Ok First of all they made this boss in a such bad way. Man he lacks coherency.
Like Blackhearth he will summon help which are based on his weaknes.
Thanos can be any class and if hes a Scrapper he will summon the first boss of the special operation as shes a Blaster. Which is then good agianst Brusiers.
If hes Tactician he summons the second boss as hes a Scrapper.
However, as Playdom is lazy as ever. They dident bother doing more then 2 bosses even if they have more of Thanos Liutenent in the game,,,,,,
So if you face Thanos as a Inflitrator for example you can just go with Scrappers.
Well the help he gets is usually not so dangerous anyway so.
Blackhearth was much harder as he also had a passive counter to his weakness class.
Anyway what I really wanted to point out with this article is the order of figthing Thanos as a Group Boss.
No matter of class he is the order of turns will always be the same!!!
Its always top - bottom - middle.
And he last, what this means is that you can set up your team very easily.
I for example start with Psylocke to use Mind coordination, as then the next person will have chance to trigger coordination. Then I go with Union Jack to set Flanked on him. Leaving the agent with both extra stats a double attack and a chance to trigger the others to join in(Union Jack will almost always trigger his Allied force).
Of course he almost always do Black hole first will remove all debuffs/buffs so it can be worth saving some moves.
Another team I use is Ares Elektra, then I let Elektra go first as she got flanked Ares can be last as his coordination is passive.
This team is really good agianst Thanos, he cannot remove internal bleeding, both Ares and Elektra can use the hemorrhaging effect on their attacks to always dmg him. + You can just not attack him when he is to escape and he will still take damage by the bleeding. He will attack when he is waiting to escape but this can still be used to deal a couple of thousend more damage.
A blog mostly about games. http://www.twitch.tv/myrmonden for live stream gaming http://www.youtube.com/user/Myrmonden?feature=mhee for video

Sunday, September 22, 2013
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Marvel Avengers Alliance Tier List Season 10 + Ares and Squirrel Girl
RAGE!!! I urge everyone to not give any money to Playdom until they solve all the crash issues tx.
I lost 400 points getting 3 wins in PvP to get Squirrel girl. When I go for a pvp battle it keeps loading for ever, and what I mean is that the swirl in the middle will keep spinning around and it says loading this never ends and happens 9/10. Started for me last season but was not as all this frequent(like 1/8 after 1 week of season 9). Of course it makes it better when I report this for the 10th time to Playdom I get an auto respone telling me do X or Y even when I write in the report that I have alreayd done A-Ö, I have even formated my pc(dident help).
Anyway if you have the same issue or similar, note PvE runs perfect for me. I havent had one PvE crash since like Januari. Please spam them with reports.
So I have done like over 2000 games this season to get boxes for Elektra. The worst part is really that it takes so long time getting the 5 wins every day.
(I have a ratio from 600-1500 depending on how much I get attacked, the more people attack me the more ratio I gain so I can than drop like 200+ points trying to get 5 boxes so the last days I will stop attack to at least get Vibra by defending)
So before I go into the tier list of season 10. I will review the 2 new characters, Ares and Squirrel girl note....because I cant play pvp(without commiting suicide) I have not yet got Elektra, guess I have to spend gold for her later(got 7 issues at least so)
Anyway scroll down after Squirrel girl for the tier list.

Ares is really, really strong in PvP. I would say easily one of the best characters in the game.
Just need more testing on him from people, likely set him at higher rating in the future.
His overall design I like, the 1000 yard bully stare make sense as he is the god of war. Also that he has a combo of cordinated attack and defence is coherent with this god power.
Gameplay wise this 2 passives are one of the best for pvp. The yard thing can reduce a strong charged attack to very low damage. This includes attacks like 2 stacked Thor, Iron Patriot, Agent with arc system etc. Sure its luck to stop those mega attacks but this makes him workable in defence.
