Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hearthstone Blackrock Mountain Review: TOP 5 arena cards

Ok so in this article I will cover what 5 best cards was released in Blackrock Mountain for ARENA. Please note that this is purely in an arena perspective, this article / guide is for arena...because I get a lot of people telling me e.g that Drakonid Crusher sucks in Constructed. Yeah, I don't care if it sucks in Constructed I play like 80% arena, 19% vs friends and 1% constructed. And when I play constructed I always just watch something on the same time to not get bored.
 That being said Was actually down to rank 5 last season but that was just because I had a friend who wanted to "compete" in who could go don the fastest in like the last few days of the season. So-- this season he is playing  Freeze mage and got a shitty rank so far, so no incentive to play it. I do like 1-2 games a I day maybe.

Anyway its hard finding the top 5 best, while I don't think it has been way to many good new cards its still always hard to limit down one self, a lot easier question is what are the good new cards, then you can just include all the playable cards right. Or top 5 Neutral because it has not been so many new good neutrals.

But I do not think its interesting actually to discuss what top 5 neutral is except if they were very one sided that each of the means good for a specific class, which would mean that that class would be a lot better, instead I want to talk about the general best top 5 cards which has changed the game the most, either by improving a class a lot or by just being really solid and is something you know have to think about in arena. For example Volcanic Drake its super easy to play and you have to think about maybe not letting minions die on your opponent turn. A good example of impactful card but on the same time I don't think it is strong enough to have the highest impact on the game, like I talk about last week if that card had a lot better stats, i.e not having only 4 life as 4 life makes it so vulnerable that would be a lot more of a change.

So after playing, many many runs with all the different classes and always testing the new cards this is the card  that I hands down can say is so dam good for its class that I have gone from never picking the class to know thinking its a top class.

File:Imp Gang Boss(14443) Gold.png 

This is the number 1 card!!!

This card has immensely high value in arena. Its at worst a 2.4+1.1 stats for 3. Which is high but most of the time in arena it will be a 2.4+1.1+1.1, this is because arena is filled with minor small shitty minions and lack of good removal. People don't have to much 4+ attack minions of the bath or weird innervate + combo shit which you find in constructed. Neither do people have good solid removal that can kill this card right away nor do they have silence.

But the best thing with this card is that its always a good pick, no matter what deck you are building!!

This is something I think a lot of people miss out on this card, see its good for both zoolock and control lock.

Something  very rare, it perfectly fits in for a zoolock (in arena, I can agree on that it might be to slow in constructed but in arena it has super value), it combos in itself with cards like abusive sergeant, Dark Iron Dwarf etc to kill something a little bigger and potentially survive, like killing a 3.3 resulting in it becoming a 2.1 and getting a 1.1 but also of course if it has died you got those nasty little imps to boost up to take something out. Its even better with +1.1 cards like defender of Argus or shattered sunfury where it can gain more life live longer and get more imps  or worst case those imps can get +1.1 to trade with something. So its extremely solid in the typical zoolock arena deck.

However,r its also a perfect slow down card for a slower aiming warlock in arena, it high health body makes it hard to kill in 1 attack so that slows the opponent time to hit you in the face. It also of course creates more smaller guys most people with kill of. So it really slow down the game for the opponent. Its also on the 3 mana cost where cards for a control deck start getting interesting. If you play control you cant pick like a Leaper Gnome, its a 1 mana drop that likely will just get pinged of and being a complete dead card. Most 2 cards are pretty shitty was well but you gotta get a few to survive. So in those cases where a Leaper Gnome is great in Zoo its horrible for your other type of arena decks.
 This card instead cost 3 mana and it has a lot of health + 1.1 health creation, making it really solid for control.

So really it has a very special place costing 3 mana and support the 2 most different type of warlock decks in arena, and its a very strong card in both. By far the best demon card of the uncommon/common picks. Really, its probably almost always the best pick you can have regardless of what deck you are currently building. I have never regretted picking this card for any other card that was offered. The only card I can ever see being better then it on the rarity scale is Hellfire which is most of the time in arena a horrible card but still picked as you need AoE. But if you are getting a zoodeck that card is usually really, really bad.
 Point is, Imp Gang Boss always fits in the deck, whatever deck. + It combos amazingly well with the demon support cards, Demonfire and demonheart. So first and foremost what it improves is the Demonlock for arena.

