Monday, March 18, 2013

Epic lose: The gameplay Experience of Marvel Avengers Alliance

In this article I will try and explain the absolute meaningless and futile gameplay experience of playing Marvel Avengers Alliance, aren't games meant to bring the player enjoyment?

This article is not to actually further point how bad Marvel Avengers Alliance is. But, more like a game researcher stand point on that this game’s gameplay experience is unparalleled to any other game I have played in the recent 20 years at least. Maybe if I would go back and play a game released way back like E.T or something but this game features Multi-player etc so it really feel like an unique type of gameplay experience. Of course it will end in how much stuff could be improved in the gameplay experience.

Note I do this as a two articles one explaining the disgusting pay to win breaking the game and one explaining it more from the gameplay perspective.
Note2: I always try to sound mature and civilized when I write about game and game design etc as I of course respect my own profession. And I am civilized even in this text even while I might sound like I am using harsh words. This is me being nice and self censored. This game is horrible and I hope no one will start playing it and that the people who are playing it stops playing it. Really, because it had a lot of potential and i was fun when it was new but every month it just gets worse and worse I already rewarded it was the worst system of 2012 and this last season well every last season is just worse and worse, so it has already won the 2013 award as well more or less I think it will be had to beat this game in shear failure. So I hope people stop buying into Playdom’s ideas so they have to change and fix the game finally.

Also anyone interested in game design and how to not do it should go and read my article on the issues of Marvel Avengers Alliance PvP System.

I don't think I ever hated a game as much as this game.
To explain how much I dislike this game, mainly as it become worse and worse which is also probably why I feel this way.

I would like to spit in the face of the people working at the game. I truly hate the persons behind the game. I wish them fired ( I even wrote a ticket mainly just explaining all the faulty coding and game design and asked them to fire people at Playdom....).

The biggest issue because of this is how powerless the user feels playing this game.

One thing that I always say when I design a game(usually the level) or when talking about it with people is that the worst feeling the gamer can have is when she/he feels they died and its the games fault.

The player should always feel its their fault. The most basic example of this are old good platform games where its slippy ice and the user cannot control the character, or rather the user can control but its very poor. Overall platform games has this when they are simply bad made and has really bad controls. Which of course lead them to be bad games. Its definitely obvious in platform games or similar gameplay.
Note: My favorite example of this is the trail and error craziness of some games, for example Kid Chameleon where the player e.g jumps down a hole and will land on enemies and die if she/he don't preemptively move in the air before seeing the enemies. This are those borderline cases in old games but, fun when u know it but frustrating at least the first time.

The issue is because the person feels they got cheated. “How was I supposed to avoid that enemy”. This kinda works in trial and error games who has the gameplay of a more classic hardcore retro style. Today in modern action games for example it is kinda bad.

But its even worse then when its simply just bad controls.

However, Marvel Avengers Alliance. its the ultimate experience of a game where the user gets fucked over and over again. The game is so broken its just disgusting. As I mentioned in my previous articles about the gameplay is so heavily based around Use of Chance it is almost impossible to play 1 single match without something stupid happening.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. First of all, the company behind the game playdom. Constantly introduce new characters and new items, which first of all in a very stupid way as the newest character is basically almost always made to be better than the rest(which I explain in my different class articles).
But, to make it worse they have a habit of releasing stuff in the end of the Player versus. Players time(an gigantic issue I will set aside for now). Not only does this of course means the user hopefully have game resources stored but mainly it means a lot of broken ass shit.
This tournament we saw the ridiculously broken Captain Britain. Note now that I am not saying I couldn't beat him, actually I beat him every single time I faced him. A free win more or less. But this is only since I had to change my setup. I had a team with 100% win rate as always up to around 0.2-0.1 % of the world. And here when people with perfect money empowered crazy status teams runed with Cap B he will obliterate most teams in an instant. Not because he is overpowered but because he is broke. However, I then changed my Agent items and he was easy to beat. Still that I had to change my whole agent set up just because of 1 single character that says a lot.

There are 2 major mistakes in the game production of Cap B.

