Thursday, April 9, 2015

Hearthstone Blackrock Mountain Review: Blackrock Depths

Ok I just  talked about my general view of the cards which is very positive. And I honestly really think that each card this weak is a great card, design wise. (Normally I am tough critic right but I like all of the cards they all have unique gameplay ideas, cool effects and most of them are playable in both Arena and constructed.
 I have to find faults, its probably that its a lot more class cards this team then neutral cards. That is better for constructed I think that gives more of an unique gameplay and more flare, while maybe limiting some decks I suppose to constructed. Hmm I do limit more as they aren't in neutral some cards, but on the same time some cards cant be in neutral they can be more fun, more exciting if they are only for a class.
 However, arena wise, its better with more new neutrals as that even outs the deck more, also it balance it more if you have a hard counter to a top class and give it to 1 class right thats not balancing the arena as much, of course that game is not designed to balance arena (at all), but what I am saying is that after all cards are out. I think we are gonna see even more imbalance in arena as this time its twice as many class cards and by that almost half of the neutral as last time + there is a legendary neutral per wing, so its actually not many new neutrals to play with. That means some classes will get stronger cards for arena while some does not, simple as that.
 Lol just look at this its 1 dam neutral rare card 1 legendary and rest class cards;) The last wing is actually 5 neutral only so it will take some time until we get to play with the backbone of the new cards in arena.

To the cards, what I have done like last wing expansion is that I have got all the cards, played some new decks(actually I just play Mill Rogue a lot;) but yeah I have done like 30 arena runs or so, with only picking all the new cards of course and then picking the classes who got new cards first and fore most e.g Mage and picking every dam Dragon Breath I ever got and they yeah that sucked.

Hunter class card for the Blackrock Depths wing: Quick Shot

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Not a bad card, but a good card. Its like how I wrote in my analyze of Dark bomb. 3 damage for 2 mana is not fantastic, it a bad frost bolt. But, removal in Arena is golden. This is a card that will get you board control clearly so you can deal damage to them and then win later with your class ability. SO I pick this card a lot, its a pretty high actually on the Hunter picks as Hunter don't have any good single target removal, you have the aoe stuff like explosive and multi. And the weaker Arcane shot that wont make it for the most time and random stuff like Dearly shot(multi is both aoe and random and requires a condition of 2 ore more enemies...). So this card is compared most to I guess Cobra Shot that also does 3 damage and 3 to their face but cost 5 and is a horrible arena card as the damage is often w.e and the removal then is so horrible.
 Basically this card would suck if it was for a mage but is pretty spot on for a hunter. Even do the ability never will happen. First of all this card will do the most early game, so clearly the ability wont be triggered then. But sometimes it does happen like top decking when trying to end someone and then the 3 damage and a new card is actually amazing for the most part. So yeah a pretty good card actually. Mainly as it fits for something the hunter lacked, single target aimed removal with some damage.
 One way to see it is that its just a better Dark Bomb and Dark bomb is a good pick as well just to get more removal. Simple straight forward removal has a lot of value in arena.

For constructed I also like this card, its the face hunter spam damage dream I suppose. Not so much to say about it more then that.
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I have done 6 mages run this week and this card disappointed me each run, each game.
The concept of cost less per death is something I seen in otehr games and here it comes for a few new Hearthstone cards, but fist of all the Druid one is a lot more tempo. getting a big guy out cheap, same with the Volcanic Dragon. This card usually goes down to 2 mana cost at best meaning its just a Flame Canon that you can aim(which might be bad but regardless, that is not good as flame canon is more safe as it always cost 2 and this card might cost 2 it also might cost less but in most games it does cost 3.

In constructed you can board wipe bigger boards, its a lot of token guys and just generally stuff stays on the field. So I can say right now I don't think the other cards either will be that super good in arena. I tested this card a lot and its just rare to get more then 1 minion killed by trading your own into it. Thats what you get for the most time so thats 3 mana cost. If you wanna keep full board and don't lose stuff, what you do is e.g frost bolt X and then play  this to kill Y. Not losing your W and Z minions. But t hat means it will cost 4 mana which is horrible, really horrible.

