Saturday, April 22, 2017

[Hearthstone] Un'goro Arena Meta, Ranking what is the best to worst clas...

Now with the Un´goro cards released, what is the best class in arena.

In this video I break down what classes have been going up and what classes has gone done.

I rank the classes from 9-1

But there is a clear difference between rank 9 and rank 8-5 and then later rank 4-1

Bottom tier

9. Warrior  - Still to bad of a class with its huge reliance on getting weapons.

Mediocre tier

8. Druid - Got nothing good and its removal are worse and worse with the new cards.

7. Rogue - Got really bad cards, especialy the petal cards

6. Priest - Got great new cards, good elemental synergies and and overal slower meta

5. Warlock - Got good uncommon cards, is weak to the rank 1 class hunter.

Top Tier

4. Shaman - Amazing synergi with the new elemental cards and got the best new removal card Volcano

3. Paladin - Overal a steller class, the new cards Spikerigded Steed and Dinosize are amazing.

2. Mage - Great Synergi with the elemental cards, both new epics cards are fantastic.

1. Hunter - Just a huge amount of new viable beast, its now very easy to make beast theme deck in arena and hunter was already a very good class.