Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Marvel Avengers Alliance PvP Season 20 Recap


Its not much new to say in this season as like season 19. Kuurth + Nul was by far the popular team to go with.

If anything just more of it and it was very clear to me that the higher up you get in ladder the more common it gets.

I started out at 1400 the last day and did a classic play run up to 1900 as always safe buffer and having to do very few total battles, this is called being efficient and not wasting time before the last day or two, the most safe is to get to like 2000 the day before.

Anyway, it lower ratings it was a lot of Nul teams but with him mixed with all kind of characters, Molly,Groot,Gamora etc. But the higher I got the more common the Nul + Kuurth become and at like 1700 rating+ it was bascily 9/10 battles....so yeah super overly played in the meta.

So actually if there is any reason to not play this team I went over last recap why the team is super bad and easy to beat(mainly as the 2 character don't have any synergy at all) this is by far the most logical reason not do. If everyone is using one team, you really shoulden't be using it even if it was the best the to use as then everyone with half a brain just counters that team. Same in any game, e.g if everyone is playing super aggressive aggro decks in Hearthstone, just counter that even if your deck would suck against everyone else. If you face like 80% aggro decks its worth it, thats 80% wins, which is awesome. Here it was freaking 90%+ NulxKuurht, I would never in my life use this defensive team, as I assume everyone is just running an attack team that is good against them.

I really don't get it, they are not even hard to beat, I even used Emma/Enchantress + Molly all day long and Kuurht hard counters both Emma and Enchantress so I would even have issues some games, even so she still sucks. I swapped to Emma more to get cosmic power on Molly so it would go faster, if I had any real issues with them I would just bring in IP to blast Kuurth away 3 turns before she does any damage.
 Whatever it just the same team as last season just more of it.

Another thing that was new and was super common, like almost everyone used it was the mugin eye, which makes the agent immune to melee attacks. As its always an agent, this item on its own was the most common meta thing.
 And I don't get it, it really does nothing. No one of the top characters that are common use melee attacks or better phrased are subjugated to only melee. I can agree how much it rapes Iron Fist for example a mediocre character no one ever uses. When I talk to people about it everyone giove me the same answer - it counters Molly.

Fuck no it don't counter Molly, when you face the AI maybe sure. But when you are putting it vs a Human it does nothing. When I faced that item, which I did for like 100 games in a row with Molly in my team. I just spam her ultimate which is range and it does nothing. I often just spam the aoe ultimate anyway as it is easier to kill the opponents with it going passed a tank etc. Other top characters like, Emma, Magneto, Enchantress, Iron Patriot etc are using ranged attacks so it has not effect there.
 If it was immune to range it would be like so much better, still its all about what will attack you and plan for that. Right now Excluding Molly as she is uber broken(and not countered by this) the second top attacker is Emma Frost, which she has been since season 1. She has always been the amazing so what item has always been good for the agent in defence? Psychic immunity, especially during the Emma/Phoenix/Psylocke reign of season 3-4 psychic immunity was amazing. Now its not so common as everyone is using the worthy ones even if they are much worse then Emma. For that matter the worthy ones like Nul can just spam his aoe range like Molly, Nul's uses her rune range moves and her melee attack still triggers runes even if it misses...so I do not know what this melee immunity is supposed to counter? War(X-23) is like the only top character I could see it truly countering but he is never played anymore even do she is really good and I guess Quicksilver but thats kinda iffy as he can go past the tank agent and kill the other 2 characters easily and then the agent will be left alone vs his team for the most part so not really. 
 The way I see it this item will hard counter bad characters you would have beaten anyway. Making it really pointless, that does add into the overall win ratio.