Sunday, April 5, 2015

Marvel Avengers Alliance: Best Team PvP Season 20. Guide for best characters for PvP. Review Karolina Dean

Karolina Dean. 

So another Blaster a lot of Blasters in a row. And she is way better then the 3 before her but she is not that great and well they were really bad so its not hard being better then them. Karolina is fine, decent etc. 

 She also got the same issue that Nova has with that she also needs to build up her ultimate. She cant just use it right away, so again compared to Iron Patriot that is utter crap as he can do it right away and then lose a turn + he deals more damage then she again they do not know how to balance charge up abilities. 
 But it does a lot more damage then Nova and its aoe, so at least is not horrible. She charges up by anyone using energy attacks, making her actually be very strong with Iron Patriot. I use 2 ionizing a-isos (radiation to her attacks, the debuff deals damage and makes enemies take more damage from energy attacks) on her. On the first attack and the third this again then makes her really good with IP and she can also replace IP to be used with Magneto.  That being said Magneto+IP remains far better then her with any of them but she is actually quite good with either of them.

Her first attack is one of hte better primary attacks. It deals reduced potential which randomize some erally strong debuffs that either makes the target be unable to use melee, range or buff abilities. So it randoms out of these 3 and can deal all. It also makes her next attack be super fuking strong as it gives her next range attack massive extra damage with perfect shoot buff + it also will be guaranteed crit and she gains 1 of her energy stacks.
 Basically, what you wanna do is having the rest of the team also use energy like IP. And then turn 1 use her first ability and then turn 2 she can do her ultimate and probably kill them all after IP already done his stuff. In the right team she can deal huge amount of damage at turn 2 which is very fine. She may be a little limited but with strong energy team she can be really good and as mentioned the top 2 energy users are also then top characters in general making her have a strong team potential.

Her issue I guess is more in her other abilities, they aren't particular good just kinda there. Second is a shield that for w.e reason makes her immune to Blind and Dark effect which are almost non existing in the game. IT also gives her shield slam which I guess would be meaningful some games. This ability really should cover the whole team and not just her. Then it would be interesting, making it an anti sheild, shield. But now its pretty shitty.

Her third ability then is a aoe stun and it also removes their armor which is not very good. Of course stunning in general is amazing but people (should at least) be stun immune on most characters so that makes it almost completely useless. I put ionizing on it as I mentioned so I dot all the opponents if needed. Thats make it have some extra utility.

If her second and third ability would be better she could be a very strong character. Right now she unfortunately like many Blasters is super limited, she is a high damage dealer and thats it. But at least she actually can do high damage and not like the other new Blasters who just suck in all regards.