Furthermore, the other passive is even better to get lucky wins of. I always say that Avengers Captain America is better then ww2 as of the cordinated attack bonus. Same for Thor. Its one of those passive that suddenly make you win, great for defence. And Ares got both attack and defence cordination!!! This is easy one of the best passive in the game.
Ares first move is a decent bleed/ravage attack. It also got some synergy with slash attacks which is kinda whatever
Realy were his strenght is in his other 3 moves especialy the ultimate.
His second move is a despair AoE! This is what Death should have had!(read last article on this) a good move to beat phoenix teams or other rarer reviers like Angel. And as we know its a lot of phoenixes. you know what there is a lot of too? Rescues, which is ilogial as she sucks. And she sucks even more know. Despair also stops healing, this ability alone effectly stops one of the absolute most common meta team phoenix + rescue. So its realy safe using Ares, hes also a bruiser(the safest class), well his ultimate makes him even more safe, coming to it soon.
His third ability is intresting is a quick time action weak point debuffer with no CD. This means each turn he can apply weak point to one enemy. Its also a free attack, which can trigger an allies cordination with him and given your other characters should be the damage dealers they can deal huge damage following as he has set up weakpoint(cant miss and critical)
Ares only real drawback is that his attacks are weak, why they are all have great debuff effects the pure attack damage is low.
Of course I would recommend a tanky or a chaotic build for Ares utilizing his passives as they are better in longer games.
Also every character hits like a truck anyway if you max blasters in pvp so.
Lastly his ultimate.....
Pure debuff wise based on that it can be used right away I would easily say he got the best ultimate of everyone. Iron Patriot is better pure damage wise, but if we go for effect this is the best one.
I always liked Gambits AoE removal. The weaknes of Gambit is that if e.g Cap is tanking you will remove Caps tank ability and all other buffs on him but as Ares attack has catostrophic it will always hit everyone. Removing the tank and the others buffs. Making it the best buff remove attack in the game (after scroll of angolob but thats an Agent item so). It also adds in the chance ot stun, clearly game design wise its just another Brusier ultimate copy pasta, but what it means for use players is at least that is an amazing ultimate.
It also obviously means Ares super hard counter characters like Rescue and all other tanks in the tanks in the game. While his passive can protect from any hard attack and his other passive can make for an upset win in afk.
Ares is clearly one of the best character in the game, like I mentioned that hes a Brusier as well dont hurt.
The only thing I dont like about Ares is the storuy in the game.....man he just changed side in a hearbeat also the overall Dark Reign stor is one of the worst game adaption of Marvel comcis
Squrriel Girl:
Squirrel Girl on the other hand has like the best storyline in the game. Its completly retarded which fits her perfectly, gave me a lot of good laughs.
Following this her abilites are also pretty nutty, reminding me of Deadpools wity abilites. Luckily SG is actually playable and not just a gimmicky character like Deadpool.
Still it not much to say about her shes pretty straight forward.
She got a high chance to avoid melee attacks. Obviously making her counter characters who have a lot of melee attacks.
Her offensive strenght lies in 3 things. She can increase her damage with acorn stacks. Which can take some time(not good in PvP).
Luckily her ultimate is a stealth attack which uses all the acorn for huge damage so easy to utlize them.
However, the real power is of course in that its that its stealthed. I been over this before and a real good Scrapper should have stealth. As that makes sure it can attack the inflitrator easily.
Her second ability is also really good as it gives the debuff Flanked of one the strongest debuffs in the game. I am of course, find it silly Union Jack cant keep this debuff unique to him(yes I Cykes got it to....). But yeah a really good ability.
Very straight forward character, which will also be her downfall in PvP. She is good agianst some characters, agianst ranged characters she basically has no affect.
8/10 good story, good design.
Tier list season 10 Marvel Avengers Alliance
Well what can I say about this season tier list which is not redudant becuase there is nothing much new this season.
Its easier to say what characters did not make it to any good rank. Which is like in my last article. The new characters, Daimon, Angel,Death and Satana are all pretty shit.