A very clear number 1 for me. I want to emphasize how much better it is then all the rest.
File:Fireguard Destroyer(14455) Gold.png

Fireguard Destroyer is jut a massive stat card, it has a huge value as it's almost always a 2.1 for card when played turn 4 and incredible strong to coin at turn 3. While it adds another +1 for mana cost its not as bad as it comes actually in the middle of the game were that extra mana lack next turn can be fine. E.g early mana lock is much worse severe as then you cant play anything, such as from Lighting bolt or even worse Forked lighting a card I avoid at all cost in arena it just never fits the curve. Or playing a overload later blocking of a big play like Fire elemental or a legendary late game etc. Turn 3-4 is actually pretty good. You don't have anything particular for 5 mana except earth elemental which you never have in arena and turn 4 the only thing you would have is this card, of course you might have some Yeti etc but its a pretty god range there.

Of course it also do gains at lea st 1 more attack then Water Elemental and with +2 attack or more which his 75% of the time it can kill pretty much anything. It will take either premium removal like Poly/fireball or 2 cards to get rid if it, most cases 2 ore more minions has to be traded into it and it will have enough power to kill them both,.

Because of its massive potential for attack its also a strong late game card, playing it on top decking is almost always very strong and playing it like turn 7+ with something else can be really devastating if it gets enough attack to either be able to solo kill an Ogre for example or at least it with a small minion or flametounge etc can kill a big high costing bomb card.  Its just a very solid card at a very strong timing in the game, the mid game where most games are decided in arena.

File:Drakonid Crusher(14449) Gold.png

This is a card I really like and most people think are far worse, then Volcanic Drake(I put it on spot 7). This is such a solid card, I went over it a lot last week. Its basically just a an gore with 1 less health but it has a high chance to instead get +3.3 making a freaking 9,9 which if they don't have the perfect answer they will lose 3 cards or 1 bomb + still 1 more card to remove. Its massive nail in the coffin type of card and its just very, very strong in the late late game.

That 1 less life for the same mana as a classic Ogre which is viewed as one of the best uncommon/common type of card. It extremely worth it, that 1 life often did not matter so much and its quite easy to get this effect in. Its what I like to call, Low Risk, High Gain.

And its really not to say mare about this card which proves why it so strong, its just a massive end game card, very straightforward which is the best for arena.

File:Dark Iron Skulker(14434) Gold.png 
Now I am gonna talk about 2 cards that fill the exam same type of issue, I put this card Dark Iron Skulker a little higher as if it happens, well while it has a chance to be less good if it can get its effect at the right timing its tempo swing is much better. The best swing of any of the new cards.

This is another understand card but it really fills a great spot for the Rogue. Valera has really no good AoE, she has betrayal that might work. Usually get something but its really bad vs a lot of small minions and if they play correctly they can block of its effect quite easily by a lot. Then tis Fan of Knives which in constructed can be very strong with spell power but in arena is pretty shit.

So Dark Iron Skulker actually fulfills something shes been lacking forever decent AoE. Even with this card she still don't have a strong AoE, but at least she now has more AoE options and while a just straight up Flamestrike type of card would be preferred this instead drops a decent minion so potentially it can be better then just clearing the board.

A very good coin card to remove 2 cards or a late, late game card to clear up when the opponent is trying to flood. And is often just a good 5 mana play, like a fire elemental. You drop it deal some damage and then your weaker minion can trade into their bigger minion leaving you with 1 decent minion on the field, yes smaller then fire elemental but its 1 mana cheaper. And many times you get 1 of their small minions + trade for 1 medium which is better then what the fire elemental would have accomplished, Of course they can have a huge damaged minion which this misses. So its not like its the best card ever but it definitely gives Rogue something they need and currently when playing people never think about it, thats another bonus people are very surprised when Rouge can do serous AoE damage in arena at all really.

