Sunday, August 23, 2015

Marvel Avengers Alliance: Best Team PvP Season 23. Guide for best characters for PvP. Review Spider-Man Noir

First of all I am sitting here on a really bad laptop as I just got a new job so I wont update the tier list for now. Of the new characters, Spider-Man Noir, Ant Man and I guess Hyperion(I got him pretty fast). Hyperion is the best by far. He is actually very solid. Ant Man is near useless as Hank Pym and Noir is another Spider-man clone who brings nothing to the game except counter Stealth guys. For example Gwen who just got released looks much more interesting with her aoe quick action webbing that will support her team a lot.

I don,t think its much to really say about Spider-Man Noir. He is like most other Spider-Man characters not very strong. I went over this with the absolute worst of them Ultimate Spider-man as the base of them all are normal 616 Peter Parker Spider-man of course they will suck as hes been a bad character for over 2 years.

Spider-man Noir is not a very good character. First of all hes extremely unoriginal. Like the other Spider character he has pretty much the exact type of set up. First a single target attack that adds webbed and + debuff, in his case its flanked. Which is pretty good, better then for example Spider-Gwen with exhausted.
Like all other he has a finish move but I honestly don't know why they put him with so many finisher its like he has 3 type of finisher or 1 weak build up and 2 finisher which is really redundant. Because of this his passive becomes really important to determine his strength as he wont beat Spider-man or Superior(or what I can see right now Gwen or Girl) with those pretty crappy skills.

So first of all he has one finisher which like the other spiders(excluding superior) is improved if the target is webbed, this means he kinda needs more spiders to be good. Quite obvious. One thing that I been reflecting over about this and why all of them kinda suck is how webbing just add more debuffs up to 3 times instead of also stacking as a damage effect, to my knowledge at least having a higher webbing effect does not increase this finisher damage and that would be a huge improvement for the spider team ups.
 Then his ultimate also is a finisher..and his third is a set up. So he needs to set up with 1 then 3 then 4. And the second is useless? I honestly don't get the point of him having such a redundant set of skills. His passive counter is also a completely other 5th ability so it does not set up either of his finisher.

 But its not like the other Spiders really have any good abilities for that matter. To measure Noir is then to look at his passive. I talked about this in my last article. He has a very similar feel to Union Jack. He only preemptively counter certain attacks and when he does its quite the strong counter. Its in fact a formidable high damage preemptively move.
 However,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it only does it towards Stealth!!!

Its really fucked up if you ask me. It should be 100% to always preemptively counter Stealth and a chance to counter normal attacks. Right now its 100% vs stealth so yes, he is really good vs for example Quicksilver and in general against character who has only stealth moves like Nightcrawler, Invisible women etc and infiltrator if they get their class buff. So....actually he should have been a Tactician and not a Generalist just so he could give the infiltrator their buff.
 This passive is then really, really good vs specific characters and otherwise 100% useless vs anyone else. Really weird and clunky passive.

He also has a self coordination passive like many other characters, namely Union Jack. Did I mention hes like Spider-man fusion Union Jack. Yeah hes extremely unoriginal.

Lastly he also has the chance to avoid attack like Spider-man and ultimate spider-man because of this he is quite better then Superior Spider-man who for whatever reason lacks the spider sense. But otherwise he is really uninteresting to play with. He basically does nothing then any other Spider-man cant do except then that he will own any Stealth character. Which in this current meta means he at least counters the Star-Lord X Quicksilver team.

Pretty bad character and very unoriginal a 3/10.