Thursday, September 25, 2014

Quality Maniac: League of Legends part 2. Severe Lobby bug that can cause promo loses.

This bug wow, how it annoys me.

This one is actually very serious as it can cost ranked promo games. I would say its very, very critical riot fix it fast  but I have seen it for weeks so....

What happens is that sometimes you don't get into the game lobby room but are stuck in the home UI place. Why this is really bad is because when the timer is out when picking champions the player gets a elo minus and even worse if they are in a promo they lose the promo!

The system has been implanted to punish people from leaving the lobby which as common before but then tis absolutely crucial that it functions correctly. I have managed to reproduce this bug over 10 times in a row, so I also know how to avoid it but it can still happen if one is unlucky.

This can happen in all the game modes, rank, normal,draft normal etc. But clearly the worst is for rank as the player gets punished by the faulty game while at normal they only get the 5 minute ban time (which also happens for ranked but clearly is not a concern compared to auto lose).

The images don't truly give this justice as when it happens the music of being in a lobby changes and one can hear people picking champions etc. (so if I was not so lazy I should take a recording instead).

Anyway this is how it looks when the bug happens. The pop up appears explaining the game rules of lobbying, which btw clearly state is a promo lose if not picking/leaving. Which is really bad as it clearly is not working good enough.

When it happens one can actually go around, use the shop, set runes pages etc (its possible to buy during this time). And its possible to try and rank queue then this message appears.

Sometimes if you get lucky you will actually come into the lobby.

This is were the magic happens.

By pressing the accept button and then going somewere else with the computer, i.e not making the Leaueg of Legend clint being on top anymore is what causes this during the entry of lobby time.

I of course like the rest of the modern society have zero attention span and I will press to go and read/watch something using my Internet browser during that time, especially as even do joining the lobby can go pretty quick if I am a later pick that is a few minutes until its my turn to do anything. SO yeah of course a user will go and do something else in the meantime.

Knowing this I have now started to avoid cuasing the bug...

But it can still happen, for example sometimes I get a shock wave player error from having Marvel Avengers Alliance running using Firefox that will prompt firefox to be on top and might make me lose a promo game. Actually this scenario have happened that. And other w.e program that might take presence over the LoL client for just this brief time frame of the Match found can really fuck the player. 

This is truly quite the rage creating issue, I would definitely rate this bug on an almost show-stopper level. As losing a promo game automatically because of a faulty system can make a user stop playing the game.  Very high level of severity.