First of all he is new so he is made overpowered. Almost all old characters are useless if they haven't received a recent boost kinda how the game is(which is really bad).

This still does not make him automatically overpowered actually, I would put him around Tier A if he would work as intended. Which means he is still one of the best as most characters(35/50) are in some sort of Tier Unplayable shit.

However, then comes the second mistake. The people who work their cant program, and I seriously mean this as an Insult take it personally if you codes Cap B or if you worked as a Tester, well I seriously doubt the game has any tester at all. It took me one game to realize Cap B was bugged. So probably just lousy code.
I won't go into the details on all the faults I find in the game which are from lousy they are many. But, in Cap B case its very likely the IF statements of his attacks are done incorrectly. he is supposed to have a chance to proc an extra turn if he attacks a target with some specific debuffs. But, he very, very often gets this away right of even when the target does not have any debuffs. This is probably because he also applies some debuffs.
The intention is that he is supposed to turn 1 attack and then turn 2 has a chance of extra turn. But I am pretty sure they code is written that it checks if the target is hit or not, by calculating evasion vs. accuracy and other stuff and then simply the turn check must be later in the code. So instead of checking if the target had debuffs on before, it is written that first he applies the damage then the debuff and then it checks. Which is something they seriously should have realises after 1 game of testing with him....sadly not.
Then there is some other questionable stuff, for example that he can proc extra turn by doing coordinate attacks(extra attack triggered by others) that he many times seemly take zero damage. He just take no damage for some reason sometimes(it seems very random) and so on a lot of broken factors.

What this bring is the issue of many other new characters. So he is intended to be an A Tier character but as he is broken as most others he becomes a super S tier. Further, making all other characters worthless.

It was exactly the same with new blue quicksilver when he was released in the end of last PvP tour a character that already before his buff was clearly the best scrapper and a constant counter to most teams played got buff,,, so they could cash out in the last days. Unfortunately he is also broken and as many others still not fixed.

QS issue is that his retard passive can trigger from anything. While it is said to counter attacks he can  counter anything not just attack in his blue costume another retarded bug. Which not only is clearly not how it should work, it cannot be solved by the users playing smart. As even recharging can kill the character. This has been for long enough time and still not fixed.
But they rather add more broken things further adding the frustrating for the players.

The season before it was exactly the same, Phoenix was boosted by a HUGE MARGIN! into an definite S Tier character. However, she was also broken..... and already being S tier ye she become GOD S Tier or something. Well that broke was mainly in how if there was 2 Phoenix as soon as anyone died the other one would also be able to use the ultimate ability and the people who got resurrected was very.. iffy. The characters are supposed to be revived with 25% but if two phoenix was in the game it was usually to 50% but many times 0% the character stayed at 1 hp. And if several characters was killed on the same time they would all revive and this could be very varied some got 75% some 1 hp it was very random.
But the main issue was that the other phoenix could use Phoenix fire, so it was very helpful bug for the attacker as the AI was ridiculously stupid(it was even dumber back then). The user could easily kill one of any enemy character preferably their Phoenix and then use her/his own phoenix fire to kill all.

While this phoenix thing was fixed after a while it was still there in the end of that season, so every time Playdom buff or introduce a new character they try to make them “imba” but managed to make them VERY IMBA.

There are a lot of example of this, but the main issue is still the powerless state of the player. For example the phoenix still has a bug sometimes people are resurrected with 1 hp. Sometimes it resurrect more then 1 people many times it can save characters retroactively and heal them,,,,, which is something happen to me a lot when my character is supposed to be saved by hoarfrost mace thereby not triggering phoenix passive especially if its on cooldown. Many, many times for me my Agent is not dead as of hoarfrost then I use phoenix fire which I had unrelated from phoenix or the other character death. This attack will almost always win the game more or less but still what happens is that my agent is then healed from around 1 hp to the river heal and her passive is again used right away...... Which is just epically retarded. He did not die, her passive did not same him she actually got the passive back 1 turn+ later but still lost the revive right away....

