, blessing of kings etc. This card really does nothing as Rogue or a Shaman for example. It however a pretty strong card by itself get it out and they cant play new weak minions which cannot instantly kill it. Its a strong card but its only Warrior and Mage who really can get something extra out of it. Priest can heal it but it still has to survive so its better for Priest but its not like they can just auto get use of it. But Priest also have buffs to make it survive fights, I would say thats more what makes it a little better for the Priest.

Warrior, Mage +++. Druid,Paladin,Priest +.

File:Emperor Thaurissan(14454) Gold.png 

Oh yeah He-Man. A very awesome new card for constructed play it can really change a game a lot. Makes card that can otherwise not be played at e.g turn 9 for Mind Control to be something to be a afraid of. It also helps with all the new and old super expensive Dragons so a very nice addition to the game. 

I don't think its so much to say about this card its not good in cheap aggro but good and amazing in all other decks pretty much. It does however open up for some instant kill combos perhaps, like get x number of certain combo cards to a mana cost and you can just do 30 daamge from hand. Like 2 Savage Roar 2 force of nature. It don't actually have to be out for like 6 turns but just 2, then savage cost 1 mana and the 2 FoN cost 4 mana each for a total cost of 10 mana that will deal 6x6 + 4 damage for a total of 40 damage. Maybe it will be nerfed in the end like it can only reduce 1 card once, just saying.

In arena is not as amazing but, one of the stronger Neutral Legendaries. Its not really better for any class except the ones who regularly have very high cost cards, so Druid and Priest. Especially a turn 9 MC or turn 8 etc can be a massive tempo switch the opponent did not think about.

Priest ++, Druid +