Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Marvel Avengers Alliance: Best Team PvP Season 21. Guide for best characters for PvP. Review Victor Mancha


Victor Mancha

There is not much difference between Victor Mancha and Beta Ray Bill. Sure some of their moves are different, Beta si a little more offensive Victor got some defencive skills instead like his third ability a shield. 
 Victor also got a chance to not die passive like Deadpool etc which is pretty good actually and better then what Beta has.

Hes second move is a great way to set up debuffs, it gives the static charge which is mandatory ability for electric theme teams and it also prevent technology use and magnetized prevent critical hits and avoidance(the Magneto thing) on all enemies so that is a pretty good move. 

His first ability is also an attack and its really strong they are static charged and it deals the crackle debuff which is also a big debuff for electric. Then the shield is also good if they are static charged and its really good vs a lot of melee enemies.
 Basically use his second ability and then is third if they are all melee then spam his first move. The ultimate is useless is good vs mechanical enemeis..

I think hes beter then Beta Ray Bill and overall quite strong::: IF Played with more electic characters.

I guess its hard to say if his so much better, the way I look at is that Victor is more playable with otehr non electric characters I guess but its a moot point as why play him with none electric characters.

So in the end just like Beta Ray Bill, Victor Mancha is not a weak character in the exact right team but he is then extremely limited as he can only be played with like 2-3 other characters and the agent need to use electric supporting weapon and gadgets. 

2/10 I am not a fan super limited characters ad electric theme is more limiting then bleeding as at least its a lot of bleeders. Electric theme is also very easy to counter, one aoe removal ability and they have to start all over. The team cant do any damage turn 1 so they cant win faster either.