So while its almost a sure win anyway as using the phoenix fire(and you have all possible Blasters on level 12) is huge damage deal and buff/debuff etc. Its very annoying and ruins my strategy,

And the game is so full of this. The user has so little control of the game.

This is coming back to what I was talking about in the beginning. The game is a lot like playing a platform game with a very faulty controller. Sometimes your character uses his ability correctly sometimes not.

But, especially is enormously frustrating on how you as the player cannot plan very much on how the enemy will play out as so many random broken things can happen. Its just a lot of unknown stuff.

Furthermore, any possible loss is from the combo of facing the absolute counter team(which you seem to do constantly) and they getting a ridiculous turn order start(something I have described last year how easy it would be to fix and its disgusting a game of 2013 has this issue) + often ridiculous pro attacks. For example QS AOE stunning everyone. Which also cannot be stopped as he always goes first....

But, QS mainly bring a good example as I mentioned earlier with his temporal punch. That’s a typical Use of Chance gone to far. As I have talked about last year, its a casual game to Facebook I know so some use of chance is ok. But a character who the user in no way can plan for.... its just completely random when ever he triggers and its on everything(broken) so the user cannot even just take it safe and not attack.

Furthermore, the worst part of this is that while he almost always triggers right away he dont always. I would prefer if he did, then I could forcible attack with my Agent. Take the damage and then use my phoenix fire. Instead he might decide to not trigger and then kill phoenix fire she can set the passive again. It would be 10x times easier if he always triggered on attacks(even if he trigger on always everything) as then at least the player can have some control over who will take the attack. But nope.... more random bullshit.

And again the game comes back to having a gameplay which has such lack of control and a player feeling powerless. Really when I play the game I very, very often feel powerless I have every character in the game(except Hank, will have him in 1-2 days) and I got an amazing status and I have some gold items(so a decent armory even when I have never used money in the game. AND I NEVER WILL!!!!) I find myself not being able to control the battles. Sure I did have a 100% win ratio until at the top level of play people with super wallets and Captain B could not be beaten so I had to change(if he was not broken I would probably never have lost any game). And then that team was good, same as I used in season 3 end(which ended in high adam so) but sometimes they face a hard counter team.... and its all back to feeling so powerless. If I press the battle button and get into a hard counter team. Which I for some reason seem to do a lot of times(and its not gambler fallacy more on this later).
I really have to just hope for luck. Because, it is not like any team can just 1 shoot a player with my stats and my team. But if they get a good proc rate or some broken shit happens(like every game) it is nothing I can do. I should be able to win but the amount of luck based factors are just astonishing. Because clearly, the AI is the worst in a game since the Commodore 64 games. I mean Seriously the AI is disgustingly bad designed for example Wolverine is like the most worthless stealth attacker in defence ever. He is a scrapper who is stealthed and can instantly kill an infiltrator but he only focus on trying to turn of the tanks tank ability... instead of just ignoring it and kill the glass cannon right away. Basically he is worthless if you can remove buffs or avoid the attack.
This makes it even worse, I wish the AI a million times better so the could remove al the shity proc rate etc and it would be a more fair game( or obviously remove the AI all together and make it a real PVP).
Because as it is now it is really out of pure bad luck one can lose. I don't lose often with the team I had to use but when I do I know 100% it is not because I haven't figured out how to trick the AI it is not because my characters synergy don't work, it is definitely not because of my stats I can run most characters and win. It is out of pure uncontrolled bad luck. The enemy procing everything, the enemy dodging 10 times in a row. The enemy critical hitting with every attack. Or of course a lot of wied broken stuff can happen, e.g enemy reviving 5+ times with hoarfrost mace. My Phoenix passive not triggering.
And of course all the number shityness. The game also features such a huge difference in one turn, so it is always funny how many games I lost today when one enemy has like 1% hp left. My favorite when they have 1% and use power of four gaining 4 turns and then killing themself.

