Thursday, May 16, 2013

Starcraft 2 Melee Map showcase: RockSan

Rocksan is my 1v1 melee map. It's a 3 spawn location map. SO because of this the map was literally hell to produce. It was horrible.

You cannot copy anything in a the editor and turn it 120 degrees. Which is needed as each player shares a 360/3 = 120 of the world.

This means the map had to be done 3 times, but the hardest part was really that I constantly had to turn the camera to see if it looked correct.

The map is made to have an easy defended natural from Air attacks, as the mineral line from main to nat is very close. Its also quite easy to defend and take a third. But really hard to go beyond 3 bases.

The main has 3 entrances 2 locked of by rocks. An alternative path can be opened to the third by destroying rocks. Next to this are rocks blocking of a ledge with a xel'naga.

The possible fourth is either close to the middle(which is also blocked of by rocks) or moving towards one of the other bases. This base location has rocks on it.

AS can be see in the video the surroundings of the battleground is awesome.