Before I rank the isos I want to just point at this Pinnacle of bad user experience design.
You know I think this is funny sad. Because in the game biz, its really hard to get a job specially as a UX designer it usually requires the most work experience. So I really wonder who does the Marvel Avengers alliance UX design as,,,,its so bad, I mean really how the fuck were they thinking.
This filter thing is so badly designed I don't know what to say.
First of all these new augmented iso both share colors and symbols making it really hard to find the one you want in the inventory.
Why is it sword symbol for magic attack or range btw...
Update: looking at this again ... its even dumber then I fist thought. For example
the unarmed 3 CPs isos are blue, they got a sword like the other as a symbol which makes no sense, even dumber then its that there is a blue fisted iso why not use the same symbol? For unarmed. I mean sure the color could be different but clearly they already have had someone done the graphics for other symbols then explosion, cross-hair and sword.
Note: That there is a red sword iso for gold(Vorpal) so not like they wont mix symbols for gold/Cp
It really makes no sense its 2 brown...(and 2 red etc)
Ground attacks cant cit or something? I know they can in-game seems they just forgot to add the 20 CP that would increase critical hit for ground attacks?
But the really issue is this this filter system, they show case they don't understand how humans interact with this game at all.
Really, now look careful on this 2 images. Why the fuck cant I search for Iron Fist isos, when I know one to exist. Even worse why cant I filter the system and get all the Generalist isos or other classes.
This filter system don't let the user get specific characters to find and not even classes, truly retarded works here.
What you have to is filter by the specific name if the iso.
There is no way, just no way that a normal sane person will remember the specific name of Iron Fist iso, that it starts with Masterful. Yes the Iron First example right now is bad because its so few character specific but let say each had on. Thats almost a 100 isos and then it could be another 100 isos who are class easy to remember the specific name. But really, the user will not remember it because they don't know it in the first place. Let say you want to buy the Iron Fist one, you write in Iron likely to filter the Iron Fist and Iron Man isos... you don't try and find the name of their specific isos. Also, there is no filter in the equipment place only at the shop, ok the filter wouldent have helped much anyway but if it was a good filter system why not have it at the equipment place and for god sake one at the team page so when I want to go to Agent Venom or w.e I don't have to scroll trough 11 pages.
This beyond stupidity, Good Job Playdom. Really excellent design here.
But ok, Lets look into the augmented isos. As I expected most of them just like the empowered isos has little to no worth.
First of all
all the CP ares obviously pretty bad but the pure dmg one which also cost the most is clearly good to have then nothing as its a damage increase, however not that this increase is very very small so its absolutely not worth 30 cp unless if you have all characters.
Secondly, the unique augmentation are of course also in almost all cases(so far what we have seen yes) better then then the cp and gold ones.
For example the new Union Jack one make him right away get 2 buffs as he can attack a flank target, gives teh same effect as facing an infiltrator.
Lets take a look at the gold ones.
I am gonna rank them here on which one should be bought first.
The top 2 are Sorcerous and Cooperative.
With Sorcerous you get stealth on a magic attack. This is great because it also counts for AoE attacks. So now even if the opponent has a tank you can still it all. Also of course you don't get countered, so its really good for magical tacticians for example Dr.Strange.
Cooperative, makes summon attack quick action which is great it does give them an increased cooldown but wont matter so much in PvP. So this is really strong its like the snappy services you can do 2 stuff the first turn. Really good for Dr.Doom, Satana, Daimon etc. Problem is - not so many good summoners so while a great Iso not the most versatile.
Yes the 5 one. This one makes a lot bigger difference then the other more expansive one especially for your defence team. This Iso makes ground attack hit Air, which is a great bonus for moves like Capitan Brittania's aoe with stun.
As with Cooperative this is a very limited iso so its not a great buy overall but its a most buy if you use a ground attacker in your defence team.
Pulverizing and Ionizing
Pulverizing gives the attack wide open debuff, which makes the enemy take 20% more damage from melee. Which is a pretty good boost to any melee attack. This is is the best one to buy purely based on utility its not game changing like Sorcerous but it goes for any melee attack and the boost is always good and boost other melee users as well so its much more boost then a iso which only boost one characters attack. Because it goes to all melee its the most usable iso its not limited like the others.
Ionizing gives an energy attack the radiation dot. This like Pulverizing also boost energy attacks, so its boost the whole team(there are less energy teams then melee but still) it also gives the dot ofc. So this as well is a decent damage increase. You can set it on an AoE attack make the attack be like Iron patriot. And the radiation dot stacks, this is probably the best damage increase iso.
A slash attack now has ignore defence, this one is
actually...really bad right now but in theory its decent at least. Because most good slashers like War already has Vorpal
blades(adamantium), not a good buy at all but in theory its better then
other isos.
Both Pugilist and Pulverizing boost martial
artist. But puglist is more limited as it requires first another ability
to have the combo set up attack. The iso would be much better if it set up Combos instead of exploitation.
Psychic attacks gain the debuff weak mind, which boosts later psychic attack. A great augmentation for Emma Frost ultimate(which kind of makes it the first buy). This one is a good damage boost iso but limited to only a handful of characters using psychic
Pretty much the same as maddening but for ranged moves instead of psychic more usable as there is a lot more characters who can use this. But the effect in itself is not as easy to use as with physic attack.
Honestly I am little thorn, this could be a little higher in some teams. But like Maddening and Automation(below), Vorpal etc. Its a pure damage boost and this might be removed and so on. So its never gonna be a game changer like the best augmented isos. Its jut that its more damage then the CP ones.
Better then the CP ones. Gives tech attacks grantinh the user tech upgrade like with Bishop. However, just like with Bishop its not a great boost. If it at least was to allies it would be good.
Not worth 15 gold. Unless you truly want to min max.
Gives the attack cant miss. ..... ATTACKS can still miss. From the cube and other passive stuff, this makes this one by really bad as everyone uses the cube.
Its also limited to Gun attacks.
Gives a buff the energize effect of Emma's buff. Which is stamina for everyone.
USELESS. Completely useless. I guess its better then the CP ones as they are all only made for attacks(gj on the creativity Playdom), how often do you go out of stamina? I have written a lot about how the stamina resource is so pointless for PvP.
But yeah sure it usable in pve but ho want to pay gold for easier pve.