If it was an uncommon card I would put it higher that its a rare card is the only downside from seeing it a lot more in arena, but its probably the best Blue Rare for Rogue in almost all situation except really good neutral like Bomb Lomber, but I would say its about the same power as Bomb Lobber, then it becomes more deck depended.
File:Demonwrath(14463) Gold.png 
Another Warlock Card

Demonwrath  is yet another Lock card and clearly a reason why Warlock in arena is a lot better now. They got a super duper uncomm0on card you see all the time and a really good rare card that also combos with the uncommon card.

For exactly the same reason that Dark Iron Skulker is good this card is good. Really not surprising to me at all. I don't think people nearly enough talk on how good this cad is for arena,. Its a freaking Area of Effect card people, AoE. That what you always need the most in arena. I don't know how many decks I have played where I know if I ever lose board just for 1 turn I have lost as my deck don't have nay AoE to ever swing it back. Why do you always pick cards like Lightingstorm even if its kinda of a shitty card, well its the only dam AoE you get as a Shaman.

Warlock do have 2 AoEs already they do have Shadowflame which can be hard to combo in arena and  they have Hellfire which deals 3 damage to your guys. I can see people arguing and saying this card sucks because it deals 2 damage to your minions...well so does hellfire always. This card at least got a chance to not deal 2 damage which if you pick the good new demon like Imp Gang Boss it wont. So it has a lot of more potential. And really the 3 damage to your face, can be quite devastating in arena as you lack he heal you can have in constructed.

But for most games this card is a consecration for 1 less mana!!!

Thats a big thing, most of the time you play this out and then drop your minions. Its a turn around type of card just like most other AoEs are for the most part and it cost 1 mana less then the standard paladin AoE, placing it at 3 mana so late game you can do it and often have mana left to get out 2+ cards yourself.

As with Dark Iron Skulker it would be higher in the list if it was not Rare.

And just like Dark Iron Skulker its a most pick almost always, I can argue for Doomguard better in Arena. Thats pretty much it of all the lock rare cards+ neutrals. Because AoE. Its just so good to have, you always have to little removal in arena decks and especially to little AoE cards. Pretty much all AoE cards except the one that deal to low damage like Arcane explosion are almost always top 1 pick for all type of decks.

Ok so a short honorable mention of other good cards, 6-10.

6.Volcanic lumberer: Like Drake it can swing in hard after trade has been made and it can be played sometimes very cheap for big impact. However, its a lot better then Drake, its body is hard to remove it has taunt which means something in arena.

7.Volcanic Drake: is still a great card, but its 6.4 body as mentioned makes it easy to remove. If it would be 4.6 it would be amazing and in top 5.

8.Druid of the Flame: Strong 2.5 body which is hard to remove, or a 5.2 that can trade up. A solid Druid card with the classic variational play style which is better in arena then in constructed as options are general more limited.

9.Hungry dragon: Sometimes to remove the 1 drop otherwise a strong card, bigger issue is more that its hard to read the opponents deck. I.e You cant really know whats in arena deck, in constructed for example you rather not give a combo druid an extra minion but you can do it easily to a Freeze mage. In do not really know how much that minion will be worth.

10. Quickshot : Hunter needed a good single target remove for constructed. However, in arena kill command already fill this role for most games paying 1 more mana to get the same or 2+ damage effect is w.e so in the limited card format of 2 this card is a bigger deal, still more face damage and its always just a solid 3 damage for 2 mana removal. So a great card for hunter and will most likely be picked over almost all other cards of the same rarity.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Hearthstone Blackrock Mountain Review: Hidden Laboratory

Last week, and the last new cards. After this I will work down a top 5 arena new cards that I think actually will be hard to come up with its always hard to say just 5, when its a lot of cards you want to say are good, I think that is gonna be interesting on what I conclude.

So this week is probably the biggest major difference to arena, we got 1 class card only(that kinda sucks) and 5 neutral so tis by far the most neutrals and they are also all pretty good and beefy cards that can be played in almost any deck(excluding Nefarian)

File:Solemn Vigil(14453) Gold.png 

Ebola paladin or nothing.