People say stuff like but tis really good after flamestrike, well most of the time after flamestrike nothing is alive anyway...So its good in the rare cases when you can kill 5 stuff with you flamestrike, not 5!!! and  then you can Dragon Breath an Ogre or something that didn't die. If its 10 mana to flame and then having 3 mana left to use this its not a massive tempo play anyway. Its just is not. Its super good to flamestrike and get tide of the last big guy at turn 7, but it really does mean the enemy has to have 6 minions...which is just never happening in arena. Or you have to sacrifice your minions into their big one to get the cost down but then likely, you will kill them anyway. So its just so redundant.
 I have tried this card in so many different games and it just never turns out fanstic in arena. Like I said at best it goes down to like 2 mana, which means its just a flame canon that I coiuld not play turn 2. In zero of my games, truly zero games. Would I not rather have Frost bolt then this card. And in I guess around 90% of the games I woul rather have a Flame Canon, in a few cases the random effect could fuck me over so I would rather have this then. Fireball then wow, I would absolutely by 1000% always pick Fireball over this always.  Shit card do not pick it unless the other card are crap.

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I love this card in constructed I been raped by this card in constructed, just wow to get the opponent to coin out an injured blademaster and circle of healing it. You kill it with 2 cards and then they just resurrect the card as a 4.7---  this card got maddening potential in constructed. Cards like Injured Blademaster or playing a deck with a lot of spells and few minions to force out big legendaries etc. It can also use it for other cards like Mukla, get a 5.5 again no drawback of bananas etc. A lot of potential great card really. And the random effect not only balance the card but makes interesting deck to be built around it. I just wish the game had the typical Yu-Gi-Oh cards that would put your X number card from deck into Gravyard. (then we would see plays like turn 2 Deathwing with no battlecry)

However, it sucks in Arena, by a lot. Much more then Dragon's Breath not as frustrating as the mage card as with that card its some feeble hope that it will be good somehow, some time, some game. This card is obviously just really hard to get value of right and its crystal clear. Well I guess I shouldn't say Suck as 2 mana to get probably a bigger then a 2 mana drop. So value wise its not horrible. Is jut that in arena you have so much minions an a lot of cheap ones to not die. SO you wont ever be able to control this and it will for the most part spawn small guys. Also yes it will resurrect something of 2+ sure but the battlecry effect your cards got in arena is likely positive so many of those cards are like -0.5. And you cant control what you get, maybe you need a taunt etc.
 Its ok but its random value 2-4 drop for the most time and then i rather just play a specific 2 drop. Also the mana cost is cheap but it can also mean you rather should play a 4 drop then this random and maybe a 2 drop. You rather pay more to know what you get for the most part in arena.
 I think its pretty clear, its a very construct focus card and those cards are by default not to be played in arena.

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SO here is my favorite card, I love mill. I been playing mill in Magic and Yu-gi-oh for years. I was super into making the best necrodecks in yugioh back in the days. I was force behind getting that card banned...that was fun.
 Like I played Ally mill in standard Magic, that is bascily I was playing mill with only new cards and not all the old synergies that allow mill to work. So I would go to standard tournaments with MILL. People were like WTF:) people don't expect that. Anyway I climbing my way down the ladder right now with this card and I been playing Mill sine the alpha right and this card really fits the mill deck. It increases your deck size by 3. Which is great so you don't die from the mill yourself. Honestly yes of course you copy Murloc Oracle for the most part but just getting +3 deck size is great. When I competitive in Yugioh with my Necro removal from play deck. I used a 43-6 card deck(40 is the normal size), Just so I could survive not losing to my own mill. Because it also milled my deck like the Oracle plays. You cant do that in Hearthstone so +3 is actually very amazing. I can make several different mill deck in this game and some of them can survive to both are in fatigue easy but then you could die yourself from that and you could not use draw effects that only affect you then you would just die first. 3+ is hard to emphasize how important that is actually.
 The key thing I have seen with this card for a Murloc Mill is always pretty much always as fast as you can, ASAP copy the oracle. get them in your deck. Thats how you end the opponent later and helps you keep drawing new cards for combos. You can copy other stuff for control as well, like I run Loatheb to slow down turns. So then you can copy him late game to draw more of him and keep playing him. Overall Loatheb has always been good in Rogue Mill as you gain a turn and you can shadowstep him to get another turn. So this is kinda like that, you get more spell blocks. There is a lot of possibilities.

