Sunday, April 16, 2017

What are the best neutral cards for arena from the Un'goro expansion

In this video I cover the top 5 best cards that we got in general for Arena from Un´goro.

These are 5 cards that any class would be lucky to get when drafting an arena deck.

Volcanosuar a good strong reliable bomb drop, its 7 mana cost is with its double adapt is way better then most other 6-8 drops on its rarity.

Tar creeper, 3.5 for 4 mana, Its simply a senjin for 1 mana less and it has the elemental tag, amazing card.

Rog - a 4.7 with taunt half of the time, just a super good stats for 5 mana and with taunt its amazing.

Fledling , 3.3 for 3 that grows if unstopped. coining this guy on an empty board and they lack removal is usually game won.

Stubborn Gastropad. deathtouch with the poisonous effect and  taunt for 2 mana, I would pay 4 man for this in arena, It forces out massive removal cards.