Even better is that mental tap from Emma Frost is removed when someone does power of four... something I use myself when i learned this. Another example of huge game design mistake. The enemy is supposed to lose 50% hp if they attack after a tap. And it is not removed by using quick action moves. However, Using power of four does not count like a quick action so, if the enemy emma or the modok weapon has been used on the agent. The agent can use power of 4, gain 4 turns and remove the tap.....and then do 4 attacks. Clearly it should stay on so if the agent has 50%+ hp and do 1 attack fine no difference she/he will die after those 4 if she/he has 10% after 1 attack dead, well if the agent don't use the first turn to remove the debuff of course.

And this come to the last issue, if you can't beat them join them. As the has has one of the worst character balance I have ever seen. Furthermore, its is based around stats and paying makes it easier to win. In the end the free players only chance is to use the best characters.  However, even the paying user won't get enough bonus(at least not compared to a player like me). And they also have to use the best characters. And as explained its a few characters who are either S tier by intention (or bad game design) or characters who are S tier by broken factors.
It is pretty clear what happens the game has 50 characters and the user picks 2(which is stupid, another issue) that should be a lot of different possible teams. I am pretty sleep deprived now so my math is not the best but I guess it becomes, 50x25 + 25 = 1300 different teams.
But at the top its like max 10 teams who are played. And very unsparingly they almost all consist of the same team. Phoenix is in like half of them. At lower ratio it might boil down to around 20 different teams but that is usually just still the same 5-6 characters who are used combined in other less good ways or maybe, maybe an outsider. But that outsider is still very likely combined with one of the S Tier.

The game is so ridiculous broken when it comes to working characters. For example I tried using Shadowcat for the last day a little with her scrapper suit. Which she can avoid all attacks and counter everything, for the first turns. However, apparently the suits counter ability is a buff that can be as around 80% are going with scroll of bologna(an item that makes around half of the characters worthless) her buff will always be removed before it does anything. The weirdest with this is that Black Widow also has an unique buff from her suit that makes her counter but it cannot be removed, sure her is supposed to last for all turns but its still a buff from a suit. Because of all this broken character things, placing a few in S tier and a few workable A tier, while basically all character designed to be B tier are broken in a negative way for them placing them in E Tier and then of course all other characters who are C or lower are useless or also broke and land in F tier and so on.  
The result of this is clear, there is always always the same team the player faces. It is not strange to have mirror matches, it sound strange thinking about the amount of characters but the rest have no value whatsoever except for stats, so its disturbingly repetitive and truly feels like madness playing the game as its doing the same thing over and over again.

There is a pretty famous book about games, Reality Is Broken. Written by Jane McGonigal(2011), where she talks about an Epic win and how we should make people experience that in ordinary life outside games etc, its a good ted talk with her which i recommended.

Playing Marvel Avenger Alliance makes the player experience one hell of a powerful EPIC WINS. However they are kinda faulty.

I think I must be masochist because while MAA give a lot of EPIC WIN feelings when you somehow wins a 3v1 or a super anti matchup(which is like very battle at 0.1%) the game also gives you constantly weird situation which are epically frustrating. Making it constantly create EPIC LOSES, which is not necessarily a lose(of the battle) but a character dying for no reason etc or an enemy character resurrecting for the 5 time because item x is broken.

Funny enough I never think I have had a game with such super Epic Wins. Because will the game constantly gives the player disgusting Epic Loses as their honestly are not a single loss which feel justified. I have sat many games and managed to win from a super hard position with 1 character left. And that sure feels like an Epic Win. However, it is very noteworthy to realize that all those Epic wins are from pure luck.
When I from my position for once get super lucky and everything is in my favor. My last character might be able to dodge 3-4 times in a row and out live them as they die by dots. Or the perfect AOE attack that criticals everyone and just exactly wins etc. While this epic wins are amazingly strong as you know what an upset they were. I actually find myself constantly laughing at how bad they were

