Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Quality Maniac:Civilization VI

So I have been a Civilization fan for years, I even played Civ 1, got 1000 hours logged for 5. I have already played Civ 6 for over 100 hours and yeah.....

its the most bugged Civilization game so far. The most obvious issue is that the AI is crazy bad when it comes to doing fair trades, but I wont go into that because I feel its so obvious that I think everyone knows about it right away.

I will say 2 things about it, first of all, it makes no sense that the AI is so against fair trades when they are even allied with you, e.g Tea for Diamonds, but are luxuries with no extra benefit, its understandable if the specific AI hate you for some reason that they dont want a fair trade but when you are good friends,,,why is it not fair to do X for X type of deals.

Secondly, why cannot it find an even gold deal. Its really weird how it works right now, so for example let say that I have the special amenity resource Jeans, from a great person. And I want to trade it away, I ask for 100 gold they refuse, here then in the other games I could say, well what is fair than, and the AI would say like 55 gold or something.

 But in the 6th game, they say like FUUU Give me Jeans + 300 gold. Is really just wtf moment, why would I ever give them gold to take my luxury. Here the AI should just determine from different factors, such as friendship, size of country, how much they need the amenity etc. And then say well I could pay X value, which is 25 less then your Y value is that fair.
 Instead they just go completely high wire on some weird pricing, The thing is that if you keep asking for a new price by lowering some increment each time, you will find this value. So if you first ask for 100 where they actually can give up to 355, you have to sit there and try and find the value. E.g I first ask for 500, they refuse, then I ask for 300, that is fine, then I ask for 400, they refuse, etc until I can find the actual value. So there is a determined value they have the AI just cannot find it them self.

 I think most are well aware of the trade issues so I will go into some random bugs I have found so far, I just want to note again that the weird part with the trade is that they do have a Cap price just like in 5th game, they clearly calculate it by a lot of hidden factors however they just cannot find automatically tell you the price.

Here¨s(I am sitting on a Japanese keyboard and cannot find the apostrophe button lol) a simple UI bug, these are usually my kind of favoritte bugs to find in a game as how just simplicity it is. The bug here is that the pop up text when hovering over Theocracy is clearly in ALL CAPS. No other text for government systems are displayed like that. ( I checked all)
 The charm with this kind of issue is that its clearly a bug, no discussion needed.

Because a lot of other times you run into this wired issues, or states where you are like, maaaaybe this is intentional and you have to go and talk to a producer etc to actually figure out what the intentional behavior of the game should be. My favorite bugs are those that are super complicated to actually find and they crash the game or like remove the games memory file or something so even if they are hard to trigger if anyone ever would they would not be happy, so even if its an edge case it has to be fixed. But my second fav is these kind of super simple, well this is a bug, bam done.

For example compare it to this

Me and a friend discovered  that you can play as the same civilization and even the same leader, see I would not mind if you can play Gorgo and Pericles, they both ruled 2 different city states in Greece so they could share the basic civilization abilities from a shared culture etc but have different leader aspects, which is of course what they currently have but I mean that they are in the same game actually is not wrong, its actually kind of interesting.
 However, the game does not seem to randomize that by itself, which I actually think is a mistake I think it should be able to random leader picks for player or the AI of different leaders like that, where its a clear shared culture of a civilization both different places of the leader. Now only Greece have 2 leaders, but if we had e.g Washington and Roosevelt that would feel weird to have 2 american empire civilization when it feels like they are clearly on the same team.

See I could not figure out if this was a real bug or not until I found that the game actually have an achievement that requires you to play with a the same leader as you are and win with a cultural victory.
 So it has to be international to be able to play as 2 of the same leader, but then I would argue that its a bug that the game cannot randomize both Gorgo and Pericles for a game, well maybe it can I have just not seen it but I have seen all other 2x combos of leaders. (I am checking the game settings when writing this feels like it should be an option for that but I cannot find it). You can set this up manually which I found really boring, yeah I would say that is a bug.

As a last point for this double leadership questions I would like to point this out which I just think makes no sense:

You can play all leaders as the same person,,,they just feels so wrong, ok its more balanced if everyone can play the same leader and civilization but Civ really is not about min/max balancing the different leaders. Of course you want each leader to be equally good, but each leader has their own way to win, the game has several different clear wining conditions etc. So a game with everyone being the same leader just means everyone is likely trying the exact same wining strategy which is very boring and actually kinda makes it the game extremely imbalanced, becasue for example here with Cleopatra is a good wonder builder. And tries to get a lot of wonders, well if everyone has the exact same bonus to build wonders, the game actually becomes luck based, having the best start position or general good city placements for the first few cities will make 1-2 Cleopatras beat the other ones each time  for the same wonder, so this would just end up having a few number them doing the actual game plan for her leader prioritizing and the rest trying to make war or something and not playing into the abilities.
 Basically I don¨t it makes much sense, seems like the only value is to play all as the same war based nation and just fight, still then start position would make a few of clearly be stronger and it would be to much luck based, well it the end some massive collection of the same leader could be a fun game to test to play, but it really feels like something I would do once and never again :)