Thursday, April 25, 2013

Avengers 10. Full Translation of The Alien Language: Builder Machine Code

Well it was only 1 comment to translate in this one.

Validator says something that is pretty clear out from the context of the comic as well.

Overall it was a pretty good issue, it did not have any real action but it had a pretty good story and the overall Shield vs Avengers I at least alway find interesting. I always liked how that was portrayed in the animated

There is this other languish used in the issue of Avengers 10, I would call that Marvel Alien Gibberish.

We have this Aliens speacking some kind of languish which is illustrated iwht a lof of Lines. And I have no idea what they are saying but I would assume its simple sentence which dont really effect the storyline. It might be an actual translation for this possible as I am pretty sure Marvel have used this signs several times.

In the newest Cable and X-Force, which I of course read as well as I am huge Cable fan and I loved X-Force.

This Alien speaks the same languish then.....

Look at mainly the 3 sign its the same. It might be that Marvel writers have this languish explained somewhere because it feels like the go to languish when they just want something non English in an issue.