Because the thing is that either the game is horrible unfair and match you up with the ultimate counter team. Or its a total snoozefest where you can do whatever and its impossible to lose. And when you win most ultimate counter battles is because of the ridiculously broken shit in your favor. So in the end its a Fake EPIC WIN. I sat there laughing my ass off from the shear magnitude on how ridiculously that win was, how my their phoenix fire didn't  trigger and I was save. Or for example I had one game today where both our character died on the same time, my character died from attack with mental tap on killing that character but before my opponents characters got killed. However, as we both were running Phoenix neither died, and but got their ultimate off. I was in a massively bad position with basically no health on everyone but I had the turn first, this part was planned I then used my phoenix fire getting them all to moderate low health around 30-40% ye... thats it. And I knew my only chance was to critical and instantly kill the other phoenix basically. But it was my only outcome from that position really, bad turn order etc.
I was to die, but miraculously the other phoenix did psi-blast instead. And then I could kill her next round and win. Of course at this time I was like “OOOMG I won how could I, I win ooo” an Epic Win. But, only for a few brief seconds then I just laughed at the retarded AI as I knew I didn't deserve to win that, my plan was flawed.
But then I condoled myself by saying, well he got a imbalanced turn order so I guess its fair. Otherwise I would not been to that mess in the first place.

And then you realize how shity the gameplay experience is. For example last season when it was dreadful full of cheaters. I was definitely considering cheating as well. But, I never went there I could never life with that myself --- Using only broken characters and item is were I draw the line.

So like I mentioned earlier this is actually the absolute biggest issue, the mental image of that its OK to use broken shit and it is actually just fair, when the AI goes buggy or whatever and does a mistake. Its fair to for example use scroll of bologna(or other removal) to lock Phoenix AI in a Mind link loop or Lock Thor in a Strength spam Loop.

There are so many abusive thing one can do towards the faulty AI. But, its justifiable as any loss is always true broken, proc rates etc. Never is a loss from the user playing bad. Of course it is arguable not actually justifiable as the main reason the AI has chance to win by retarded broken shenanigans is because otherwise they can't win at all, true because they are so bad at programing AI, I am very serious when I say I could do a better job with any of the characters horrible AI. And I am not bragging about my programming skills I am lousy coder and I didn't even take the AI course that most other of my graduate class toke.
But, there are so many obvious IF that should always happen the most prominent one if phoenix can cast phoenix fire she should always do that always. There is only once time you don't wanna do that and that’s when Quicksilver has his preemptive strike(or the agent with the new weapon) but as hes broken and kill if she recharges as well its a 100% best option at any given time there is never a reason not.

There are many other similar situations. Another good one, if Singpost is equipped always use it. Its just ridiculous that the AI agent don't spam a quick action(free turn move) weapon which not only has no cooldown so it can be used every turn. Its a weapon that cost no resource to use as it drains the opponent's stamina so it actually just give stamina, it also drains hp and its subtitle move so it hits all enemies and can't be countered etc. I would say that singpost is the most imbalanced weapon in the game, its a roughly 10% max hp/stamina each turn healing the user further it reduces the users dot damage by 50% from all dots and it can be used for free each turn and can't be countered etc. There is never a reason not to use. Never!!! as then the agent can do something afterwards it has absolutely no drawbacks. The one and only drawback is that the agent can be hit by QS..again with his epic broken attack however the agent will heal afterwards and again as its broken not doing anything might still kill you. So there is NEVER a reason not to sue signpost.
Still the case with the AI is that they use it maybe around 50% of the timel

So not only is the top games repetitive madness of basically almost always a Phoenix team, but a few other is played as well as the game only has one a few character that can compete and again. You have to join them, especially if you are not paying any money as then you will be even more limited.
But the victories are either meaningless as how trivial they are. Or the game is won with a huge upset creating a Epic win, briefly as you realize how it was only from the power of broken shit. Furthermore, you used this broken shit and justifiable by something.

In the end it just show how how Hollow the game is. As the wins are far too easy and repetitive. You know exactly how the AI will screw up attacking the wrong target etc this might sound crazy but really most good teams are good because you know that most common teams have stupid AIs who will be harmless, that's obviously how you achieve a retard win ratio like I have.
However, the games horrible match making system which I haven't touched on at this article (Because it should need no further explanation how retarded it is, Also I wrote like 23 pages on how bad it is here). Summarized it is horrible, you win 1 game and lose 2 games even if you won at a 2-3 minutes. Which further fuel the feeling for justification of using broken shit, almost that this could be the first game I am cheating in as I feel cheated by the system. And then games where you should lose, but get lucky gets a fake Epic Win as of broken.