For the most part in a vacuum this is a arcane intellect , pretty much. Its easy to get it down to 3 mana just like most others Cost(1) less and that is not good, because arcane intellect is not good. So in arena its utter crap as getting the mana cost down as a Paladin in the right deck can be easy, muster for battle and other cheap cards + hero ability but in arena it will for the most time be an arcane intellect or just cost 5. Really bad. 

In constructed then in the right type of deck, typical Ebola paladin with a lot of cheap costing cards, a lot of small minion to sacrifice it can easily go down to a lesser cost and I guess its a fine card in that deck. Otherwise, I really found it quite boring its only good after a complete massive board wipe with equality + something or in the Ebola deck making it very limited. 

File:Dragonkin Sorcerer(14441) Gold.png 

This is an ability I definitely recognize from Magic, white creature can have this (potential green as well). Its a decent effect but much better in Magic The gathering. 

Why? Well you can play stuff as instant e.g on your opponent turn in Hearthstone. In magic when this type of creature would be attacked you can buff it as answer and then it would get the instant spell effect + the 1.1 stats which could safe it from death. Here the effect will always happen on the controllers turn(or not during answer to a card during attack phase) so its a lot less impact full in this game.

While I been playing this to pretty high success in my mid range paladin dragon I do find it slightly redundant ability as well. E.g buffing it with blessing of kings, sure it gets 5.5 instead of 4.4+ but that extra life or damage wont matter for most scenarios. I still found it pretty good in constructed but thats becomes an issue in arena.

In arena you wont pick those weaker buff cards like blessing of might or other similar low costing buffs are usually to crappy to play. But it with those card is the best, probably the best buff for it just in a plain vacuum is by far power word sheild, it gets 3 health and 1 more attack making it really hard to remove with minions or damage spells vs a good priest player. 
 Clearly better with classes that can play buff cards, priest in particular as Velen's chosen is also a great card to use on the Dragonkin Sorcerer

Overall I still find it a decent card for arena, its a 3.5 like a Senjin with no taunt worst case. Coining it usually makes it take out 2 cards like many other high health 4 drops. Pretty ok but definitely better with classes that can buff it easily, e.g Hunter cant use it at all except it being a 3.5 for 4.

Priest ++, Druid,Paladin +

File:Blackwing Corruptor(14447) Gold.png 

Blackwing Corrupter is really one of the big awaited cards for constructed its a fire elemental for 1 mana less pretty much. And Fire elemental one of the best card in the game, which I think most players now. Thats a classic top card to be afraid of a free 3 damage to something and a big minion. Blackwing Corrupter is very, very strong in constructed I done some math on earlier reviews(on Blackwing Technician and on Rend math is the same here. More dragons the better it is, that is true for arena but for constructed the probability I concluded is huge chance for it not as high as with my Rend math as simply higher mana cost = more cards, more dragons on hand.
 Basically its very safe to assume you for most games will have the 3 damage which makes this card almost a most include in any dragon theme deck. I even went so far to remove Aldor Peacekeeper to get this card instead in control paladin dragon. But that was because the meta was heavy with aggro, if its more control match ups Aldor is better. 

Just that it cost 1 mana less then FE is such a huge thing, while FE has a slightly bigger body its real power was always of course in tis free kill 1 minion and get a decent bomb. The less stats for the ability 1 mana cheaper is huge. This card is actually very strong in arena as well. Far better then Blackwing Technician. Technician is just a big minion for 3 mana if you get the effect. This card is a huge swing in tempo in arena if you get the battlecry. Even more in arena then in constructed as in arena is always a minion to hit(unless you are already wining by a lot). Of course is not always a safe pick but so far I have seen it be huge swings with it. Every game it gets played at turn 5 with the effect is such a surprising massive tempo for that player. 
 Like Technician is a bad arena card as its a low gain high risk type of card, but this card is definitely high GAIN at least and the risk then is likely high but the risk is depending on number of dragons, draw effects class etc.