Ares is godlike on the otherhand
Squirrel girl is a pretty niche character, maybe teaming her with Elektra will set you wining at adamantium as facing a heavy melee team can give a lucky win.
phoenix, keep becoming worse to use as more and more characters get brutal/despair.
Iron Fist is a lot better now and have a top spot.
Lastly I as always urge people to stop using Rescue epicly bad character in defence.
Well what can I say about this season tier list which is not redudant becuase there is nothing much new this season.
Its easier to say what characters did not make it to any good rank. Which is like in my last article. The new characters, Daimon, Angel,Death and Satana are all pretty shit.
Ares is godlike on the otherhand
Squirrel girl is a pretty niche character, maybe teaming her with Elektra will set you wining at adamantium as facing a heavy melee team can give a lucky win.
phoenix, keep becoming worse to use as more and more characters get brutal/despair.
Iron Fist is a lot better now and have a top spot.
Lastly I as always urge people to stop using Rescue epicly bad character in defence.
I lost 400 points getting 3 wins in PvP to get Squirrel girl. When I go for a pvp battle it keeps loading for ever, and what I mean is that the swirl in the middle will keep spinning around and it says loading this never ends and happens 9/10. Started for me last season but was not as all this frequent(like 1/8 after 1 week of season 9). Of course it makes it better when I report this for the 10th time to Playdom I get an auto respone telling me do X or Y even when I write in the report that I have alreayd done A-Ö, I have even formated my pc(dident help).
Anyway if you have the same issue or similar, note PvE runs perfect for me. I havent had one PvE crash since like Januari. Please spam them with reports.
So I have done like over 2000 games this season to get boxes for Elektra. The worst part is really that it takes so long time getting the 5 wins every day.
(I have a ratio from 600-1500 depending on how much I get attacked, the more people attack me the more ratio I gain so I can than drop like 200+ points trying to get 5 boxes so the last days I will stop attack to at least get Vibra by defending)
So before I go into the tier list of season 10. I will review the 2 new characters, Ares and Squirrel girl note....because I cant play pvp(without commiting suicide) I have not yet got Elektra, guess I have to spend gold for her later(got 7 issues at least so)
Anyway scroll down after Squirrel girl for the tier list.
Ares is really, really strong in PvP. I would say easily one of the best characters in the game.
Just need more testing on him from people, likely set him at higher rating in the future.
His overall design I like, the 1000 yard bully stare make sense as he is the god of war. Also that he has a combo of cordinated attack and defence is coherent with this god power.
Gameplay wise this 2 passives are one of the best for pvp. The yard thing can reduce a strong charged attack to very low damage. This includes attacks like 2 stacked Thor, Iron Patriot, Agent with arc system etc. Sure its luck to stop those mega attacks but this makes him workable in defence.
Furthermore, the other passive is even better to get lucky wins of. I always say that Avengers Captain America is better then ww2 as of the cordinated attack bonus. Same for Thor. Its one of those passive that suddenly make you win, great for defence. And Ares got both attack and defence cordination!!! This is easy one of the best passive in the game.
Ares first move is a decent bleed/ravage attack. It also got some synergy with slash attacks which is kinda whatever
Realy were his strenght is in his other 3 moves especialy the ultimate.
His second move is a despair AoE! This is what Death should have had!(read last article on this) a good move to beat phoenix teams or other rarer reviers like Angel. And as we know its a lot of phoenixes. you know what there is a lot of too? Rescues, which is ilogial as she sucks. And she sucks even more know. Despair also stops healing, this ability alone effectly stops one of the absolute most common meta team phoenix + rescue. So its realy safe using Ares, hes also a bruiser(the safest class), well his ultimate makes him even more safe, coming to it soon.
