Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Avengers 4. Full Translation of The Alien Language: Builder Machine Code

OK Avengers 4 was really easy to translate. Its only one word which is repetead.
 And you can kinda guess what they are saying.

So first lets just say a few word about the issue.
 I really like this issue, I like Hyperion as a character and I suspected he would turn evil sooner or later before I read this issue. And in issue 4 here, its all about him and how he has 2 personalites.

 Only thing I dont like about this is that it sounds a lot like the Sentry. Their powers are similar and personally and now he has 2 personalites two apperntly and its implicit that one of them is good and the other evil just as with the Sentry.

In the end of Avengers 4 Hyperion finds a new alien breed that spawns in the savage land.

Its easy to guess this means something like Father etc. 

They are calling Hyperion Daddy proably as he wasthe first bieng they saw after their birth.

I predict these children of Hyperion will definitely create a conflict which will make him turn against the Avengers. Either they turn out be evil and he let them or Captain America or someone else wants him to remove them from earth and he refuses. 

Avengers 4. Is clearly all about building up Hyperion as a loose cannon and in the end bonding him to some ambitious creatures which will further confuse him.