In arena then...meh. Its to good. It just so slow, so dam slow. You never get through your arena deck so you wont see the card most likely. Its really useless. One of my friend was like, OMG ITS SUPER IMBA. You can face a Dr.Boom and copy it and then you got 3 freaking Dr.Boom so dam overpowered. Yeaaaaah but then you have to draw into them and you have to clear him with 7+ mana -2 for this card and draw him later somehow etc. Its so far farced. Like its interesting in Constructed not just for Mill, you can copy Charge guys for more later face damage, copy control card. Copy big guys like Rag to later get more etc. Its interesting but in arena like I said first of all the card draw is so low so you wont see them and in arena you don't have that clean removal so you can just "waste" another card and still keep the tempo going. Also they or you need to draft and play to a big value card then to copy, to even make it worth it. Its very far fetched.

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This is so, so much a Warrior card for Constructed. like its 3 warrior new cards. It clearly combos with all the different self damage warrior effects and spawn more dudes it has an awesome combo with warsong commander and so on. 

In arena its also the definitely a warrior +++ card, sure its neutral but the class that can get use of its pretty much only warrior and Mage. Mage I actually think its almost better with it. Sure warrior got the mad combos which likely will happen. But Mage got the easy, just ping it. And mage can do that a lot. Once a Turn. If a mage get it out and you don't have an immediate answer it can really be impossible to get ride of them, unless you got a strong AoE. (SO bascily if you also are a mage). In all the arena runs I did with mage to get Dragon's Breath this card was always great to get to test new cards, coining it can be super strong. Getting it out late game to shoot at it right away to get another one is very powerful when its top decking situation.

There is not actually much more you can do with it for the otehr classes, sure you can Wrath it as a Druid or something but thats not very value. Its more buff then, buff it so it don't die so easily and get more when it fights. So Mark of the Wild, blessing of kings etc. This card really does nothing as Rogue or a Shaman for example. It however a pretty strong card by itself get it out and they cant play new weak minions which cannot instantly kill it. Its a strong card but its only Warrior and Mage who really can get something extra out of it. Priest can heal it but it still has to survive so its better for Priest but its not like they can just auto get use of it. But Priest also have buffs to make it survive fights, I would say thats more what makes it a little better for the Priest.

Warrior, Mage +++. Druid,Paladin,Priest +.

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Oh yeah He-Man. A very awesome new card for constructed play it can really change a game a lot. Makes card that can otherwise not be played at e.g turn 9 for Mind Control to be something to be a afraid of. It also helps with all the new and old super expensive Dragons so a very nice addition to the game. 

I don't think its so much to say about this card its not good in cheap aggro but good and amazing in all other decks pretty much. It does however open up for some instant kill combos perhaps, like get x number of certain combo cards to a mana cost and you can just do 30 daamge from hand. Like 2 Savage Roar 2 force of nature. It don't actually have to be out for like 6 turns but just 2, then savage cost 1 mana and the 2 FoN cost 4 mana each for a total cost of 10 mana that will deal 6x6 + 4 damage for a total of 40 damage. Maybe it will be nerfed in the end like it can only reduce 1 card once, just saying.

In arena is not as amazing but, one of the stronger Neutral Legendaries. Its not really better for any class except the ones who regularly have very high cost cards, so Druid and Priest. Especially a turn 9 MC or turn 8 etc can be a massive tempo switch the opponent did not think about.

Priest ++, Druid +