Then now I am gonna make a review of the actual game. I have read other articles about it and poorly most of them really stinks they write to much about the game producers and why the game should be changed because they want something new etc but always gives it a good grade in the end.
Yes strange I have the game so I know its good but still I want to know why it gets grade like 8/10 thats a good grade but they dont even say the game is good. And what about actually writing down how the new characters works that I what I want to read.
-ok I knew this review could have gone out earlier but I dont get the games for the release poorly and I just got stuck in school to much,,,,
So this is the most famous fighting games sequel its a good game for both beginners and expert players as its very easy to get the hang how to play and what the goal is something that is usually good in games. So I am not gonna go in how the basic works as I hope everyone knows.
The super version is good as the the former was nice to. But one thing I think its lack new feature. And by that I mean I am really disappointed how there is nothing new in the actual core game play. Sure its a lot of new characters, coming to those guys soon. But they should have come up whit something new. 4 gave us things like Focus. Which is awesome game mechanic gives different tactics combos etc. I really think they should have made a new in game mechanic instead of throwing in stuff like car crash that was just lazy. And the barrel thing is just boring. SO the only thing we get is new characters.
The new chars are Hakan and Yuri and old reruns are Cody, Guy, Dudley, Makato Ibuki.
First Hakan is really bad not only is the design awful game wise he is a misery like a bad zangief that feels very underpowered against almost every other char. I have played over 100 games online and have yet to ever c anyone play him. Well I still havent meet Abel, C Viper, El fuerte, Rose and Gen. And I have only played 1 other person who play Cody. This overall is something seen in all fighting games online where some are widely more popular for example Ryu/Ken/Akuma in ssf4 but it still feels a little fail if no one plays the complete newest char. I think it its because he gives the feel of a bad zangief worse throws easier to prio over and to goofy design. Yuri on the other hand is nice funny to play nicely done combos and her "fireball" attack can go in different angels makes its more interesting then most normal chars but they already used it in Gouken so.. not that fresh. Her down kick from air like akuma. Her spin works more or less like tatsumaki attack so... it was ok that they used the same attacks for back in the 90s but today 2010 they have lost there creativity. Well never the less she is fun to play with.
Other reworks are Cody. Cody is very intresting with his knife which he can pick up I love that more dynamic. And he can fake shot, mind trick. Poorly he got an sickly hard time against shoters chars like Akuma and they havent give him anything to avoid attacks. I just dont get it. Zangief got his spin, Dudley and balrog can run through Guy can easily jump over and under etc. Makoto cant but she got an enormous pressure combos in close. Cody got like an overall good stats in everything so he dont peak in close so you still lose to some character in close to and you have to chase them....only good part is that each win feels more rewarding. Thats why I personally play him but I am regretting I dident pick upp Guy or Ibuki I wouldn't have so hard time with shooters then.
Guy is a very fast char and his running attack can be used in different follows like slide or an attack that jumps over fire balls good fore mind games and he is great in the air he dont have the normal air throw but a powerful quarter punch that becomes a throw. Guy is a great addition to as Cody he is nothing like any other chars in the game and he got great tactical jutsus which makes it a lot more interesting Same goes for makoto she depends on high pressure and close combat no moves look like any etc Ibuki is a pretty tricky char to with low going throw air shot. These 4 chars I like they all got that unique touch I want in fighter chars which otherwise always is SF major seat back. Interestingly enough they are all old so I just say that guy who designed this ones he should have got free design to do the new in sf4 and super. Well to Hakans defense he is actually pretty interesting jump air throw thing and one funny ultra so....
Another issue with the game itself then its that I dont find it balanced enough I expect better from SF as most chars are so similar and compared to game like Blazblue. Like I said before I cant understand how they planned out chars like Cody compared to other chars that need to chase I guess they found it balanced as he can throw rocks making some char chase him.
Many set ups have a strange prioritizing ranking to. Its very unclear why some chars go first especially when its often the characters who can fireball for example Ryu dragon punch seems to almost go before anything. Another problem that is clear, is the obvious boredom that very few chars is played I believe this is because they are very similar in SF paradoxically enough most char used like I said before char the same moves, no fun blankas, E honda etc so that problem boils down to that people suck and only know how to play Ryu or people with the same move set.
In the end I still have to give the game a solid 9/10 looking at the game itself ignoring the fact is a sequel etc. Then it got solid game play very nice characters good music nice graphics and the most important factor it feels cool to play it you want to be the character pounding the other one is always an awesome feel to get a ultra finish.
But looking at the game compared to its predecessor and relative to other fighting games I cant give it more then a 6 and thats being generous honestly. To many chars are alike 50% of the games sometimes when I am in a bad mood it feels like the same characters over and over again. The game dident bring anything new to the fighting genre at all just 2 new chars and pretty boring ones. I really hate like I said before how the new chars aren't more original and requires more tactical play style like the reused chars so good they put them in at least. I probably will go back to play other fighting games a lot more only real thing that keeps me playing SF over other fighting games is that SF there is chance for money I so much wished that other games was big to...Can only hope that MVC3 will have a serious E-sport fame.