Its not a card I can say you should always pick but if any Dragon card you wanna bet on this is probably the best by far. 

Paladin then has a small + with any quality dragon thanks to Dragon Consort, this is a really good car to combo in arena if you have a consort + a few other dragons. What I have tested a lot with my most successful Dragon Paladin in constructed is playing mid range and not control. So its based around, volcanic Drake(next card), Sorcerer, Azure drake etc. And then you can swing tempo hard by playing out Consort + a 4-5 dragon or the next turn 2 dragon + smaller minion at turn 6 and so on.

Otherwise I really don't find a specific class that is better with this card in arena, there is no real Dragon Class except Paladin, I do think that overall this card is very strong with other 2 for 1 cards like Fire Elemental, playing this turn 5, FE turn 6. That can be ridiculous card value in a row. But that still a very constructed take on it. In arena this card is essentially just really good if you got dragons.

Paladin +, Paladin can pick it more aggressively.

File:Volcanic Drake(14450) Gold.png 
 So dam strong

This card is ridonkulous, it so easy to play it in constructed. My favorite constructed deck and what I quickly ranked up with last season was ImpLock and this season even more so, the first day last week I 12.2 with implock by adding in 2 Volcanic Drakes. Obviously with cards lime imp-plosion its super easy to get this card out. But I easily get this really crazy swings, have a lot of small guys out from cards like Imp Gang Boss and/or Imp-plosion, now I can drop a Sea Giant trade with all the small guys to clean their side and  then play the Volcanic Drake for free, getting 1 huge guy out and another medium+ sized minion, for most part I am also left with a few imps as well. Its very easy to play with Muster for battle and general Paladin tokens, making it combo with Consort for easier 0 cost and so on. Very, very strong card.

But what I think makes it so strong is how easily it can just be put into a cheap based deck like Ebola Paladin. While it cost a lot, it really don't does it. You easily can get into times when you can trade with your small guyers like with the otehr decks but here its a lot more suppressing and then you can also drop more smaller guys with it forcing them to both deal with a large threat and a lot of small minion on the same time. And its very easy to create with this card.  It would be extremely overpowered if it was 4.6 instead, its only weakness is the low health. Means it almost dies from most aoes, or die from a flamestrike so it can still be cleaned up with the smaller minions. However, most games the enemy board will be empty as you traded down their guys to get this guy out cheap so I found that for the most part its a no issue.

In arena then its also very strong, as most (1) less cost its easy to put it at -2. So 4 mana cost for a 6.4 with the potential for less cost. Which I will say is worse then a Yeti as 4.5 is just so much harder to remove then 5 life. But it can also of course be cheaper. As all arena decks are so heavy on minions its very easy to play it for at least 4 mana if not less. This card is by far one of the best neutral uncommon cards.

While all classes hordes minion in arena its for obvious reason a great Paladin card, you always got the small 1.1 token to die with and cards like Muster boost it a lot. Other card as I have mentioned are Imp gang boss, so good with this card. Overall the Zoolock arena as mentioned really uses this card great as then you can drop it suddenly. Likewise other cheap stacking type of deck is good with it, Rogue is very good with a lot of smaller minion as well, lead by Defias and other combos with that. Not ever seen in Constructed anymore but still very strong in Arena, which also then works good with this card. Warrior is the worst as they got no good aoe in arena(excluding that brawl that sucks in arena unless if you are already losing and its epic) but mainly because warrior got no good low cost minion for arena, obviously you will get a bunch of neutral guys but that does not mean then that this card is better for warrior more then any other class. For example this was true for priest earlier in the game they only had Northshire cleric for a playable early class card. But now they got Dark Cultist and shrinkmiester that increases cheap minion cards and those card are both very strong in arena as well (priest can also gain massive tempo with this + shadow madnesses but that is one of those detail super combos)

Paladin, Warlock +++, Rogue ++  Shaman, Druid, Mage, Priest, Hunter +

File:Drakonid Crusher(14449) Gold.png 
I love this card in arena and I think most others hate it but man its good.

