Wednesday, September 19, 2012

In the good old Days 5:Wild Guns Guest Player Arancil

So I got my friend, Jakob “Arancil” Pamp Bengtsson over to my place to play this awesome shooter game from Natsume (1994). And I really mean got him to get here------ we been talking about playing WIld Guns for at least a month, nice that we finally did.

Wild guns is a shooter right?. In wild guns, you can basically shoot down anything. So it does remind me of many different old 80s arcade games. However in Wild guns, the user is actually playing a character on the screen, Cliff Or Annie. So I cant say there is a defined genre for this. arguably its a third person shooter, in 2D where the player can destroy the enemies bullets.
One really awesome part is that some guys come close and the player has to hit them, this is actually do create a lot of tension for the player. And its really nicely designed on the last boss of the game.

Well that's a good side of the game. I like games which are unique and good. Don’t get me wrong some people do games to be unique, that's not good. Do good games which are unique, Wild Guns. To Super Nintendo, was good and it had its own gameplay.
Furthermore, the game has this awesome post apocalyptic steam punk mecha feel to it. That is always cool, its a cool 2 player game. It has a versus mode(we tested that out in the start). And its ridicules hard if you play it hardcore.

We did not and finally beat the game after 1.5 hour.