Really the game is meaningless and will this might sound like something you hear a lot from grumpy old people say. This is something I never thought I would say about a game. But there's truly no enjoyment playing Marvel Avenger Alliance as I definitely have repeatedly tried to explain, wining has no value. It is too easy or won by some bug or at least won by exploitation a bug or exploitation the AI. A hollow victory.  

Which bring us back to the first statement in this article. Of course it is kinda obvious for anyone already playing the game as no one in their right mind really plays in a PvP tournament until the very last days. That this game has a truly meaningless gameplay and why I recommend people to stay very, very far away from this game, until it is hopefully fixed. Unfortunately as Playdom is handling it I assume the game will be canceled before that happen.

NOTE: That I don't go into this at all, but as a new player you certainly should stay away if you don't plan to ever level, this is from my experience with every character in the game and with every good farmable weapon and with most limited weapons sets. By starting now a player has like 7-8 of just time spent in training to level all characters.....not only is the game totally broken the higher level you are(another issue I am too tired to go into) it is also basically impossible to catch up if you don't plan to spend a lot of cash. Which is not worth it as the games PvE has become very repetitive (and extremely too easy with new character added in who are far too good) and an meaningless PvP system which will only leave you with major unsatisfied urges to do something else.
Worst part is I am pretty sure Playdom knows this, no one would ever play the game PvP tournament for not the rewards its an utter pointless gameplay experience I only play it the last 2 days since season 1 to get the rewards.
If they didn't have the character and armor reward no one would ever bother.
Side Note: I also find it retarded that the character is locked for a month. While it benefits me as I been the one having Psylocke before people, having Punisher(OK that did not help) and so on. There is no reason to do this, it only fuels the bad circle. The rich get richer, Psylocke has been so far the only game breaking reward x-23 seems nice vs Phoenix I guess, otherwise she seems rather weak actually since they super boosted Wolverine, oh yeah they aimed for A and landed on S as he is also broken he get free turns when people are coordinated attack...(and other bugs). Anyway, another faulty game design part, the money spenders or super farmers like myself we get the reward we can then easier get the next reward. And really last season when so few had psylocke man it was sooooo boring she is so good, I rolled with psylocke and Phoenix, played the nothing before the second last day was at adamantium(highest league) in pure defence... until they released broken QS and many had him in the last days.
But yeah, another way of making it easier for money spenders but also making the game even more meaningless as its even more imbalanced tx to that. People get better stats and maybe some good character combos, hmm a character weak to phoenix (a lot) teamed with x-23 for example will only be open to like 6000-7000 players. Making it even harder for the other people who were not one of them to get into the next high league.
But on the same time it also means the battles are even more trivial for people with stats. As the stats are even more uneven and the possible “imba combo”.   

I don't know how I can emphasize it more, but just playing this day and yesterday. Feels like such a an Epic waste of time. Sure I got the rewards. It almost feels like I should just have spend that time PvE farming for the Cp, well Ok I would still want the armor but I was in vibranium by pure AFKing wins. So really, because don't get me wrong I had to fight to stay in Adamantium now when Playdom wisely decided to scare more people(other article). So yeah I had to still play like the whole day maybe 8+ hours the last day to keep myself at safe distance from the border. Which spend farming would probably give me 135 Cp, much more I believe I spend like roughly 20-40 min farming each day which results in around 8-10 Cp per day. However, I would not be able to farm for 8 hours straight I guess.

Because just playing this horrid games PvP for one day feel like one day too much. That was 8 hours I could have done something else with,. Some quick math on farming, when I calculate the worst scenario. 135/8  = 17 days and in time 340 min = slightly less than 6 hours and I would guess I played to keep my rating probably around 10 hours + 2-3 hours the day before. So half the time spent to get the character. Still I would even if not aiming for the character have played some to keep myself at a distance for a safe armor as thats the most important reward. And probably just tried the last hours to gain the character anyway. If we are to do some sort of time saving scheme here.