His third ability is intresting is a quick time action weak point debuffer with no CD. This means each turn he can apply weak point to one enemy. Its also a free attack, which can trigger an allies cordination with him and given your other characters should be the damage dealers they can deal huge damage following as he has set up weakpoint(cant miss and critical)
Ares only real drawback is that his attacks are weak, why they are all have great debuff effects the pure attack damage is low.
Of course I would recommend a tanky or a chaotic build for Ares utilizing his passives as they are better in longer games.
Also every character hits like a truck anyway if you max blasters in pvp so.
Lastly his ultimate.....
Pure debuff wise based on that it can be used right away I would easily say he got the best ultimate of everyone. Iron Patriot is better pure damage wise, but if we go for effect this is the best one.
I always liked Gambits AoE removal. The weaknes of Gambit is that if e.g Cap is tanking you will remove Caps tank ability and all other buffs on him but as Ares attack has catostrophic it will always hit everyone. Removing the tank and the others buffs. Making it the best buff remove attack in the game (after scroll of angolob but thats an Agent item so). It also adds in the chance ot stun, clearly game design wise its just another Brusier ultimate copy pasta, but what it means for use players is at least that is an amazing ultimate.
It also obviously means Ares super hard counter characters like Rescue and all other tanks in the tanks in the game. While his passive can protect from any hard attack and his other passive can make for an upset win in afk.
Ares is clearly one of the best character in the game, like I mentioned that hes a Brusier as well dont hurt.
The only thing I dont like about Ares is the storuy in the game.....man he just changed side in a hearbeat also the overall Dark Reign stor is one of the worst game adaption of Marvel comcis
Squrriel Girl:
Squirrel Girl on the other hand has like the best storyline in the game. Its completly retarded which fits her perfectly, gave me a lot of good laughs.
Following this her abilites are also pretty nutty, reminding me of Deadpools wity abilites. Luckily SG is actually playable and not just a gimmicky character like Deadpool.
Still it not much to say about her shes pretty straight forward.
She got a high chance to avoid melee attacks. Obviously making her counter characters who have a lot of melee attacks.
Her offensive strenght lies in 3 things. She can increase her damage with acorn stacks. Which can take some time(not good in PvP).
Luckily her ultimate is a stealth attack which uses all the acorn for huge damage so easy to utlize them.
However, the real power is of course in that its that its stealthed. I been over this before and a real good Scrapper should have stealth. As that makes sure it can attack the inflitrator easily.
Her second ability is also really good as it gives the debuff Flanked of one the strongest debuffs in the game. I am of course, find it silly Union Jack cant keep this debuff unique to him(yes I Cykes got it to....). But yeah a really good ability.
Very straight forward character, which will also be her downfall in PvP. She is good agianst some characters, agianst ranged characters she basically has no affect.
8/10 good story, good design.
Tier list season 10 Marvel Avengers Alliance
Well what can I say about this season tier list which is not redudant becuase there is nothing much new this season.
Its easier to say what characters did not make it to any good rank. Which is like in my last article. The new characters, Daimon, Angel,Death and Satana are all pretty shit.
Ares is godlike on the otherhand
Squirrel girl is a pretty niche character, maybe teaming her with Elektra will set you wining at adamantium as facing a heavy melee team can give a lucky win.
phoenix, keep becoming worse to use as more and more characters get brutal/despair.
Iron Fist is a lot better now and have a top spot.
Lastly I as always urge people to stop using Rescue epicly bad character in defence.
Well what can I say about this season tier list which is not redudant becuase there is nothing much new this season.
Its easier to say what characters did not make it to any good rank. Which is like in my last article. The new characters, Daimon, Angel,Death and Satana are all pretty shit.
Ares is godlike on the otherhand
Squirrel girl is a pretty niche character, maybe teaming her with Elektra will set you wining at adamantium as facing a heavy melee team can give a lucky win.
phoenix, keep becoming worse to use as more and more characters get brutal/despair.
Iron Fist is a lot better now and have a top spot.
Lastly I as always urge people to stop using Rescue epicly bad character in defence.
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