Thursday, October 16, 2014

Quality Maniac: League of Legends, Ultimate Pantheon Bug on Dragon

Remember the Gangplank bug?

It was that if you ultimate the dragon it would not attack GP. Making it very easy to solo dragon.

This completely froze out the character from the game. 

Heres a very similar bug I found.

Ultimating to dragon with Pantheon also causes it to just stand there.

I have tested this several times in different modes and it keeps happening. It does not affect Baron so its likely similar code issue to the Gangplank ultimate.

However, sometimes the dragon do attack but there is no animation:

The low life effect, visualized by the red glance can be seen here so the dragon is actually attacking me but its not moving. No animation at all.

So sometimes it does do damage and sometimes not, question for me now will Riot take Pantheon of the game.