But the thing is we shouldn't, I did it now as repetitive farming seems as fair comparison to repetitive PvP shit. But no actually Farming is kinda, you do it while reading or watching something. While in PvP you get frustrated at how the opponent is using healing team who prolong the inevitable (If you have to duress yourself too this game, do not use healing teams they never, never win in defence as they do zero damage sure it makes the opponent win slower but don't actually affect you positively as you will have a zero% win ratio at defence..). Or of course you get frustrated on all the broken weird stuff or the 10th time in a row someone avoided etc.

They are both kinda meaningless and super easy but the PvP farm comes with a lot of retardation.

Oh yeah my actually point was not to say PvE Repetitive Farming  > PvP (while its true....)

But to say well we shouldn't be doing this number crunching as, is this not a game? Don't you play game for a fun time. Marvel Avenger Alliance is anything but fun to play in PvP.

The only reason are the rewards and even after doing this math, and I have consider it many times before I have to admit its just my pure perfectionist completeness behavior, I want all characters. And when I have 49/50 characters yeah-_- then I definitely want to get x-23 as soon as possible to complete my set. I am definitely not playing that part of the game because its fun.  Because it is not fun its just a meaningless hollow horrid experience which I honestly regret now. I would rather have done anything else than playing those hours and instead let those hour be played out in the more enjoyable repetitive for the millionth time farm resource game time. Still sadly while saying so, knowing myself I probably will do it again as I will have every character...except the new otherwise. Hmm I also used my last gold to invest in extra pvp armory bonus to easier win, something I regret slightly but mainly I wanted to do the math for what the difference would be adding a few and some more etc so that was ok. What I mean is it kinda strand me on a place where I am clearly extremely strong in PvP from just characters and then having a decent(not maxed by far) armory it would be like wasting that gold if I didn't use it more than once. Hmm Another reason why you should not play Marvel Avenger Alliance especially not the PvP system or even worse set money in the game so they think they got a good system.

In the end this horrid gameplay is not even worth the rewards. Especially now when the game has released one of every class as a power suit, there will be little no none incitement to play the game anymore at all (they might release a power suit of generalist which would be really stupid but not surprising and it would very likely be overpowered).

I will try my absolute best to not waste one second playing Marvel Avengers Alliance. I will probably make sure I get whatever reward they have at the power level I guess, or try a quicky towards adamantium as I usually am around their in defence I guess. But then it will be for just a few hours and more of the novelty of not having played the game for some time and laughing at the new broken stuff, that is actually a very good point to note. I would never have bared to play this epic constant lose fest if I had played any PvP during the time of the tourny. Taking a 4-5 week break between playing the game is the only way to stay sane(this is not even a joke it has been like this for each tourney for me, the first one I did play it during the whole it and was kinda funny, retarded hard to get deadpool but then the pvp battles were still slightly fun then after like 2 weeks it got dead as Emma Frost was in 100% of the games and since then a month break and then the last 2-3 days for a rush up is the only thing I would bare in this epic boredom. )


Don't play Marvel Avenger Alliance especially not the games PvP.
I hope that as many players as possible quite so that they finally fix PvP, hopefully making it actual Player vs Player that has huge potential and right there all proc stuff etc can be removed.

A win would matter.

Like it is now, the gameplay experience is either a complete utter meaningless charade where the player can't lose. Or its a very frustrating uncontrolled game where the player is very powerless. Whatever the player does she/he will still lose as there are no strategies options or the game literally cheats and ignores what strategy that should have worked.  

SideNote: Also remove the need for an Agent. The user should have the option of going with 3 Marvel HEROES! I always hated the agent(most people will still run agent as the agent is the best character). But make the Agent always gain Experience even when not in the team for both PvP and PvE which will prevent users from killing themself etc to gain lower exp as it won't matter they always get full.
- OMG just always giving the agent full exp would help prevent another broken issue,,,This took me like 5 sec to come up with and I am 100% sure it is better than how it is now. Come on Playdom try to fix stuff for a change before adding in more untested broken crap. .