So this is the last new card that will see play form this expansion, Nefarian will be played once in a 100 games or so I guess.

Drakon Crusher, is freaking awesome in arena. ITS HUGE litterly huge a 9.9 for 6 if the oponent is at 15 life and less. Clearly its factually on of the biggest minions in the game by its own self buff ability. And in arena its so easy to get in. Mostp eople I talked to shrug away this card perhaps for construncted its not amazing but in arena. Wow is so eaily played as a 9.9. First of all arena got you get low life a lot. Hovering at 10+ life is very standard. You never really pick heals so you dont go up in life and it can take a long time in the past 10+ turn games. Sure a card that would only be good in a top deck battle is not really good but man is this card in that scenario. Its like the biggest dam card you can play then, drop this 9.9 they top deck an ogre for xample thats just an 6.7 and you can kill it of over maybe kill them, but yeah you can always kill of anything else as its 9.9 is just bigger then everything else except Deathwing. 

And that makes is so strong as it with Blackwing Corrupter it got a very high reward for its risk. It might not be playable for its ability but if it can its extremely strong in arena as handy removal for really high health guys is not common. People pick for example fireball over polymorph fireball can kill an ogre+fireball same vs war golem but it cant kill this card at whooping 9 life.

Big reward, but more so I think the biggest proof on how good it is is how just a little worse it is then the classic so popular 6.7 ogre. The 6.7 ogre has always been the Yeti of 6 drops. This card is just 6.6. that is just 1 less life for the same cost. So at its worst its just a little, little weaker then the ogre often that 1 extra life at such high life don't matter. I will take this card every time over an ogre easily. Its pretty much an ogre that can become super big. Its a little of a win more card, you get the advantage early and can go for face while they have to do the trades so you get them down to 15 about turn 6 but if it happens wow if they cant answer, the game is over they are a behind and this comes out as a huge finisher.

Its not good in constructed, its worthless but its not good. Because people already have Big Game Hunter, people have hex,poly etc. And there its just a big guy with no direct impact. I do actually play it in a hunter deck where I think it works really good. Like tis good in very aggressive damage decks that can drop smaller minions + this one at like turn 8 for big finish pressure. SO it also works fine in like Zoolock etc. Not fantastic but it does at least put out huge pressure. If they dont have an answer you win for the most part.

But then in arena, not only is the life more around 15 for longer times but just that people remove more by damage, with minions trading etc. That's why high life can be really strong. Its a very good card in both regards in that aspect it can survive a lot and it can kill a card like Ironbark protector and life afterwards.

For classes that can focus on face in arena its better of course and hunter absolute should pick this card almost always, over anything else. I think hunter has gone to become the current best class in arena right now and this card does not hurt to have. Play aggressive go for face and it should be easy to get this card out as 9.9 not necessary at turn 6. but like turn 8 + 2 damage then they got like 5 life left and they have to remove it and almost kinda heal themself to not die from your class ablity etc. But yeah, Hunter will have the highest chance of getting it as a 9.9 turn 6 clearly. For hunters this card is by far so, so much better then an Ogre or something similar. 

 Dragonkin Crusher is arguably the best neutral card for hunter in arena!

Lastly we shoulden't forget its a dragon so it can combo those other cards always a small extra bonus for it. 

In my opinion its Volcanic Drake and then this card for neutral cards by far (this card being better for Hunters always then Drake). It has not been that many new neutral but I mean by large margin. Like these 2 cards are lot better, have huge tempo swings and can be very surprising and demoralizing for the opponent. 

Its good in priest as you can survive for a long time and then get it out when on those 10 + turns, if any class will get there its priest and you can heal it so likely wont ever die. That's an interesting way how its good, for Rogue just like Hunter is good as you go for face in most decks. For non control warlock likewise its good, mage good as you either go for quick face damage or long control like priest and gets it out when they are at low life and mage has the highest chance for being able to throw a spell in their face just to get this out as a 9.9 not something you do every game but the potential is there.

Hunter +++, Rogue ++ Warlock, Mage, Priest +

File:Nefarian(14448) Gold.png 
Buff pls.

