Monday, April 14, 2014

Quality Maniac: Hearthstone inconsistencies Part 1 Ancestral Spirit

So there has been a lot of talk about this specific card right now on the Hearthstone Forum were I have participated.
 I was gonna write about a bug in Candy Crush Saga but I will go into this great card in HS instead(even do that Candy bug is so dam annoying).

There is a clear wording issue on the card of Ancestral Spirit, while the text of it describes Deathrattle it does not say Deatrattle on it. And when it is played the minion will gain Deathrattle.

So the card text on Ancestral Spirit clearly is a Deathrattle effect. But it does not say it on the card, this is the bug.

When used ingame the card will buff a minion and that minion will display Deathrattle both on the side like taunt here for Earth Elemental and it will display it in the bottom clearly indicating its a Deathrattle effect.

The major inconsistency comes when we compare Ancestral Spirit to Soul of the forest.

Which I don't have more then 9 but not a single on on gold, slightly embarrassing.

So in Soul of the Forest the card text clearly has Deathrattle.

Ancestral Spirit should be changed to have its card text changed to something like this:
Give a minion "Deathrattle: When destroyed return it to the battlefield"

Hopefully Blizzard can change this cards text especially now when its been going on the forum discussion about it.

This all being said. I would like to talk a little about my Shaman deck.

As you might know I pretty much never play Ranked but when I do. I play Shaman.
 And the deck I play is actually heavily focused on Ancestral Spirit and Far sight. That's right a freaking deck that runs 2 Far sights. This deck is actually great I got good win ratio I just dont play enough to go anywhere best I got I think si rank 6 with it and thats just playing a little on and off.

However, the deck is really expansive its composed of huge amount of Legendaries.
 Because that is what makes both those cards so great.

Ancestral spirit is a great trade value card if you only got fat guys.
 Throw it on a bad ass legendary get a new one when you trade it of. One of my favorite target is on The Beast so if anyone silence it to remove the Deathrattle they will also remove the 3.3 Finkle.

The card only cost 2 mana but usually ends up giving you another 6+ legendary or another fatso.

Even more so as the deck of course runs Faceless manipulator. Which means you can copy the card with Deathrattle on it.
 It also works great with Divine shield characters, like how the old Redemption worked.

This is me getting 2 Hogger by doubling Ancestral Spirit on Hogger.

But this is even more fun

Here I doubled Buffed an Argent Commander, then copied him with Faceless traded them both got 4 new Argent Commanders and played a fifth one from my hand.

Ancestral Spirit is great in expensive big guy deck. Especially with trade value cards like argent Commander and as it empowers trade, you get huge card advantage late game.

Ok so Far Sight, is actually a great card when you have a bunch of expensive cards.
 Sure you wont hit Ragnaros every time, but I actually always coin Far Sight at turn 2 if I can.

Bam, turn 3 Fire elemental, turn 3 argent commander turn 3 sylvanas or then turn 5 rag, turn 6 ysera and so on.
 Another great interaction with Farsight for Shaman is Frostworlf Warlord. The warlord is a great card as he so easily combos with cards like Totem, spirit wolf and Onyxia(which I play because of Bloodust) and Hogger(which I also play for bloodlust).
 Lastly, he is awesome with Farsight. If u get him cheaper its easy to for example turn 5 play spirit wolf and then play him.

 Another key with Farsight is to not have to many cheap cards and focus on good 3 cards like spirit wolfs/unbound elemental and neutral value cards like harvest golem so you can drop them right away if you far sight them. 

-Well this deck do have issues with super aggro deck unfortunately but it works great against mid and lte game control decks.