Saturday, April 5, 2014

Quality Maniac: Marvel Avengers Alliance part 1

Ok lets start with the game I have already uncovered so many issues with. I actually have a small folder of screens shots with issues.

In this game case, I mean I tweet to them, I write tickets etc on a regular bases but nothing almost never get fixed so......yeah calling this part 1 is easy as its surely will be a part 2.

Ok I am seriously just taking one image here at random to start of with a quality fuck up in Marvel Avengers Alliance.

Ok so when they added the new(old suit) for Black Widow it had no time experiation date just a clock. There was actually several time issues that happend in the launch of the latest special operation.

For example this one with the tankard quest(the stupidest quest in history of the game)

While this one has actually been fixed(which is a surprise as they never fixed the time issue of the cryptic quest line)

The Black widow went to a time date like Captain American's new suit and right now it has no time

Another issue with Black Widow is this issue:

Notice how this is uniform 5. The other one was uniform 4.
 Still the arrow to the right says "NEW" it should be the arrow to the left having the "NEW" text over it.

This bug is actually probably for each character and I would assume its just playdom way of saying, sheet we don't care to have real guided arrows for the player just put new on the right one always.
 This would make some sense if the player actually always started on 1/X as then at least moving right would take them to the suit eventually(even do moving left might go faster).
 But in actuality the player start at the current equipped suit. So yeah this is a trouble some thing for the user.