 I am very disappointed in the design of Nefarian. Clearly he sucks, he has no impact when he comes on the field for freaking 9 mana. As other late game cards he has to really do something spectacular or be useless by default. He don't do that and then his ability is really weak. Making him be horrible. 

For example compare him to Malygos, Malygos does not do anything either, also cost 9 mana is a dragon and so on. But he gives you a win pretty much the next turn if hes not dead and you have a hand for him, that might sound like a lot of IFs, but I play Malygos in my control Paladin Dragon deck and hes actually really good in that deck. Sure you don't start with Malygos at turn 9, probably a Ysera if you got board. So when you can play him late game you will have stacked up some spells, like 1 consecration thats 7 damage in their face and on all their minions.
 Malygos does not have a impact the turn he is played but has a huge impact the next turn. 

Nefarian...just sucks the next turn. Because its not just 8.8 Dragon with a built in Thoughtsteal no he gets any spell card, thats a lot worse. Hes a bad Thoughtsteal . You get the chance as with Thoughtsteal to get cards you cant use like Shield Slam but you also get bad spell cards no one uses. Fun getting an eye for an eye from a Paladin or an arcane explosion etc. Its a lot of cards people hardly use that you can get and with a Thoughtsteal you would at least get much higher chance to get good cards they have in their deck otherwise they wouldent have them in their deck.

Very rarely does he have a good impact the next turn. Sure sometimes you get that perfect flamestrike but he chance is very low. And even so it was still the next turn. Also that its a freaking turn 10 play, with Thoughtsteal you get the cards often at an early turn like turn 3. This gives you the information on what they are and how you might be able to create some out of class combos. You can build up something potentially to be really overpowered. But with this as its so late its also then a lot more sheer luck to get something useful that will fit in to your current hand and the current situation on the board.

Hes just horrible in every regard. And I really dislike this, I really do I think its very wasted potential, I think that Neferian could be playable if he was not just so bad. 

Obviously what I mean is that he could have a similar effect but make it actually be playable. The way I see it is that Nefarian's cards should simply be a lot cheaper in mana cost. Make them like 3 mana cheaper something like that, then you get potential for very strong plays the next turn and there is a chance for an actual effect the turn he is played. Making them free seems a little to strong perhaps because if you get a massive aoe combo or something you can do it and get a 8.8 out. However, that is still luck so wouldent make him an auto pick for a deck anyway. 

That I can consider that the cards should be free of mana cost, I can consider that for the game. And right now they cost same just makes no sense for me, hes utter crap right now. There is just no way to play him outside fun joke decks.

And I really dislike that as we already got Majordomo. Majordomo is also useless but "fun" I see no need for 2 "fun" cards as Legendaries as the expasnion adds so few new legendaries. I also think its bad for the Dragon theme decks, they want big late game dragons but only one of the new cards are a really big late game dragon, as Nefarian is useless. The only new Dragon you can play is Chromagus. 
 That seems weird to me I would really like to see more new Big Dragons so its just not, well if I do big control late dragon deck I have to put in Ysera and Alextressa etc. We have seen those cards already in varied decks since the alpha. Would be really nice if we could get new bad ass dragons for the dragon theme decks.

I really hope he gets a buff, I would imagine something around 2-4 mana cost reduction would be fair. The current card  just feels wrong in all aspects, we need more big late dragons and hes the end boss. Kel'thuzad is really good legendary card. That's something you want to get. Nefarian does not at all feel like a good reward for finishing all wings, paying all that gold and then you get the second unplayable joke legendary of the expansion.

 Obviously he is also bad in Arena. But better, sure he will probably not do much but hes decent big and some card advantage for late game. But of course he is much worse then a typical good mid range cost legendary in arena like Sylvanas.  And just like in Constructed hes not better then Ysera, probably actually not better then Onixya either for most decks. But I can see him being better then Malygos as you probably like spell damage cards. So hes not complete worthless in arena, better then the random gnome legendaries but that don't say a lot, hes still a bottom pick.